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News releases from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Michael L. Freitas
on June 29, 2012 at 4:18 PM
Mr. Hoddle, I am a Master Gardener in El Dorado County. I'm giving a presentation tomorrow on 'Attracting Beneficial Insect to Your Garden".  
Although I pretty much stick to what yard-gardeners can do to improve their prospects of attracting the creatures, I do spend a bit of time on UC efforts in the bio pest control field.  
Tomorrow, I'll include an overview of your article, and the web-address of where to find it. Thank you for your contribution to this important and fascinating field of study. Michael L. Freitas, Outreach Coordinator
by Mark
on August 22, 2012 at 5:16 PM
I remember reading a while back how there was stingless wasp that was a predator of the Leaf Miner.  
Is this wasp, that goes after the Psyllid, also a predator of the Leaf Miner? That would be great if we could go after two nuisances with one wasp.  
We continue to have leaf miners munching on our citrus, but have had success in knocking them back for quite a while by applying a couple sprays of Spinosad.  
Unfortunately the neighbors and whatever other trees outside of our control continue to provide new bugs to reinfest our trees.
by stephanie scouten
on September 15, 2013 at 7:29 AM
I live in Zapata Texas and have recently lost perfectly healthy grapefruit tree in a short amount of time. I read about the Asian citrus plyllid and the Tamarixia Radiata wasp. Is it possible to buy or order the wasp?
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