Hero Image



Tracy Newton
4-H Community Education Specialist
(559) 241-7525

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste. #210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: tlnewton@ucanr.edu

Donations by mail:
Fresno County 4-H
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste 210-B
Fresno, CA 93710


Elizabeth Ramirez Photo

Elizabeth Ramirez
4-H Admin Support
(559) 241-7519

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste.#210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: elramirez@ucanr.edu



County 4-H Newsletter

4-H Newsletter

Monthly newsletter for the Fresno County 4-H Program

Issue Articles Type Date Added
October 2024 Newsletter

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Clover Fest
2- Color Me Green
3- Co. Fair 4-H Horse Show
3- Boot Hill Horse Rally
4- Leaders are Recognized
5- Livestock Achievement
5- Tractor Supply Fundraisers
6- Gold Seal Clubs
6- Ca State 4-H Ambassador
6- Shooting Sports Training
6- Shooting Sports Planning
6- Livestock Judging Day
7- State Shoot Results
8- 4-H Camp JC Information
8- 4-H Hat Etiquette
8- Club Treasurer Training

PDF 10/8/24
September 2024 Newsletter
In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Council Officers
2- Love Your Fairgrounds
2- Enrollment
3- Volunteer Ldr. Workshop
3- All Around Ag Award
3- Countywide Dog Project
4- Achievement Night
4- Officer Book Medalists
5- Record Book Medalists
6- Fresno County Fair
7- 4-H Week
7- Co. Fair 4-H Horse Show
8- Caruthers Fair
8- 4-H Emblem & Motto
9- Sheep & Goat Show
10- Shooting Sports
PDF 9/6/24
July/ August 2024 Newlsetter

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Happy New Year
2- Council Officers Needed
2- Enrollment
3- Volunteer Ldr, Workshop
3- Horse Achieve. Medalists
3- Horse Planning Meeting
4- 4-H Sheep & Goat Show
4- Record Book Judging
5- Officer Leadership Training
5- Rabbit Achieve. Medalists
5- Ambassador Team News
6- Clover Fest Update
6- Fresno Fair Reminders
7- Poultry Achieve. Medalists
7- Pygmy Goat Medalists
8- Achievement Night
8- Vir. Regional Presentations
9– State Field Day Results
10–11 4-H Fair 2024
11– Cotton Contest

PDF 7/19/24
May/June 2024 Newsletter

In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Record Book ZOOM Mtg.

2-  Clover Fest News Flash

2-  Enrollment

3-  Livestock Achievement

3-  Summer Camp

3-  4-H Sheep & Goat Show

4-  Clover Fest Info.

5-  4-H Horse Shows

5-  Horse Show Results

5-  CA 4-H Horse Classic

6-  Ambassador Extended

6-  State Leadership Conf.

7-  Chicken Orders

7-  Project Leader Clinic

7-  YQCA

8-  State Field Day

8-  Shooting Sports

9-  Fashion Revue Results

Insert A– Service Learning

Insert B– Composting

Insert C– Water Curriculum

PDF 5/17/24
April 2024 Newsletter
In This Edition…
2-  Committee & Council Meetings
2-  New Emerald Star
2-  What is 4-H?
3-  Livestock Achievement
3-  Small Animal Achievement
3-  Turkey Orders
3-  Pygmy Goat Fun
4-  Summer Camp
4-  Project Leader Clinic
4-  State Leadership Conferance
4-  State Ambassador News
5-  Fashion Revue
5-  State Field Day
6-  Chicken Orders
6-  Paper Clover Campaign
6-  Dog Agility
6-  Joann Campaign
7-  Clover Fest 2024
8– County Presentation Day  Results
8– Take Note, Model Horse Show Results Correction
8– Fair Eligibility Requirements
9—Horse Project 
PDF 4/12/24
March 2024 Newsletter
In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.
2-  Clover Fest 2024 Update
2-  Volunteers Clovis Rodeo
3-  County Presentation Day
3-  Color Me Green
3-  Emerald Star Program
4-  Livestock Achievement
4-  State Shoot Contest
4-  LCORT? / Youth Summit
5-  Fashion Revue 2024
5-  Reg. Presentation Day
6-  Service Learning Project
7-  Become an Ambassador
7-  Joann Campaign
8-  Small Animal Achievement
8-  Model Horse Show Results
8-  Scholarships
Insert A– Livestock Achievement
Insert B– Color Me Green
Insert C– Joni & Friends
Insert D– Service Learning
Insert E– Drawstring Bag Project
PDF 3/1/24
February 2024 Newsletter Updated

In This Edition…
2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.
2-  Clover Fest 2024 Update
2-  Volunteers Clovis Rodeo
3-  Model Horse Show
3-  County Presentation Day
4-  Livestock Achievement
5-  Color Me Green
5-  New Awards Program
5-  Countywide Dog Project
6-  Fashion Revue 2024
6-  Emerald Star Program
6-  Greater CA Poultry Show
7-  Statewide Animal Events
8-  Statewide Animal Events
9-  Fesitve Food Faire Results
10-Festive Food Faire Primary
11- Judging Contest Results
Insert A– Community Service
Insert B– Ambassador SLP


PDF 2/2/24
December 2023/January 2024 Newsletter

In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Clover Fest 2024 Update

2-  Clover Fest– A success!

3-  FFF & Judging Contests

3-  Wanted– Co-Chairs

4-  Color Me Green

4-  Fresno Fair Results

4-  Livestock Achievement

4-  Volunteer Educators Guide

5-  Livestock Judging Results

5-  Give a Presentation

6-  Horse Rally Results

6-  Model Horse Show

7-  4-H, FFA, Grange Agree

7-  Fresno Co.- New Awards

8-  Fashion Revue/Emerald Star

Insert A– Community Service

Insert B– Ambassador Info

PDF 12/15/23
November 2023 Newsletter

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Clover Fest 2024
2- Meet the New 4-H Advisor
3- Jr. Camp Counselors
3- Horse Rally 2023
3- Fresno Fair Presenters
4- Livestock Judging Contest
4- 4-H Hat Etiquette
5- Co. Fair 4-H Horse Show
5- Horse Health Alert
6- Livestock Achievement
6- #Giving Tuesday
7- Window Display Results
8- Shooting Sports Workshop
9- Festive Food Faire 2024
Insert A– Livestock Judging
Insert B– Teen Leadership Essentials

PDF 11/3/23
October 2023 Newsletter

In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-   Gold Seal Clubs

2-   Volunteer Leader Retreat

2-   Emerald Star Webinar

2-   Incentives & Recognition

3-   Junior Camp Counselors

3-   Co. Fair 4-H Horse Show

4-   On-Line Workshops

4-   Paper Clover Days

5-   Volunteer Ldr. Recognition

6-   Countywide Projects

7-   Buyers Wanted

8-   Halloween Donation Drive

9-   After School Program

10- College Open House

11- Teen Leadership

12- Periods

13- Money Management

PDF 10/3/23
September 2023 Newsletter

In This Edition…

 2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Enrollment is Open!

