79 Results
Title | |
Mediacion Interpersonal (4ta edicion, 2014)
Spanish version of Party-Directed Mediation. Mediation of deep-seated conflicts as well as supervisor-subordinate mediation. ESTE LIBRO ES EN ESPAÑOL.
Party-Directed Mediation (3rd Edition, 2014)
Mediation of interpersonal conflicts as well as supervisor-subordinate conflicts.
Labor Management in Agriculture - 19 - Macedonian Translation
Index and Table of Contents
Labor Management in Agriculture - 18 - Macedonian Translation
Creative negotiation
Labor Management in Agriculture - 17 - Macedonian Translation
Personnel policies and employee handbooks
Labor Management in Agriculture - 16 - Macedonian Translation
Employee turnover
Labor Management in Agriculture - 15 - Macedonian Translation
Employee termination
Labor Management in Agriculture - 14 - Macedonian Translation
Employee discipline
Labor Management in Agriculture - 13 - Macedonian Translation
Conflict management skills - introduction to Party-Directed Mediation
Labor Management in Agriculture - 12 - Macedonian Translation
Interacting with employees, interpersonal relations
Labor Management in Agriculture - 11 - Macedonian Translation
Conducting effective meetings
Labor Management in Agriculture - 10 - Macedonian Translation
Delegation of authority
Labor Management in Agriculture - 09 - Macedonian Translation
Supervisory power and abuse of authority
Labor Management in Agriculture - 08 - Macedonian Translation
Incentive pay - pay for performance
Labor Management in Agriculture - 07 - Macedonian Translation
Internal wage structure
Labor Management in Agriculture - 06 - Macedonian Translation
Performance appraisal - introduction to the Negotiated Performance Appraisal
Labor Management in Agriculture - 05 - Macedonian Translation
Farm worker training
Labor Management in Agriculture - 04 - Macedonian Translation
Promotions, Transfers, Layoffs
Labor Management in Agriculture - 03 - Macedonian Translation
Employee selection, Part II
Labor Management in Agriculture - 02 - Macedonian Translation
Employee selection - Part I
Labor Management in Agriculture - 01 - Macedonian Translation
Chapter 1 - Managing People on the Farm - Macedonian translation.
Labor Management in Agriculture - 00 - Macedonian, 2009
Instructor's Manual: Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Pers...
Minor revision of Instructor's Manual for teaching Labor Management in Agriculture.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
No hay respuestas fáciles que se ajusten a cada necesidad de negociación, pero sí existen algunos principios importantes que nos ayudarán a ser más efectivos.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Las políticas laborales ayudan a tomar decisiones. Aunque los estilos individuales de supervisión no deben reprimirse, la inconsistencia del enfoque en algunas áreas puede tener efectos negativos en la moral del personal.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
La salida de trabajadores puede ser un síntoma de otros problemas, especialmente la insatisfacción con el trabajo o con las condiciones del mismo. Rotación de personal.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
El despido de un empleado es frecuentemente el último intento para ayudar al colaborador a ajustarse a las normas laborales de la empresa. Despido con dignidad.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Todos se benefician cuando las reglas y las consecuencias de las infracciones disciplinarias se formulan cuidadosamente, se comunican claramente y son llevadas a cabo en forma consistente.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Introducimos el sistema de Mediación dirigida por los individuos. Resolución de conflictos de índole interpersonal.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Las relaciones interpersonales tienen un lugar importante en la administración laboral.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Las reuniones pueden ser una herramienta de comunicación muy útil, pero no es fácil llevarlas a cabo.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Aunque la delegacin y participación de los empleados puede ahorrar tiempo a largo plazo, requiere más tiempo a corto plazo.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Las responsabilidades de la supervisión deben balancearse bien con la autoridad correspondiente, tales como el derecho de emplear y disciplinar al personal. En organizaciones con más de un nivel de supervisión, los encargados pueden encontrarse en la poderosa posición de actuar como intérpretes.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
El pago de incentivos tiene el potencial de aumentar la productividad del trabajador si es adecuadamente diseñado y mantenido. Pago a trato. Pago a destajo.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Este capítulo se ha enfocado sobre las estructuras salariales internas y el marco para el establecimiento y mantenimiento de las relaciones de remuneración en un predio agrícola.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Una evaluación de desempeño negociada que está bien llevada a cabo le ayuda al subordinado a tomar más responsabilidad para mejorar áreas defectuosas.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
El entrenamiento práctico es, por lo general, más eficaz que el teórico. Hay una gran diferencia entre la explicación de una tarea y la transmisión de conocimientos prácticos.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Estudiamos los desplazamientos organizativos (ascensos, traslados, rotación de tareas, disminución de categoría y cesantías).
