- Author: Konrad Mathesius
Published on: October 17, 2022
![Nitrogen Reference Plots in Yolo County January of 2021](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/smallgrains/blogfiles/95516small.jpg)
Nitrogen Reference Plots 2021 Yolo County. Extra nitrogen has been added to the rectangular areas as a reference. Notice the higher values within several of the rectangular boxes indicating that the field might benefit from additional N fertilizer.
This year, nitrogen is expensive and wheat is worth a lot of money. Now is a good time to optimize your N fertilizer management strategies.
Join us for any one of a series of workshops focusing on the use and application of the UC Small Grains Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Webtool in tandem with a N-rich reference zone and soil nitrate quick test information. The seminars are geared toward CCAs, soil labs, and other industry crop...
Public Value:
UCANR: Promoting economic prosperity in California
Tags: AgRIC (50), CCA (1), decision support tools (15), fertilizer use efficiency (17), innovation (6), nitrate quick test (8), nitrogen management (22), precision agriculture (15), seminar (1)
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture
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