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Weed control, management, ecology, and minutia
by Karen Frank
on June 22, 2020 at 5:35 PM
I have been invaded by Stinknet and have been unsuccessful in killing it soo far. We have used glyphosate in increasing percentages with little to no success. Your Article says that Milestone and Transline are effective. Are they available to an unlicensed person? I am a retiree that owns 4 acres that are infected and need to be able to apply myself. If I can, where are these products available and what is your recommended percentage to use? I appreciate any help as I have deadended with the Riverside Ag commissioners office.
by Chris McDonald
on June 23, 2020 at 1:53 PM
Karen, thanks for commenting. Glyphosate, if used after the plants start to flower does not yield good results. In my trials, I have found that all of these herbicides do not control stinknet well after it reaches the flowering stage. Milestone is also not labeled for use around homes. And just to be clear, Transline does not provide consistent control. In some cases, stinknet will not die after being treated with Transline.  
At this time in the year, if your plants are still alive, you will have to switch to mechanical methods, like mowing. However, most of the stinknet plants in the county have senesced. If your stinknet plants are brown and dead mowing will just spread the seeds around. Use this summer to map where stinknet came up, and flag those locations, and it may be a lot of area depending on your property. Then this fall or winter after our first big storm or two, when stinknet comes up, treat them when they are small and a few inches across and you should be much more successful.
by Steve B
on April 15, 2021 at 10:01 AM
What is the recommended dilution of Milestone in mL/gal or percent?  
We are battling this in AZ.  
Thanks in advance for your reply
by jackie harsha
on April 26, 2023 at 10:01 AM
I sprayed with a 30% vinegar mixed with a tiny amount of salt and a few drops of dawn soap. It killed the stink-net within hours on a warmish (80 degrees) sunny day in the Phoenix area. While this solution is a nonselective herbicide, it's worth getting rid of stink-net. There are exact recipes on the web for the salt and soap to vinegar ratios. I used less salt because it stays in the soil for a time.
by Barbara B Saurin
on February 23, 2024 at 11:43 AM
This is 2nd year of Stinknet, but we are before flowering, but large area  
We gave 3 acres. Can we still spray?  
Barb. AZ
by Christopher J Mcdonald
on March 6, 2024 at 3:34 PM
Hi Barbara, yes you can spray stinknet before it is flowering or in the early bud stage. Once it's flowering it is best to combine spraying with other methods to prevent seeds from maturing (such as cutting off the young flowers and then spraying the re-growth). If the plants are close to maturing seeds, then they'll need to be bagged to keep them from spreading.
by Jackie Watkins
on March 9, 2024 at 7:26 PM
Currently, I am pulling anf bagging mostly non flowering Stinknet but for the plants that have flowered and are pulled and bagged, I am not confident about doing the recommend method by our City of puting the bag in the trash or in the bulk pickup. It seems there is so much potential for spread at a landfill. Are there any other recommended places to dispose of it besides the land fill? Will cutting off the flowers as suggested above and spraying them in the bag prevent spread if a bag is torn open at a landfill?
by Debbie
on April 22, 2024 at 8:02 AM
Will burning Stinknet help eliminate the spread?
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