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Cualquier método utilizado para evaluar los conocimientos, capacidad, educación o personalidad puede ser evaluado, a su vez, en términos de uniformidad de criterio (confiabilidad) y de eficacia en la predicción de los resultados que debe medir (validez).
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Las entrevistas, verificaciones de referencias, pruebas, solicitudes y currículum vitae pueden ayudar a delinear las diferencias entre los candidatos durante el proceso de selección.
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
Administración Laboral Agrícola: Cultivando la Productividad del Perso...
La investigación muestra que el rendimiento del personal no es un valor constante. Existen grandes diferencias entre ellos y por lo tanto la administración de los mismos es tan vital.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Each of us negotiates our way through life. While there are no easy answers that will fit every negotiation need, there are some important principles that will help us become more effective.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Policies help guide decisions. Policies can be a fine tool in reducing perceptions of arbitrary treatment of employees.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Farmers have many tools at their disposal to combat unwanted labor turnover.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Employee termination is often the last step in an unsuccessful attempt to help a worker meet work standards.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Everyone benefits when rules and consequences for violations are carefully formulated, clearly communicated, and consistently carried out.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
The advantage of mediation is maintaining responsibility for problem solving and conflict resolution at the level of those who own the challenge.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Interpersonal relationships, on and off the job, have an important place in labor management.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
A meeting will be a waste of time unless concrete action plans are made to solve problems. Specific dates for goal accomplishments can be set and followed up later.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
While delegation may save time in the long run, it takes more time in the short term.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
In organizations with more than one level of management, supervisors may find themselves in the powerful position of acting as interpreters, and filtering information.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Incentive pay (pay for performance) has the potential to increase worker productivity if properly designed and maintained.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
This chapter focuses on internal wage structures, the framework for establishing and maintaining pay relationships in an organization.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
The negotiated approach to performance appraisal yields improved communication between supervisor and subordinate, often permitting conversations in sensitive areas.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
There is an important difference between telling workers how to do a task and successfully transferring skills. Coaching and mentoring are considered briefly.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Organizational movements, such as promotions, transfers, job rotations, demotions, and layoffs are considered.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Improving the validity of a selection approach entails designing job-related questions or tests, applying them consistently to all applicants, and eliminating rater bias and error.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Hiring the right person for the job may be the most critical management decision you will make.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Whatever control over production you have at your farm, it is achieved through people, whether they are in production, supervisory, administrative, or management positions. How these individuals are selected and managed makes all the difference.
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel Productivity - ...
This book is a thorough, practical, research-based guide for farm owners and managers who want to improve their management of human resources. Complete book.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Journal Article: Contributions of Caucusing and Pre-Caucusing to Mediation. Most criticisms associated with caucusing are really attacks on directive mediation, rather than on caucusing itself.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Often, observations on cultural differences are based on our own weakness and reflect our inability to connect with others.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Listen in to Negotiated Performance Appraisal clips.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Negotiated Performance Appraisal: Alternative and Preventive Mediation. Supervisor-subordinate mediation.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Nora and Rebecca meet together in a joint session, and speak directly to each other.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Nora’s Second Pre-Caucus.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Rebecca’s Second Pre-Caucus.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Nora’s First Pre-Caucus.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Rebecca’s First Pre-Caucus. Listen in to a conversation between Rebecca and the mediatior.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Introduction to the Nora and Rebecca case study.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Bringing both parties together for dialogue during the joint session.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Effective negotiation skills when dealing with conflict.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Coaching of disputants during pre-caucuses, in ordr to prepare them for a joint session.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
The role of the mediator is to help parties empty the large reservoirs of emotion, anger, stress, frustration, and other negative feelings through effective listening.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
The Party-Directed Mediation model is particularly useful in the resolution of deep-seated interpersonal discord as well as multicultural or ethnic clashes.
Party-Directed Mediation: Helping Others Resolve Differences - (2nd Ed...
Prefatory Materials
Instructor's Manual: Labor Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Pers...
The objective of this publication is to provide materials for those who teach agricultural labor management in workshops or the classroom.
79 Results
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