2-  New Location

2-  Volunteer Leader Retreat

2-  Emerald Star Webinars

3-  On-Line Workshops

3-  Community Service

4-  4-H Week

4-  County Achievement Night

4-  Tool Box Nominations

5-  County Medalists

6-  Leadership Training Day

6-  Fair Clean-Up Days

6-  Caruthers District Fair

7-  Countywide Projects

8-  The Big Fresno Fair Dates


A-  Achievement Night

B-  Leadership Training Day

C-  Periods

D-  Money Management

E-  Master Chefs– Casting

F-  Time Traveler’s Fair

PDF 9/6/23
August 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…


2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  New Council Officers

2-  Whites Exchange

2-  Purchase 4-H Uniforms

3-  Project Leader  Workshop

3-  Military History Book Proj.

4-  National 4-H Week

4-  Livestock Proj. Resources

4-  Tool Box Nominations

5-  State Shooting Results

5-  Save the Date!

6-  Record Book Resources

6- Tractor Supply Thank You

7- Sheep & Goat Show

8-  Rifle Workshop

9-  Historical Society

10-Regional Presentation Day

11-State Winners

12-State Field Day Results


PDF 8/7/23
June/July 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Happy New Year
2- New Enrollment System
3- Sheep & Goat Show
3- Sheep & Goat Camp
3- Fresno Fair Reminders
5- Horse Achievement Day
5- Clover Fest Recap
6- Livestock Achievement
6- Beef Clinic
7- State Leadership Conf.
8- Record Book Time
9-10- 4-H Fair Winners

PDF 6/23/23
May 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…




2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Club Attendance Winner

2-  Record Book Reminders

3-  4-H Fair

3-  Sheep & Goat Camp

3-  Color Me Green Run

4-  Clover Fest

5-  Summer Camp

5-  4-H Sheep & Goat Show

6-  Horse Project Updates .

7-  Horse Project  Awards

8-  State Leadership Conference 

8– Scholarship Awards

9– McKinley Dancing Through the Decades

10– Beef Showmanship Clinic


PDF 5/5/23
April 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Club Attendance Contest
2- 4-H Scholarship Program
3- 4-H Summer Camp
3- 4-H Horse Show
3- Small Animal Achievement
4- 4-H Fair
4- Bee Tour Report
5- Presentation Day Awards
6- Clover Fest
7- Fashion Revue
8- Livestock Achievement Day
9– Tractor Supply Paper Clover Drive
9– National Volunteer Appreciation Week

PDF 4/7/23
March 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Clover Fest 2023
3- County Presentation Day
3- 4-H Summer Camp
3- Color Me Green Fun Run
4- Livestock Achievement
4- 4-H Horse Show
5- Club Attendance Contest
5- AgDiscovery
5- 4-H Fair
6- Small Animal Achievement Day
6- 4-H Fair Contests
6- Fashion Revue
7- Archery Tournament
7- Review of Festive Food
7- Shooting Sports
7- 4-H Scholarships
8- County Ambassadors

PDF 3/8/23
March 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…
2- Committee & Council Mtgs.
2- Clover Fest 2023
3- County Presentation Day
3- 4-H Summer Camp
3- Color Me Green Fun Run
4- Livestock Achievement
4- 4-H Horse Show
5- Club Attendance Contest
5- AgDiscovery
5- 4-H Fair
6- Small Animal Achievement Day
6- 4-H Fair Contests
6- Fashion Revue
7- Archery Tournament
7- Review of Festive Food
7- Shooting Sports
7- 4-H Scholarships
8- County Ambassadors

PDF 3/7/23
February 2023 Guidelines

In This Edition…


2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Spark Achievement Prog.

2-  State Record Book Winner

2-  Lost & Found

3-  County Presentation Day

3-  4-H Horse Show

3-  CA Poultry Show

3-  Color Me Green Fun Run

4-  Clover Fest 2023

4-  A Great Big Welcome

4-  Judging Contest Results

5-  Club Attendance Contest

5-  Livestock Achievement

6-  Fashion Revue

7-  Book Drive Update

7-  CWA Scholarships

7-  Shooting Sports

7-  4-H Scholarships

8-  FFF Gold Medal Winners

Insert A: CA Poultry Show


PDF 2/8/23
January 2023 Guidelines


In This Edition… 

2-  Committee & Council Meetings

2-  Spark Achievement Program

2-  CA 4-H State Field Day

3-  Festive Food Faire

3-  Judging Contests

4-  Livestock Judging Results

4-  Talley Ho Horse Rally Results

4-  4-H Summer Camp

5-  Club Attendance Contest

5-  Give a Presentation

5-  Youth Summit

6-  Model Horse Show

7-  Livestock Achievement & Kahoot 



PDF 1/6/23
November-December Guidelines 2022


In This Edition…


2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Save the Date– CMG

2-  Clover Fest Success

3-  Livestock Judging Contest

3-  JC Applications

4-  Festive Food Faire

5-  Livestock Achievement

5-  Central  Youth Summit

6-  4-H Week Display Awards

6-  Spark Achievement-New!

6-  Credit Union Scholarship

6-  Additional Dates

7-  BFF Indoor Awards

8-  BFF Indoor Awards-cont.

8-  Club Attendance Contest

8-  Tis The Season

Flyer A: Free 4-H App

Flyer B: Children’s Book Drive


PDF 11/18/22
October 2022 Guidelines

 In This Edition…


2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Incentives & Recognition

2-  Paper Clover Time

2-  4-H Office Access

3-  Fresno Fair Information

4-  We’re Talking Periods...

4-  Honor Flight

4-  4-H Website

4-  New to 4-H?

5-  Farmer’s Market

5-  Club Officer Books

5-  Gold Seal Clubs

6-  Leader Recognition

6-  Model Horse Show

7-  Annual Horse Rally

7-  Colt Challenge

Flyer A: Dog Project

Flyer B: Spooktacular

Flyer C: Farmer’s Market

Flyer D: Livestock Judging Day

PDF 10/7/22
September 2022 Guidelines

 In This Edition…

 2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Using the 4-H Name

2-  Thank You!!!

2-  Money Management Project

3-  Livestock Leaders Meeting

3-  I & R Committee Meeting

3-  4-H Week in Fresno Co.

4-  Achievement Night

4-  Leadership Day Recap

4-  Presentations at the Fair

5-  Farmer’s Market

5-  Caruthers District Fair

6-  Periods….

6-  Congrats to Rural Route

7-  Stone Hudgins, Trap Shoot

7-  Horse Show News

7-  Poultry Updates

8- Fresno Fair Show Dates

9-  Record Book Medalist

Flyer A: Achievement Night

Flyer B: Farmer’s Market

Flyer C: Livestock Clinic

Flyer D: Donation Drive






PDF 9/6/22
August 2022 Guidelines

In This Edition…


2-  Committee & Council Meetings

2-  New Council Officers

2-  Incentives & Recognition

2-  Enrollment Note

3-  National 4-H Week

3-  Leadership Training Day

3-  Fresno Fair Reminders

3-  Need a 4-H Uniform?

