In 2024 our UC Master Gardener volunteers helped over 100 people answer gardening and pest management questions like these:
“I moved here from Ohio, and I don't know what to plant. Can you tell me which vegetables I can start in spring?”
“Here is a sample of some insects I found crawling around outside my house. Are they termites?”
“Can you recommend some CA natives and low water use plants for my yard?”
“How do I know when the avocados on my tree are ripe?”
“When should I prune my crape myrtle tree?”
"Does my cherry tree need a pollinator?"
“What are these moths flying around my kitchen?”
Answering these questions takes time, and our volunteers often do research to find out the best information. Believe it or not, UC Master Gardeners don't know everything. But, they do know where to find science based information.
Giving Tuesday
Has our Help Line made an impact on you? If so, please consider giving to our program. You can give anytime between now and the end of the year. Visit and click the blue button that reads “make a gift," and then type “Stanislaus County” into the search bar and our program name will populate.
Help Line Hours and Information
Our Help Line answers calls from Stanislaus County residents* Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Our number is (209) 525-6802. If you call outside of these hours, someone will get back to you within a few business days. You can also ask a question by filling out this online form
*If you don't live in Stanislaus County, but are in California, use this link to find your local program For other states, look up your local cooperative extension office online.
Why don't you answer questions from other counties or states?
Local programs understand the climate, pests, and growing conditions best. If you can't find yours and you call us from another county or state, we will help you locate them.