- Author: Mark E Lundy

Please join us for upcoming field events hosted by University of California Cooperative Extension:
Nutrient Management Alternatives in Small Grains: Research Updates
4/18/2023 from 8:40 to 10:30
On-farm in Solano County
Click here for details and to register
UC Small Grains and Alfalfa/Forages Field Day
- Author: Taylor Nelsen
- Author: Gabriel Rosa
- Author: Justin Merz
- Author: Mark E Lundy

The growth stage of a crop is a critical piece of information for growers and agronomists. For small grain crops like wheat and triticale, many field management decisions are sensitive to the stage of crop development. These include irrigation, fertilizer additions, herbicide and pesticide applications, and harvest timing. In addition, the planting date, the amount and timing of rainfall and/or irrigation, and cumulative seasonal temperatures all impact how rapidly a crop emerges, develops and matures. Because of the extreme variability in winter weather in the state, rates of development for small grain crops in California are not always consistent from year-to-year and farm-to-farm. This can make precision management and planning more...
- Author: Mark E Lundy

Join us at two upcoming field days to discuss on-farm utilization of N-rich reference zones, soil nitrate quick tests, and UC web tools for improved N management in California small grains.
The first event is next Wednesday, 4/20/22 from 9:30am – 12:00pm in Kings County at Hansen Ranches (35.999608, -119.621063; 1.25 mi E. of 10th Ave. and 1.5 mi S. of Redding Ave). Full...
- Author: Mark E Lundy

We are excited to announce upcoming field events hosted by University of California Cooperative Extension:
Demonstrating Efficient N Fertilizer Management in Practices in California Wheat
On-farm field day in Kings County: Wednesday April 20th 2022, 9:30AM – 12PM.
On-farm field day in Yolo County: Thursday April 28th 2022, 8:45 – 10:45.
UC Small Grains and Alfalfa/Forages Field Day
UC Davis Plant Sciences Field Facilities: Tuesday May 17th 2022
- Author: Mark E Lundy

If you're planning to attend the World Ag Exp in Tulare this week, be sure to stop by Seminar Trailer 2 between 1-3 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday to catch the UC Dairy Series.
Talks will include presentations on water and nutrient management for forage crops (full agenda here), including information about maximizing water productivity from winter cereals in the face of increasing drought and regulations on water use. This "Water-wise Dairying" session will take place...