4-  Presentations at the Fair

4- Money Management Project

5- Rabbit Achievement Day

5-  Scholarship Recipients

5-  Small Animal Achievement

6-  Sheep & Goat Show

7-  Regional & State Results

8-  Shooting Sports Awards

9-  Archery Awards & Meeting

Flyer A: Leadership Training

Flyer B: Achievement Night

Flyer C: Livestock Clinic


PDF 8/5/22
June-July 2022 Guidelines

In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Happy New Year

2-  Fresno- Beautified!

2-  State Leadership Conf.

3-  Clover Fest

4-  Livestock Achievement

4-  4-H Sheep & Goat Show

4-  My Job Depends on AG

5- 4-H Summer Camp


6- Record Book Time

7– Horse Awards Information

PDF 6/17/22
May 2022 Guidelines

In This Edition… 

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Project Zooms

2-  Last Call- Co. Ambassador

2-  My Job Depends on Ag

3-  Summer Camp

3-  4-H Record Books

4-  Livestock Achievement

4-  Livestock Kahoot!

4-  Fresno Fair Market Chicks

5- Small Animal Achieve Day

5- Fresno Fair Info.

5- Lamb & Goat Camp

5- 4-H Sheep & Goat Show

6- Clover Fest Fundraiser

7- Ownership Requirements

7- 4-H Horse Project Info.

8- CCL’s– Yr. End Info.

8- What is an Emerald Star?

PDF 5/5/22
April Guidelines 2022

In This Edition…

2-  Committee & Council Mtgs.

2-  Project Zooms

2-  Summer Camp

3-  County Fashion Revue

3-  Did You Make it To FFF?

4-  Livestock Achievement

4-  Livestock Kahoot!

5-  Scavenger Hunt

5-  Photography Contest

5-  4-H Scholarship Program

5-  Danish & American

6-  Market Chicken Projects

6-  Market Turkey Projects

6-  Small Animal Achievement

7-  Clover Fest Fundraiser

8-  FFF Winners

9-  Presentation Day Results

10- Service Learning Project

PDF 4/7/22
March Guidelines 2022

In This Edition…

2- Committee & Council Mtgs.

2- Project Zooms

2- Service Learning Project

2- Become an Ambassador

3- Festive Food Faire

3- Judging Contests

3- 4-H Fair

4- County Presentation Day

4- County Fashion Revue

5- Scavenger Hunt

5- Summer Camp

5- Clover Fest Dinner Dance

5– Upcoming Horse Events

6- Livestock Achievement

6- Small Animal Achievement

6- Archery Project

7- Color Me Green Run

8- Hope Planting Days

PDF 3/4/22
February 2022 Guidelines

In This Edition…

2- Committee & Council Mtgs.

2- Project Zooms

2- 4-H Fair Date Change

2- Congrats– Wyatt Esch

2- Save the Date– 4-H Camp

2- 4-H Website

3- Horse Play Day

3- Festive Food Faire

3- County Fashion Revue

4- County Presentation Day

4- Color Me Green Run

5- Livestock Achievement

5- Poultry ZOOM Mtg.

6- Swine Conference

6- Shooting Sports Workshop

6- Ag Discovery Camp

7- Cow Girl Up!

7- Tasty Fundraiser

7– Fundraising Policies

PDF 2/3/22
December 2021 - January 2022 Guidelines

In This Edition…

2- Committee & ZOOM Mtgs.

2- Value of 4-H

2- Interested in Archery?

2- Seasons Greetings

3- Festive Food Faire

4- Livestock Kahoot!

4- Model Horse Show

5- Livestock Judging Results

5- Fresno Fair Presenters

6- Window Display Results

6- CA 4-H Youth Summits

6- Give a 4-H Presentation

7- Color Me Green Run 2022


PDF 12/7/21
November 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition…

2- Council & Comm. Mtgs.

2- Giving Tuesday

2- Jr. Counselors Needed

3- 4-H Livestock Judge Contest

3- Horses from the Inside Out

4- Meet the Ambassador Team

4- Festive Food Faire

5- Livestock Achievement Prog.

5- County Horse Rally

6- State Classic Qualifier

6– BFF Memorial Scholarship

7– Horse Rally Results

7– County Enrollment Numbers

8- Leader Recognition

8- State Fashion Revue Update

9- BFF Still Exhibit Awards



PDF 11/22/21
October 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition…

2- Council & Comm. Mtgs.

2- The 4-H Name & Emblem

2- Let’s Celebrate 4-H Week

3- Jr. Counselors Needed

3- 4-H Livestock Judg. Contest

3- Open 4-H Horse Show

4- Leadership Training Day

4- Achievement Night 2021

5- Money Management Project

5- Horse Rally

6- Fresno Fair Dates

7- Shooting Sports

8- Officer & Record Book Awards

PDF 10/1/21
August-September 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition...


2- Council & Committee Meetings
2- Council Executive Officers
2- Leadership Training
3- Achievement Night
3- Livestock Achievement
3- Make It with Wool Contest
4- 4-H Scholarship Recipients
4- New County Ambassadors
4- Girls Health Project
4- Need a 4-H Uniform?
5- Presentations at Fresno Fair
5- 4-H Alumni Study
5- Next Level Livestock Camp
5- Pygmy Goat Field Day
6- Horse Rally
6- CA 4-H Equine Planning Team
6- Colt Challenge
7- Sheep & Goat Show Results
8- Dog Project Achievement Day
8- Horse Achievement Day
8- Livestock Achievement Day
9 - State Field Day Results

Insert- Leadership Training
Insert– Achievement Night
Insert– COVID Information
Insert– Poultry ZOOM


PDF 8/25/21
April-May 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition

4-H Leaders Council & Committee Mtgs., Pg. 2

Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Coronavirus Update on 4-H Activities, Pg. 3

Check out our Fresno County 4-H Website!, Pg. 3

Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 3

Handbook for Families, Pg. 3

Congratulations County 4-H Presentation Day Participants, Pg. 4

4-H Pygmy Goat Field Day, Pg. 4

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 5

4-H Ambassador Team-Helping Hands, Sprouting Hope, Pg. 6

4-H Ambassador Team-Hosting Kahoot, Pg. 6

2021 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue, Pg. 7

Western Adventure at 4-H Camp, Pg. 8

4-H Alumni Personality Feature, Pg. 8

Virtual State Field Day 2021, Pg. 9

Tractor Supply 4-H Paper Clover Drive  2021, Pg. 9

Farms-R-us Community Garden , Pg. 10

Kids Earth Day Celebration Pg. 10

Fresno County 4-H Fair-Modified for 2021, Pg. 10

Fresno Fair Market Chicken Projects, Pg. 11

Fresno County Poultry Show, Pg. 11

Fresno Co. 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 12

Attention 4-H Shooting Sports Enthusiasts!, Pg. 12


PDF 4/19/21
March 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Coronavirus Update on 4-H Activities, Pg. 3

