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- (Focus Area) Environment
- Author: Mark Lundy
Published on: February 20, 2018
After almost 6 weeks without a substantial rainstorm, there is finally some precipitation starting to appear in the 10-day forecast for the Sacramento Valley. The lack of rain thus far has made it difficult to proceed with N fertilizer topdress applications in non-irrigated wheat fields this season. In addition, the warmer than normal temperatures have increased the rate of crop development such that many fall planted wheat crops are further along than would normally be the case at this time of year. Figures 1 and 2 below represent the cumulative rainfall since 10/1/2017 and the cumulative growing degree days (GDD) for wheat since 11/21/17, when we planted our experimental trials in Davis (each is compared to a 10-year...
Focus Areas:
Tags: common wheat (40), fertilizer use efficiency (17), in-season fertilizer application (8), N topdress (7), nitrogen (6), nitrogen management (22), precision agriculture (15)
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture, Environment
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