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News releases from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Peggy Michel
on June 20, 2016 at 12:03 PM
Congratulations! I enjoyed working with your for many years! Your zest for work and life are amazing. I know that your retirement will be full of giving and enjoyment and lots of sunrises and sunsets.  
Peggy M.
on June 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM
Thank you so very much Myriam for all the work you did for all of us year after year. Always patient, always kind, always an amazing diplomat. We will miss you but we are happy you gave us so much and raised the standards for many of us!  
Martha Montoya - Chair of the National Association of Hispanic Publications and a friend
by Myriam Grajales-Hall
on June 22, 2016 at 3:02 PM
Peggy... Ma chere amie,  
Merci for your kind wishes! I know you are living fully, large and out loud, and I plan to do the same! I have so enjoyed my time at UC... The people... oh, the people!  
Best to you, my friend!
by Myriam Grajales-Hall
on June 22, 2016 at 3:22 PM
Apreciada Martha,  
It was a privilege and a pleasure to be part of NAHP in various roles. The work the Hispanic print media does for the communities is so important... so inform, educate and empower the large and growing Latino population. I had the opportunity to watch, up-close and personal, the changes, improvements, and growing pains of the newspapers, and the publishers commitment to quality and fairness. The labor of love you all do is truly commendable!  
Martha, I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with you. You exemplify the enthusiasm, drive, and vision to change the world... a little -or not so little- piece at a time! I always look forward to seeing you and find out about the new adventure or endeavor you are working on!  
I thank you for your kind words, and well wishes, and I hope to see you as we travel along this amazing space, called life!
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