- Author: Roger S Ingram
Email Marketing andSocial Media Workshops Featured at the 2013 PlacerGROWN Farm Conference
The PlacerGROWN Farm Conference will feature two workshops on the use of social media as a marketing tool for farmers. Constant Contact (constantcontact.com) workshops at the PlacerGROWN Farm Conference scheduled for January 26thth at Lincoln High School in Lincoln. The workshops will focus on integrating both email and social media as part of your marketing efforts. Many of you already may be using some of these tools in helping market your products and associated events while other are considering getting started. No matter where you are, this workshop will help you understand what this can add or enhance your current marketing efforts.
Constant Contract trainer Maureen Dudley will conduct the two workshops. She holds a degree in Communications from Brigham Young University. Maureen cut her teeth in the public relations office of the California Department of Education. She then went on to a varied career incommunications including journalism, community outreach, media relations, public speaking, and grassroots campaign leadership. Drawing on over 20 years of communications experience, she has taught hundreds about email marketing and social media best practices through her presentations. Her company, Dudley & Nunez Communications, specializes in helping clients nationwide with Constant Contact email marketing. Her monthly small business newsletter, Maureen’s Marketing Moment, is read worldwide.
According to one farmers market in Belleville, Illinois, they have a 30% open rate on their email newsletters and 10% redemption rate on coupons. Their email newsletter list has 6,000 subscribers. They state this is far above their normal coupon redemption rate.
These social media workshops will be part of 10 workshops to be held on January 26th at Lincoln High School, located in Lincoln,CA. For more information, including registration, visit either http://placergrown.org/wp/ or http://ucanr.org/sites/PGFFC, or call PlacerGROWN at (530) 889-7398 or UC Cooperative Extension at (530) 889-7385.
- Author: Roger S Ingram
2013 PlacerGROWN Farm Conference
Trends in Local Agriculture: Survive and Thrive Keynote Panel
Registration: http://ucanr.edu/sites/PGFFC/Registration_and_Map/
The theme of the 2013PlacerGROWN Farm Conference is Survive and Thrive. The keynote part of the conference will feature a panel that will discuss trends over the next 5-10 years on the following topics:
- Land Use
- Water
- Regulations
- Local Farms
- Demographics
- Marketing of Local Food
You will be provided an opportunity to respond to each panel member’s presentation by using clickers. On the screen will be slides on possible implications of what you just heard along with potential responses. You can use your clicker to vote on the implications and responses you think are most likely to happen. There will be discussion on the results with the audience.
After the keynote will be two workshops sessions, one before and one after lunch. Workshops will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes. We are lengthening the time of the workshops this year to give speakers the more time for their presentations and discussions afterward with workshop attendees.
Workshops include:
- Display Ideas and Interactions with Customers That Can Improve Your Sales
- Developing Effective Messages for Different Demographic Groups in your Area
- Things to Consider in Becoming Effective at Direct Marketing
- Understanding Selling Wholesale and its Potential in Expanding Your Sales
- How to Project Profit and Cash Flow Before the Beginning of Your Production Year
- Production Planning Based on Economic and Cash Flow Projections
- Learning How Social Media Can Improve Sales
- Determining Your Niche Meat Marketing Costs
- Developing Your Niche Meat Business
The cost of the conference is $40 if you pre-register by January 18th and $50 after that date. Your registration feeincludes: Continental breakfast, Proceedings, Trade Show, Keynote Panel, Workshops, and Lunch. Support for this conference is also provided through USDA Risk Management Agency and CDFA Specialty Crops Grant Program.
- Author: Roger S Ingram
Shepherding Skills Workshop
Preparing Ewes for Breeding Workshop
Saturday, September 1, 2012
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Oak Hill Ranch
9970 Mt Vernon Rd
Auburn, CA 95603
To register go here:
Cost: Free
Flying Mule Farm
USDA Risk Management Agency
UC Cooperative Extension
Topics covered:
- Overview of Three-Tier Breeding System
- Culling Policies
- EZ Care Scoring System
- Productivity
- Feet
- Wool
- Teeth and Udders
- Flushing
- Body Condition Scoring
- Ewe Nutrition
- Ram Management and Ram Effect
- Pre-breeding Nutrition
- Ram Housing
- Ram Effect
- Ram-to-Ewe Ratio
- Author: Roger S Ingram
Stockmanship: Low-Stress Livestock Handling
Thursday and Friday October 4-5, 2012
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day
Cal Poly's Swanton Pacific Ranch
Davenport, CA (about 10 miles north of Santa Cruz off of Hwy 1)
Cost: $375 if registered by September 21, $400 after that. Registration fee includes lodging, food, and course materials.
For more information, go to this link:
To register, go to this link:
This is an introductory workshop where participants will learn Stockmanship basics with participatory learning. Join instructors Richard McConnell, Tina Williams, and Kent Reeves to learn the Economic, Social, and Environmental benefits of implementing Stockmanship. Workshop includes classroom and fieldwork.
- Author: Roger S Ingram
The California Multi-Species Grazing / Browsing Academy is scheduled for September 14-16 in Auburn, CA. The cost is $160. We are taking registrations through September 7th. We still have some registration slots available.
The Academy is a unique and exciting program emphasizing the practical application of controlled grazing/browsing principles to improve the environment and increase ranch profit. This challenging course consists of a minimum of lecture and a maximum of hands-on experience. Participants learn by actually applying the principles taught in the range and pasture with live goats and sheep.
The Academy instructors are:
- Roger Ingram, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Placer and Nevada Counties
- An Peischel, Small Ruminant Specialist, Tennessee State University