Check out our Fresno County 4-H Website!, Pg. 3

Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 3

Handbook for Families, Pg. 3

Fresno Kinds & Tulare Co Virtual 4-H Presentation Day, Pg. 4

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 4

4-H Scholarship Program 2021, Pg. 5

4-H Ambassador Team-Helping Hands, Sprouting Hope, Pg. 5

2021 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue, Pg. 6

Hi-Citizenship aka Hi-C, Pg. 7

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 7

4-H Alumni Personality Feature, Pg. 7

2021 Virtual Youth Summit, Pg. 8

4-H Summer Camp Update-Day Camp 2021, Pg. 8

Postponed Until Spring 2022—Color Me Green, Pg. 8

CA 4-H Visa Debit Card—Fundraiser, Pg. 9

Girls Health Project-Lone Star 4-H - Open to All Clubs, Pg. 9

Presentation Day Awards Ceremony-Zoom, Pg. 10

Webinar Series-AZ 4-H AG at Home: Animal Projects, Pg. 10

Fresno Co. 4-H Livestock Achievement Day-Save the Date!, Pg. 11

Associated Feed & Supply Co.-Livestock Judging Clinic, Pg. 11

Attention Pygmy Goat Project Members!, Pg. 12

Attention 4-H Shooting Sports Enthusiasts!, Pg. 12

Dry Creek Archery Project Accepting New Members, Pg. 12

PDF 3/8/21
February 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council & Committee Mtgs., Pg. 2

Annual California State 4-H Report, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Check out our Fresno County 4-H Website!, Pg. 3

Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 3

4-H Adult Helper in Virtual Learning Spaces, Pg. 3

Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 3

Handbook for Families, Pg. 3

Now is the time to think about Presentations!, Pg. 4

Renegades 4-H Donation Drive thru for HOPE Sanger, Pg. 4

The Power of Youth, Hi-Citizenship aka Hi-C, Pg. 5

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 5

4-H Alumni Personality Feature, Pg. 5

Valentine’s 4-H Community Service Project for (UCP), Pg. 6

Updates on County 4-H Events, Pg. 6

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 6

Congratulations to all Festive Food Faire Participants, Pg. 7 & 8

CA 4-H Visa Debit Card—Fundraiser, Pg. 9

Color Me Green, Pg. 9

Girls Health Project-Lone Star 4-H-Open to All Clubs, Pg. 10

Webinar Series-AZ 4-H AG at Home: Animal Projects, Pg. 10

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program, Pg. 11

Associated Feed & Supply Co.-Livestock Judging Clinic, Pg. 11

Equine Public Speaking Contest, Pg. 12

Attention 4-H Shooting Sports Enthusiasts!, Pg. 12

Dry Creek Archery Project Accepting New Members, Pg. 12


PDF 2/5/21
December 2020/Jaunuary 2021 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council & Committee Mtgs., Pg. 2

Annual California State 4-H Report , Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

New/Returning Leader Training Course Completion Dec 31, Pg. 3

Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 3

4-H Adult Helper in Virtual Learning Spaces, Pg. 3

Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 3

Now is the time to think about Presentations!, Pg. 4

Festive Food Faire January 23, Pg. 4

Chef Christine’s Apple Class Rescheduled to Dec. 18, Pg. 4

Summer Camp 2021– Congratulations JC’s, Pg. 5

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 5

4-H Alumni Personality Feature, Pg. 5

Handbook for Families, Pg. 6

Online Record Book Users-ORB Closes December 31, Pg. 6

The Power of Youth, Hi-Citizenship aka Hi-C, Pg. 6

Girls Health Project-Lone Star 4-H-Open to All Clubs, Pg. 7

Color Me Green– Planning Committee Mtg, Pg. 7

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 7

CA 4-H Visa Debit Card—Fundraiser, Pg. 8

Congratulations to All Pumpkin Project Participants, Pg. 9

Con’t- Congratulations to All Pumpkin Project Participants, Pg. 10

California 4-H at Home, Pg. 10

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program, Pg. 11

Pygmy Goat Show, Pg. 12

Attention 4-H Shooting Sports Enthusiasts! Pg. 12

Dry Creek Archery Project Accepting New Members, Pg. 12

PDF 12/22/20
October/November 2020 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Leaders Council, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Giving Tuesday December 1, 2020, Pg. 3

Program Promo Videos Needed,  Pg. 3

County 4-H Office Open by Appointment Only, Pg. 3

Handbook for Families, Pg. 4

The Power of Youth-Hi-Citizenship aka Hi-C, Pg. 4

Fresno Fair Great Success and Thank you to Fair Staff, Pg. 5

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 5

California 4-H at Home, Pg. 5

Summer Camp 2021– Junior Camp Counselor Applications, Pg. 6

Pumpkin Project Update, Pg. 6

County Wide Event—Save the Date, Pg. 7

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 7

Color Me Green– Save the Date -Saturday, April 10, 2021, Pg. 7

Window Display Winners, Pg. 8

Girls Health Project-Lone Star 4-H Open to All Clubs, Pg. 8

CA 4-H Visa Debit Card—No Cost, No Credit Impact, Pg. 9

4-H Adult Helper in Virtual Learning Spaces, Pg. 9

Cooking Academy Project Resources, Pg. 10

Congratulations to Goal Sean Awards 2019-2020, Pg. 10

Thank you All Volunteers for Years of Service, Pg. 11

Congratulations Gold Medalists Officer Books 2019-2020, Pg. 12

Feed back Please!  Regarding Recent Achievement Night, Pg. 13

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program, Pg. 13

4-H Shooting Sports Upcoming Workshops, Pg. 14

Attention 4-H Shooting Sports Enthusiasts! Pg. 14

Dry Creek Archery Project Accepting New Members, Pg. 14

PDF 11/10/20
August/September 2020 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Leaders Council, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Achievement Night 2020, Pg. 3

National 4-H Week-Window Display Pg. 4

Girls Health Project-Lone Star 4-H Open to All Clubs, Pg. 4

Uniform Supplies, Pg. 5

The Power of Youth-Hi-Citizenship aka Hi-C, Pg. 5

Dry Creek Archery Project Accepting New Members, Pg. 6

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 6

California 4-H at Home, Pg. 6

County 4-H Office Temporarily Closed, Pg. 7

State Record Book Competition, Pg. 7

Follow the Exciting 4-H Pumpkin Project Progress, Pg. 7

Welcome 2020-2021 Fresno County 4-H Ambassador Team, Pg. 8

4-H County Emerald Star, Pg. 8

Color Me Green– Save the Date -Saturday, April 10, 2021, Pg. 8

CA 4-H Visa Debit Card—Fresno County Opportunity, Pg. 9

Fall Tractor Supply Paper Clover, Pg. 9

2020 Record Book Awards-Congratulations!, Pg. 10

National 4-H Week –October 4-10, 2020, Pg. 11

4-H Online Record Book (ORB) to Sunset, July 1, 2020, Pg. 11

Handbook for Families, Pg. 11

Fresno Fair Exhibitor Updates, Pg. 12

Fresno County 4-H Pygmy Goat Show, Pg. 12

36th Annual CA 4-H Statewide Shooting Sports Match 2020, Pg. 13

CA 4-H Shooting Sports Project Leader Skills Day, Pg. 14

Discover Yourself in 4-H-Want to be a Leader, Pg. 15


PDF 9/8/20
June 2020 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Leaders Council, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 2

