- Author: Julie Jacquemin
The presentations from the Statewide Pistachio Day 2018, which took place January 17th are available by following the links below.
2018 Statewide Pistachio Day
Bob Klein, Manager, California Pistachio Research Board
Industry Update
Recorded: 1/17/2018 8:00:00 AM
Duration: 00:17:08
The Food Safety Modernization Act: Agriculture Water Testing Requirements for Pistachio Growers
Recorded: 1/17/2018 8:15:00 AM
Duration: 00:37:26
Bob Klein, Manager, California Pistachio Research Board
Mycotoxins and their Impact on Pistachio Export Markets
Recorded: 1/17/2018 8:50:00 AM
Duration: 00:37:02
Maciej Zwieniecki, Professor, Whole Plant Physiology, Department of Plant Science, UC Davis
Carbohydrate Relations in Pistachio - Alernate Bearing and Yield
Recorded: 1/17/2018 10:00:00 AM
Duration: 00:31:51
Maciej Zwieniecki, Professor, Whole Plant Physiology, Department of Plant Science, UC Davis
Q & A: Carbohydrate Relations in Pistachio - Alernate Bearing and Yield
Recorded: 1/17/2018 10:00:00 AM
Duration: 00:03:31
Lu Zhang, Post Doctoral Associate, Department of Plant Science, UC Davis
Studies on Pistachio Flower Quality and Development as Influenced by Low Chill in California
Recorded: 1/17/2018 10:30:00 AM
Duration: 00:22:02
Louise Ferguson, UC Cooperative Extension Specialist, Pistachio, UC Davis and Kearney Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Parlier
Floral Bud Drop in Pistachios: Causes and Reduction
Recorded: 1/17/2018 11:00:00 AM
Duration: 00:30:23
Blake Sanden, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Soils, Kern County
Pistachio Yield as Affected by Integrated Soil Characteristics: Salinity/Soil Quality Update
Recorded: 1/17/2018 1:15:00 PM
Duration: 00:44:18
Getting Up-to-Date on the Aflatoxin issue on Pistachio
Recorded: 1/17/2018 2:00:00 PM
Duration: 00:27:49
David Haviland, UC Cooperative Extension Advisor, Kern County
David Haviland, UC Cooperative Extension Advisor, Kern County
Navel Orangeworm: Management Decisions and Mating Disruption
Recorded: 1/17/2018 2:30:00 PM
Duration: 00:29:55
Jhalendra Rijal, UC Cooperarive Extension IPM Advisor, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties
Navel Orangeworm Mating Disruption Product Options
Recorded: 1/17/2018 3:00:00 PM
Duration: 00:22:45
Small Bugs and Stink Bugs on Pistachio
Recorded: 1/17/2018 3:20:00 PM
Duration: 00:20:50
Kris Tollerup, UC Cooperative Extension IPM Advisor, Kearney Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Parlier
Leaffooted Bug on Pistachio
Recorded: 1/17/2018 3:40:00 PM
Duration: 00:21:37