- Author: Karey Windbiel-Rojas
Originally posted August 26, 2016; edited July 10, 2018
Have you seen big green beetles in your California yard or garden? Or beetles feeding on your roses or other plants? There are many kinds of beetles commonly found in our landscapes, but the Japanese beetle is not one of them.
Japanese Beetles
Many people think they've seen the Japanese beetle, a small scarab beetle with metallic green wings with white spots on the margins. However, Japanese beetles are generally not found in California.
Green Fruit Beetles
Green fruit beetles are large beetles commonly found during spring and summer in California. While green fruit beetles are much larger than Japanese beetles and have different markings, these two beetles are frequently mistaken for each other. Adult green fruit beetles feed on ripe and overripe stone fruits, but damage is typically negligible so no control is necessary.
Hoplia beetles are small, reddish-brown oval beetles that feed primarily on roses. They occur between March and May in California and tend to prefer feeding on light colored rose petals. For more information about hoplia beetles, see the Pest Notes: Hoplia Beetles.
Masked chafer grubs feed on the roots of turfgrass. Damage appears in late summer or fall as irregular patches of brown, dying grass.
When full grown, white grubs are about 1-inch-long, much bigger than some other lawn beetles. Read more about masked chafers and other lawn pests at http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7476.html
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Excellent article, Kerry, with great additional sites to go to!
Time to revise post again to give updated information now that more CA finds have occurred?
This post is one of the first ones to come up today when I Googled "Has the Japanese beetle been found in CA?