Community Club Leader Year-End Reminders, Pg. 3

County 4-H Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 3

Mark Your Calendars 2020-Important Deadlines/Events, Pg. 3

Community Service Hours Reported for 2019-2020, Pg. 4

2020-2021 Fresno County 4-H Ambassador Team, Pg. 4

Congratulations Fresno County 4-H Gold Medalist, Pg. 4

Congratulations State Field Day Participants, Pg. 5

Area Presentation Day Gold Medalist, Pg. 6

Record Book Guidance Available-Via Zoom, Pg. 7

Record Book Updates, Pg. 7

4-H Online Record Book (ORB) to Sunset, July 1, 2020, Pg. 8

Things to Do, Pg. 8

Virtual Livestock Judging Camp Opportunity, Pg. 9

California Free of Virulent NewCastle Disease, Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 10

Fair and Caruthers Information Update—YQCA Training, Pg. 10

Color Me Green– New Date– Saturday, October 24, Pg. 11

UC 4-H Epidemiology Statewide Project, Pg. 11

4-H Camp Updates—2020 Cancelled, Pg. 11

California 4-H State Shoot 2020, Pg. 12

Shooting Sports News, Pg. 12

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 12

California 4-H at Home, Pg. 13

We’re going Virtual for Vision 2020 SLC, July 24-26, Pg. 13

Online  Learning with 4-H and Project Learning, Pg. 13

4-H Animal Science Symposium, Pg. 14

PDF 6/15/20
May Guidelines 2020

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Leaders Council, Pg. 2

Reminder: Enrollment Requirements for Active Participation, Pg. 2

County 4-H Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 2

Club Leader Reminders for Year End, Pg. 3

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know!, Pg. 3

Mark Your Calendars 2020-Important Deadlines/Events, Pg. 3

4-H Club Elections Options-Online Virtual Platform, Pg. 4

State 4-H Advisory Committees Make a Difference in 4-H!, Pg. 4

Community Service Hours Reported for 2019-2020, Pg. 5

First Ever County 4-H Virtual Presentation Day Participants, Pg. 6

State 4-H Fashion Show, Pg. 7

California 4-H at Home, Pg. 7

Now on California 4-H at Home, Pg. 7

Thank you for Toiletry Donations, Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day, Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 9

Project Meeting Tips & Ideas, Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Ambassador,- Service Learning Project, Pg. 10

Color Me Green– New Date, Pg. 11

Fresno County 4-H Fair Canceled for May 9, Pg. 11

All in Person Horse Project Events Canceled through May 31, Pg. 11

Zoom Record Book Guidance Available, Pg. 12

Record Book Revision for 2020, Pg. 13

4-H Online Record Book (ORB) to Sunset, July 1, 2020,  Pg. 13

Things To Do, Pg. 13

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola-Camp Updates, Pg. 14

California 4-H State Shoot 2020, Pg. 14

UC 4-H Epidemiology Statewide Project, Pg. 14

Virtual State 4-H Field Day, Pg. 15

Online Learning with 4-H and Project Learning Tree, Pg. 15

Animal Science Symposium, Pg. 16


PDF 5/8/20
April 2020 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Leaders Council, Pg. 2

County 4-H Office Temporary Closed, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know, Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2020-Important Deadlines/Events, Pg. 3

Reminder: Enrollment Requirements for Active Participation, Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships & Grants 2020, Pg. 3

Things To Do, Pg. 4

FMFC Ag Youth Grant Program, Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 5

I Love 4-H–Updates, Pg. 5

Congratulations 2020 Fashion Revue Contestants, Pg. 6

2020-21 Fresno County 4-H Ambassadors, Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day, Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Ambassador,- Service Learning Project, Pg. 8

Color Me Green– Event Postponed, Pg. 9

Horse Project Event, Pg. 9

Toiletry Kit Drive 2020, Pg. 10

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola, Pg. 11

Tractor Supply Co. Drive Clover—Postponed, Pg. 11

California 4-H State Field Day is Going Virtual, Pg. 11

Adventure Risk Challenge Summer Courses, Pg. 12

California 4-H State Shoot 2020, Pg.13

2020 California 4-H State Archery Tournament, Pg. 13

4-H Online Record Book (ORB) to Sunset,  Pg. 14

California Focus-California Capitol Sacramento, Pg. 14

PDF 4/9/20
February Guidelines 2020

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Best Practice for 4-H Office Visits, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know, Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2020—Important Deadlines, Pg. 3

Reminder: Enrollment Requirements for Active Participation, Pg. 3

Fresno Grizzlies Farm Grown Scholarships, Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships & Grants 2020, Pg. 3

Club New Members Contest 2019-2020, Pg. 4

Exhibit Application for 2020 4-H Field Day, Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Sheep Field Day, Pg. 5

Annual 4-H Model Horse Show, Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 6

Attention 4-H Friends and Families, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue, Pg. 7

2020-21 Fresno County 4-H Ambassadors, Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day, Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Ambassador, Pg. 9

Color Me Green– Save the Date, Pg. 10

Toiletry Kit Drive 2020, Pg. 11

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola, Pg. 12

Mark Your Calendars-Tractor Supply Co. Drive Clover, Pg. 12

California 4-H State Field Day is May 30, 2020, Pg. 12

2020 Adventure Risk Challenge Summer Courses, Pg. 13

California 4-H State Shoot 2020, Pg.14

2019 Annual State Postal Archery Shoot Contest, Pg. 14

2020 National 4-H Western Heritage Workshop, Pg. 14

Festive Food Fair -January 8, 2020—Results, Pg. 15, 16, 17


PDF 2/12/20
January 2020 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2020—Important Deadlines, Pg. 3

Please Do Not Sign Contracts, Pg. 3

Reminder: Enrollment Requirements for Active Participation, Pg. 3

Best Practice for 4-H Office Visits, Pg. 3

Fresno Grizzlies Farm Grown Scholarships, Pg. 4

Handbook for New Families, Pg. 5

Hi Citizenship (or Hi-C), Pg. 5

Congratulations Blossom Trail 4-H Club, Pg. 5

Color Me Green– Save the Date, Pg. 5

4-H Camp Keola– Save the Date , Pg. 6

California 4-H Camping Conference, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Ambassador Service Learning Project, Pg. 7

