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UCANR electronic extension journal previously published as "Strawberries and Vegetables"
strawberry fields forever
by Lucy Heyming
on March 15, 2013 at 7:58 PM
Can't wait to find out the results of these experiments. We have this awful pests and would like to know how to control it in our garden.
by Mark Bolda
on March 16, 2013 at 9:33 AM
So, Surendra, can you give us a little color on what this thing is going to do in berries? Seems like with its affinity for mustard the populations would move around like lygus, handing growers a second bug challenge during the summer months.
Reply by Surendra Dara
on March 18, 2013 at 9:06 AM
Hi Mark,  
While this pest prefers cruciferous hosts for feeding, development, and reproduction, it can feed on a variety of other hosts. I haven't seen them on strawberries or caneberries, but they are capable of feeding on them if they run into these hosts or don't have their preferred food sources near by. Last year, someone sent me photos of Bagrada bugs in strawberries (you can see in my earlier blog). So, it is always good to keep an eye out for them in berries.
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