- Author: Bradley Hanson
Carl Bell, a long-time member and leader of the California weed science community passed away on July 31, 2024.
Those of us involved in weed research and education knew Carl from his work as a UCCE Farm Advisor, for many years as a crops weed advisor in Imperial County and later as an expert in natural areas weed management in San Diego County. He retired from his productive UC career in 2014.
Carl was very active and visible member of the California Weed Science Society for most of his career. He was a regular contributor to the program as a speaker and session chair and served on the program committee and board of directors in several capacities, including as CWSS President in 2008.
His work was recognized by the CWSS several times including with the Award of Excellence (2002), as an Honorary Member (2010), and with a Presidential Award of Lifetime Achievement (2014). At the end of his career, he took on the job of co-editing the 4th edition of the Principles of Weed Control, a textbook published by the CWSS.
Carl had a lot of impact as an extension weed scientist in the state; however, he was also a friendly colleague who was fun-loving and quick to smile, tell a story, or engage on a personal level with people around him. My thoughts are with Carl's family and the network of friends and colleagues who will miss him.