Toiletry Kit Drive 2020, Pg. 8

Club Enrollment Totals—Pizza Party, Pg. 9

California 4-H Youth Summits, Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue, Pg. 10

Snack Shop at 4-H Festive Food Fair, Pg. 11

Congratulations Annual State Postal Archery Shoot, Pg. 12

2020 National 4-H Western Heritage Workshop, Pg. 12

Congratulations Livestock Judging Medalists,  Pg. 13

Renegades 4-H Horse Group Event—Results Pg. 14

Annual 4-H Model Horse Show, Pg. 15

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement, Pg. 15

Fresno County 4-H Sheep Field Day, Pg. 16

Poultry Educational Webinars, Pg. 17

2nd Annual 4-H Disneyland Educational Event, Pg. 18


PDF 1/14/20
November 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Handbook for New Families, Pg. 2

Tractor Supply Paper Clove *Update*, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Shooting Sports News Training Days, Pg. 3

Shooting Sports Leaders Training in Merced County, Pg. 3

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop, Pg. 3

Get the Latest Updates on 4-H Shooting Sports, Pg. 3

Mark Your Calendars 2019  -  Important Deadlines, Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest, Pg. 4

2019 Annual 4-H Model Horse Show, Pg. 4

Congratulations to 4-H Window Display Contest Winners, Pg. 5

California 4-H Youth Summit, Pg. 5

2019 Fresno Fair  -  Awards and Accomplishments, Pg. 6

Club Enrollment Totals  -  Pizza Party, Pg. 7

2019 Fresno Fair  -  Presentations and Demonstrations, Pg. 8

Congratulations Horse High Point Winners, Pg. 9

Renegades 4-H Horse Group Versatility Meet, Pg. 9

2020 California 4-H Camping Conference Pg. 10

2019 Healthy Living County-Wide Project Pg. 10

E4: The Volunteer Retreat, Pg. 11  


Save the Date  -  4-H Keola Camp, Pg. 11

2019 Fresno County 4-H Inspire Vendor Flyer, Pg. 12

PDF 11/12/19
October 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Enrollment Fees, Pg. 2

Grow Your Club—Earn a Pizza Party, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Save the Date: Tractor Supply Paper Clover, Pg. 3

National 4-H Week - Window Display, Pg. 3

Fresno Fair Information and Dates, Pg. 3

Shooting Sports News Training Days, Pg. 4

Shooting Sports Leaders Training in Merced County, Pg. 4

Get the Latest Updates on 4-H Shooting Sports, Pg. 4

Important Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting, Pg. 4

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop, Pg. 4

Mark Your Calendars 2019  -  Important Deadlines, Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest, Pg. 5

Handbook for  New Families, Pg. 5

2019 Annual State Postal Archery Shoot Contest Results, Pg. 6

California 4-H Youth Summit, Pg.6

Classic Qualifier Fresno County 4-H Horse Show, Pg. 7

Fresno County Horse Park Championship, Pg. 7

Renegades 4-H Horse Group Horse Versatility, Pg. 7

Presentation Opportunities at the Fresno Fair, Pg. 8  

2019 Healthy Living County-Wide Project, Pg. 8

E4: The Volunteer Retreat, Pg. 9

Mindfulness Retreat, Pg. 9

Save the Date! 4-H Camp JC Apps Available, Pg. 9

2019 Fresno County 4-H Inspire Vendor Flyer, Pg. 10 

PDF 10/9/19
September 2019 Guidelines

In this Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Enrollment Fees, Pg. 2

Grow Your Club—Earn a Pizza Party, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

4-H Achievement Night  An Evening “Under the Stars”, Pg. 3

4-H Achievement Night Tri-tip Dinner, Pg. 3

Tell Us What You Think-1st Year Experience Survey, Pg. 3

Congratulations 2019 Record Book Medalist, Pg. 4

State Record Book Competition, Pg. 4

Shooting Sports News Training Days, Pg. 5

Shooting Sports Leaders Training in Merced County, Pg. 5

Get the Latest Updates on 4-H Shooting Sports, Pg. 5

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop, Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Information & Dates, Pg. 6

Congrats 19 National Western Heritage Competition Winners, Pg. 6

Classic Qualifier Fresno County 4-H Show, Pg. 7

National 4-H Week-Window Display, Pg. 7

Save the Date: Tractor Supply Paper, Pg. 7

Presentation Opportunities at the Fresno Fair, Pg. 8

All Around Ag Award at Fashion Fair, Pg. 8

JPM Buckle Program—Big Fresno Fair, Pg. 8

Mark Your Calendars 2019-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 9

E4: The Volunteer Retreat, Pg. 9

2019 Healthy Living Project, Pg. 9

2019 Fresno County 4-H Inspire Vendor Flyer, Pg. 10

PDF 9/16/19
July - August 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2
Fresno County 4-H Enrollment Fees, Pg. 2
Grow Your Club—Earn a Pizza Party, Pg. 2
State 4-H Classic Horse Show, Pg. 2
CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2
Presentation Opportunities at the Fresno Fair, Pg. 3
State Presentation Day Medalists, Pg. 3
2019 State Shooting Match Awards, Pg. 4
Madera District Fair, Pg. 4
2019Fresno County 4-H Inspire Vendor Flyer, Pg. 5
4-H Market Sheep & Goat Show Winners, Pg. 6
2019 Record Books, Pg. 7
Handbook for New Families, Pg. 7
Notice for Horse Leaders, Pg. 8
All Around Ag Award at Fashion Fair, Pg. 8
JPM Buckle Program-Big Fresno Fair, Pg. 8
Help Save Funding for 4-H UCCE Riverside, Pg. 8
State Field Day Fashion Revue Awards, Pg. 9
Casting Calls for Kids Baking Championship, Pg. 9
2019 Champion Choice Lamb Camp, Pg. 10
2019 Healthy Living Project, Pg. 11
Animal Ownership & Supervision Requirements, Pg. 12
Mark Your Calendars 2019-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 13
Save the Date - UC Merced, Pg. 13
National 4-H Week-Window Display, Pg. 13
E4: The Volunteer Retreat, Pg. 14
National 4-H Western Heritage Conference, Pg. 14
Sparks Surveys, Pg. 14
ORB–The 4-H Online Record Book, Pg. 14
4-H Achievement Night An Evening “Under the Stars”, Pg. 15
4-H Achievement Night Tri-tip Dinner, Pg. 15
Scholarships and Awards, Pg. 16

PDF 8/1/19
May - June 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Enrollment Fees, Pg. 2

Attention-CCL’s and Leaders, Pg. 2

State 4-H Classic Horse Show, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Camp–Registration, Pg. 3

Area Presentation Day Medalists, Pg. 3

4-H State Leadership Conference, Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Horse Achievement Day, Pg. 5

Congratulations 2019 County Fashion Revue Winners, Pg. 5

Record Books 2019, Pg. 6

Handbook for New Families, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star, Pg. 6

