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Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Charles A Raguse
on March 10, 2017 at 7:24 AM
A timely post. Ms. Warnert, it is always nice to see your name and image at the top, and Susie Kocher's advice comes from one of long-time experience. The two illustrations are well-chosen and enable the brief post to carry a compelling message.
by Kris Randal
on July 7, 2017 at 4:30 PM
Has there been any recent research on dead and dying oaks related to the many years of drought? Even though Mariposa County along with other areas in California received record breaking amounts of rain, this spring high numbers of oak trees did not make it. Our UCCE office continues to receive calls about people's dead and dying oak trees. Is there any research we can direct the public to concerning this subject?
by Scott Oneto
on July 11, 2017 at 1:53 PM
Hi Kris,  
Do you what kinds of symptoms the trees are showing before they die? Do you also know what species of oak are affected, or does it appear to be affecting all? For the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in the number of interior live oaks infected with foamy bark canker. The prevalence of the disease can be attributed with the drought and hopefully we will see less this year with all the rain this past winter. You can read more on this topic:  
This spring/summer, we have been seeing a lot of oaks infected with powdery mildew. Mostly blue oaks are affected, but it can occur on others. In really bad cases, the trees are loosing all of their leaves, which can make them look dead. Although in most cases, the trees will recover and often produce a new set of leaves later in the season. Here is an article on that:
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