- Author: Jose Luiz Carvalho de Souza Dias
- Author: Nicholas Clark
- Author: Konrad Mathesius
- Author: Sarah Light
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Common chickweed (Stellaria media) (Figure 1) is a winter annual found throughout California and considered to be one of the most common broadleaf weeds infesting cereal crops (also referred as small grains) in the state (Wilen 2006). Herbicides can provide effective control of chickweed; however, overreliance on a single herbicide (or group of herbicides with the same site of action), is likely to result in resistance to that herbicide (or group of herbicides) (Tranel and Wright 2017). Even though herbicide-resistant common chickweed populations have not been confirmed in California, lack of effective control with post-emergence applications of the ALS-inhibiting herbicides pyroxsulam (Simplicity) and tribenuron (Express...
- Author: Mark Lundy
Registration for the 2018 California Plant and Soil Conference is open. The conference will be held from February 6th - February 7th at the Fresno Doubletree Hotel and Convention Center and will include a wide array of topics of interest to California Agriculture. More information can be found here and at the conference website:
We hope to see you there!