Congratulations 2019 4-H Fair Horse Project Winners!, Pg. 7

Animal Ownership & Supervision Requirements, Pg. 8

Mark Your Calendars 2019-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 9

JPM Buckle Program-Big Fresno Fair, Pg. 9

STEM Activity, Pg. 10

The State of Young People, Pg. 10

USDA Launches Ace the Waste!, Pg. 10

Casting Call for Kids Baking Championship, Pg. 11

Attention Sheep and Goat Exhibitors, Pg. 11

State 4-H Advisory Committee, Pg. 11

California 4-H State Field Day, Pg. 12

Sparks Surveys, Pg. 12

ORB–The 4-H Online Record Book, Pg. 12

State 4-H Classic Horse Show, Pg. 13

Activity Announcements, Pg. 14

E4: The Volunteer Retreat, Pg. 15

National 4-H Western Heritage Conference, Pg. 15

Big Dig Day!, Pg. 15

Scholarships and Awards, Pg. 16


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 5/30/19
March 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

State Record Book Participants, Pg. 2

Welcome Cashmir Whittle, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Junior Camp Counselor Planning Meeting, Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Camp–Registration, Pg. 3

Judging Day Medalists, Pg. 3

Color Me Green, Pg. 4

Building the 4-H Horse Project, Pg. 5

California 4-H Equine Education Contest Day, Pg. 5

Fresno County Horse Project, Pg. 5

Iron Chef Contest, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Fair, Pg. 6

Handbook for New Families, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star, Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings, Pg. 7

Fresno County Presentation Day, Pg. 7

Animal Ownership & Supervision Requirements, Pg. 8

Mark Your Calendars 2019-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 9

FREE Small Flock Egg Producers Workshop, Pg. 9

Fresno County Livestock Achievement Reminder, Pg. 10

Fresno County Ambassador Program, Pg. 10

JOANN Stores Clovers for Kids Campaign, Pg. 11

2019-20 CVCWA Scholarship, Pg. 11

Upcoming Shooting Sports Projects, Pg. 12

ORB–The 4-H Online Record Book, Pg. 12

Central Valley Honor Flight, Pg. 13

Ag. Day at the Chaffee Zoo Participation, Pg. 13

Activity Announcements, Pg. 14

Ag. Day at the Chaffee Zoo, Pg. 15

Reading Heart, Pg. 16

4-H Central Valley Night, Pg. 17


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 3/7/19
February 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2

World Ag. Expo, Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2

Junior Camp Counselor Planning Meeting, Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Camp–Registration, Pg. 3

Chaffee Zoo Ag Day Participation, Pg. 3

Attention 4-H Teens, Pg. 3

Building the 4-H Horse Project, Pg. 4

2019 Fresno County Fashion Revue, Pg. 4

Iron Chef Contest, Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Fair, Pg. 5

Handbook for New Families, Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star, Pg. 5

Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 6

Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements!, Pg. 6

Fresno County Presentation Day, Pg. 6

Animal Ownership & Supervision Requirements, Pg. 7

Color Me Green, Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings, Pg. 9

2019 State Avian Bowl Qualifier, Pg. 9

ORB–The 4-H Online Record Book, Pg. 9

Upcoming Shooting Sports Projects, Pg. 10

Mark Your Calendars 2018-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 10

Upcoming Shooting Sports Projects-Continued, Pg. 11

Festive Food Faire Medalists. Pg. 12

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Reminder, Pg. 13

Primaries Shine at Festive Food Faire, Pg. 13

JOANN Stores Clovers for Kids Campaign, Pg. 14

California 4-H Equine Education Contest Day, Pg. 14

2019-20 CVCWA Scholarship, Pg. 14

Introduction to Beekeeping, Pg. 15

Ag. Day at the Chaffee Zoo, Pg. 16


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 2/12/19
January 2019 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings, Pg. 2
World Ag. Expo, Pg. 2
CCL’S (Community Club Leaders)-Need to Know, Pg. 2
Junior Camp Counselor Planning Meeting, Pg. 3
Fresno County 4-H Camp–Registration, Pg. 3
Ag. Day at the Chaffee Zoo, Pg. 3
Color Me Green, Pg. 4
Thank You For Your Support On #Giving Tuesday, Pg. 4
Handbook for New Families, Pg. 4
Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star, Pg. 4
Community Service Online Reporting, Pg. 5
Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements!, Pg. 5
Presentation Day, Pg. 5
Animal Ownership & Supervision Requirements, Pg. 6
Support Paradise, CA Families Affected by the Camp Fire, Pg. 7
Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings, Pg. 8
California Pork Producers Association (CPPA) 2019 Show Pig Scholarship, Pg. 8
ORB–The 4-H Online Record Book, Pg. 8
CONGRATULATIONS 2018-19 4-H Window Display Winners, Pg. 9
2019 State Avian Bowl Qualifier, Pg. 9
Welcome to STEM Lab, Pg. 9
Upcoming Shooting Sports Projects, Pg. 10
Mark Your Calendars 2018-IMPORTANT DEADLINES, Pg. 11
Upcoming Shooting Sports Projects-Continued, Pg. 11
Mark Your Calendar-Festive Food Faire Coming. Pg. 12
Guidelines to Follow for Festive Food Faire, Pg. 12
Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Reminder, Pg. 13
2019 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue, Pg. 13
4-H Dog Field Day, Pg. 14
California 4-H Equine Field Day, Pg. 15
Model Horse Show, Pg. 15
California 4-H Equine Education Contest Day, Pg. 15
Introduction to Beekeeping, Pg. 16

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 1/11/19
November-December 2018

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings - Pg. 2

Important Reminder - Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know - Pg. 2

Junior Camp Counselor Interviews - Pg. 3

Important Sewing, Clothing & Textiles Project Leaders Meeting- Pg. 3

Google Science Fair - Pg. 4

Handbook for New Families - Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star - Pg. 4

Community Service Online Reporting - Pg. 5

Please Do Not Sign Contracts of Agreements! - Pg. 5

It’s not to Late to Become a Project Leader! - Pg. 5

Another Successful Fresno County Fair - Pg. 6

Community Service to Support Camp Fire Victims - Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings - Pg. 8

Save the Date - November 27—Give to California 4-H Today - Pg. 8

ORB – The 4-H Online Record Book - Pg. 8

Welcome to STEM Lab - Pg. 9

Upcoming Shooting Sports Project - Pg. 10

Mark Your Calendars 2018—IMPORTANT DEADLINES - Pg. 11

Santa’s Village - Pg. 11

Mark Your Calendar—Festive Food Fair Coming - Pg. 12

Guidelines to Follow for Festive Faire - Pg. 12

4-H Dog Field Day - Pg. 13

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Day Medalists - Pg. 14

Add the Breyers to your Christmas List - Pg. 14


PDF 11/28/18
October 2018 Guidelines

 In This Edition:


A Spirit Day and Inspire Kids to do 4-H Week

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings — Pg. 2

Attention 4-H Teens — Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know—Pg. 2

