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Title TIF film, substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain fruit yields
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Abstract A 5-year project to facilitate the adoption of strawberry production systems that do not use methyl bromide initially focused on fumigant alternatives and resulted in increased use of barrier films that reduce fumigant emissions. The focus shifted in year 3 to evaluating and demonstrating nonfumigant alternatives: soilless production, biofumigation, anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) and disinfestation with steam. In the 2010–2011 strawberry production season, fruit yields on substrates were comparable to fruit yields using conventional methods. Anaerobic soil disinfestation and steam disinfestation also resulted in fruit yields that were comparable to those produced using conventionally fumigated soils. Additional work is in progress to evaluate their efficacy in larger-scale production systems in different strawberry production districts in California.

Fennimore, Steven A
CE Weed Specialist
Weed control in cool-season vegetables, weed biology, weed seed germination. Automated weed managment with intelligent weeders. Soil disinfestation with steam in strawberry and vegetables.
Serohijos, Raquel : R. Serohijos is Staff Research Associate, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, at Salinas
Samtani, Jayesh B. : J.B. Samtani is Small Fruit Production Specialist, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia Beach, VA
Ajwa, Husein
CE Specialist
Soil and Water Management. Methyl bromide alternatives. Cool-season vegetables.
Subbarao, Krishna V. : K.V. Subbarao is Plant Pathologist and UCCE Specialist, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis, at Salinas
Martin, Frank N. : F.N. Martin is Plant Pathologist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Salinas
Daugovish, Oleg
Strawberry and Vegetable Crop Advisor
Ag and Environmental Issues for Veg Crops and Strawberries
Legard, Dan : D. Legard is Research Director, California Strawberry Commission, Watsonville
Browne, Greg T.
USDA Research Plant Pathologist
Soil-borne diseases of fruit and nut trees and other horticultural crops
Muramoto, Joji : J. Muramoto is Associate Researcher, Department of Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
Shennan, Carol : C. Shennan is Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
Klonsky, Karen M
Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Emerita
Farm Management and Production, Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Agriculture
Publication Date Jul 1, 2013
Date Added Aug 28, 2013
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2013

Fruit yields in the steam treatments and the anaerobic soil disinfestation treatments were comparable to the Pic-Clor 60 application.

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