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Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by E. Haffner
on September 3, 2015 at 1:45 AM
Several years ago I became certified as an Interpretive Guide and heard about the Naturalist Program. I've been carrying a flame of desire to get training & get involved. As a former teacher, current Master Gardener I hope for more local opportunities. I reside on the border of 3 southern California counties (Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino) & look forward to some training/volunteering opportunities that don't involve hours of commute on our overcrowded freeways.  
Please bring more partnerships. Try reaching out to Mount San Antonio College in their biology dept., try Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens through their college affliation, The Santa Ana Watershed Project (Chino) and Fullerton College (The Fullerton Arboretum). These are just a few ideas hope to see more local training opportunities come available.  
Thank you.
by Shayna Foreman
on September 3, 2015 at 12:01 PM
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support, E.! I hope some of our new programs starting up will make it easier for you to join a class. If you would like to see additional organizations host a CalNat class, we encourage you to contact their education or volunteer staff and champion our program! We get the best results when organizations recognize the need in their community and come to us already invested in the program. Our website has great information on the benefits to partner organizations:"> If you haven't already, please sign up for our e-newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay abreast of our upcoming programs--links to all these on our website at We are so excited to develop more classes in southern California because we need more naturalists like you!
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