All Star Project—Foster Families — Pg. 3

Important Sewing, Clothing & Textiles Project Leaders Meeting - Pg. 3

State Record Books — Pg. 4

Come Represent Fresno County 4-H — Pg. 4

Handbook for New Families - Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star — Pg. 4

Community Service Online Reporting — Pg. 5

Please Do Not Sign Contracts of Agreements! — Pg. 5

It’s not to Late to Become a Project Leader! - Pg. 5

The Big Fresno Fair is Here—October 3-14, 2018 - Pg. 6

Buyers Wanted 2018 Big Fresno Fair JR. Livestock Auctions - Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings - Pg. 8

ORB – The 4-H Online Record Book - Pg. 8

Save the Date - November 27—Give to California 4-H Today - Pg. 8

Whites Exchange Opportunity-Now Available at the 4-H Office - Pg. 8

Share your 4-H Story & Apply for the 2019 4-H Youth in Action Award - Pg. 9

Welcome to STEM Lab - Pg. 9

Upcoming Shooting Sports Project - Pg. 10

Mark Your Calendars 2018—IMPORTANT DEADLINES- Pg. 11

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest - Pg. 11

Renegades 4-H Horse Rally- Pg. 12

4-H Horse Show State Fair, Classic Qualifier & Open Divisions- Pg. 12


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 10/5/18
August-September 2018 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Kicking off the 4-H Year 2018/2019

Officer/Leadership Training Day—September 8 — Pg. 2

4-H Achievement Night –September 15— Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs. -Pg. 3

Attention 4-H Teens—Pg. 4

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know- Pg. 4

Leaders Council Executive Board Officers 2018-2019 —Pg. 5

Welcome New Chartered Club—Ridge Top 4-H Club— Pg. 5

Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements- Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Updates - Pg. 5

2018-2019 State 4-H Program Fees—Pg. 6

Can you Be a Project Leader? —Pg. 6

New Year Enrollment Now Open—Pg. 7

Community Service Online Reporting- Pg. 7

UC Merced 4-H Officer Training Day & Campus Tour- Pg. 7

Calling all Fresno Fair Participants - Pg. 7

See page 1 in guidelines for continued in this edition details.

PDF 8/30/18
June-July 2018 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Location change  July Council Meeting

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtg. — Pg. 2

Now Forming-Fresno County 4-H Youth Council Board — Pg. 2

CCL’s (Community Club Leaders) - Need to know- Pg. 2

2018-2019 State 4-H Program Fees—Pg. 3

Can you Be a Project Leader?—Pg. 3

Enrollment Notes: —Pg. 4

Community Service Online Reporting— Pg. 4

Are you a 1st year member?- Pg. 4

Cotton Contest Winners - Pg. 5

Congratulations Sewing Achievement Test– Rosette Winner—Pg. 5

Congratulations Fresno County 4-H Horse Bowl 2018 —Pg. 5

Congratulations 2018 Fresno County 4-H Scholarship Recipients—Pg. 6

Congratulations 2018 Livestock Achievement Medalists- Pg. 6

Congratulations to the Medalists—Fur and Feathers Achievement Test - Pg. 7

4-H Fair Horse Division Results - Pg. 7

Mark Your Calendars 2018...Important Deadlines Pg. 7

Handbook for New Families- Pg. 8

Fresno County 4=H Emerald Star - Pg. 8

Help Collect School Supplies for Foster Care Children- Pg. 8

2019 Central Youth Summit- Pg. 9

Record Books 2018 - Pg. 10

California 4-H ORB- Pg. 10

Shooting Sports News- Pg. 11

Champion Choice Lamb Camp - Pg. 11

Horse Leaders and Members– Horsemanship Manual— Pg. 11

Fresno Fair Updates - Pg. 12

4-H Fair Market Sheep & Goat Show- Pg. 12

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 6/29/18
April - May 2018 Guidelines

In This Edition:

4-H Age Requirements

Enrollment Notes: For Adult Volunteers — Pg. 2

Community Service Online Reporting — Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to know- Pg. 2

New Opportunity for Sewing Clothing & Textiles 4-H Members—Pg. 2

Register for Cal Focus 2018—Pg. 3

2018 Citizenship Washington Focus Conference—Pg. 3

4-H Neighbors in Need— Pg. 4

Record Books 2018- Pg. 4

Handbook for New Families - Pg. 4

Central Area Presentation Day in Wasco—Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star—Pg. 5

Congratulations 2018-2019 4-H All Star/Ambassadors —Pg. 5

Mark Your Calendars 2018… Important Deadlines  - Pg. 5

Fresno FiberArts Guild - Pg. 6

Fashion Show and Modeling Event- - Pg. 6

Congratulations 2018 State Record Book Winners- Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day - Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day 2018—Results- Pg. 8

Range Camp 2018-Half Moon Bay- Pg. 9

ORB-4-H Online Record Book - Pg. 10

2018 California 4-H Camping Conference - Pg. 10

4-H Shooting Sports NEWS- Pg. 11

Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects- Pg. 11

Horse Bowl—May 5th—Mane Trail - Pg. 12

4-H Fair Horse Division - Results — Pg. 12

Accepting Donations of New Stuffed Animals - Pg. 12

4-H Fair—4-H Fair Participants- Pg. 13

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program- Pg. 13

Horse Leaders and Members– Horsemanship Composite Manuals—Pg. 14

The Club Lambs - Pg. 14

4-H Fair Market Sheep & Goat! — Pg. 14

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 4/26/18
March 2018 Guidelines

In This Edition:


Community Club Leaders

4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings— Pg. 2

Enrollment Notes: For Adult Volunteers — Pg. 2

Community Service Online Reporting - Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to know—Pg. 2

Emerald Star Project on American Flag Etiquette—Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships—Pg. 3

Hi-C Meeting Tuesday, March 20th—Ciara Zito— Pg. 3

Handbook for New Families- Pg. 3

Club Grant Opportunity - Pg. 3

4-H Emerald Star—Pg. 4

4-H All Star / Ambassador Program—Pg. 4

Mark Your Calendars 2018… Important Deadlines —Pg. 4

2018 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue Winners-Congratulations - Pg. 5

Livestock Judging Medalist 2018 - Pg. 6

Fresno FiberArts Guild - Pg. 7

Fashion Show and Modeling Event- Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day - Pg. 7

Save the Date-Color Me Green- Pg. 8

Range Camp 2018-Half Moon Bay- Pg. 9

National Ag Week at Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Pg. 10

4-H Night at Chukchansi Park - Pg. 10

The Noon Easter Egg Hunt - Pg. 10

JOANN 4-H Rewards Save 15% - Pg. 10

ORB-4-H Online Record Book- Pg. 11

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola! — Pg. 11

2018 California 4-H Camping Conference - Pg. 11

4-H Shooting Sports NEWS- Pg. 12

Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects- Pg. 13

State Classic Qualifier & Open 4-H Horse Show  Date Change-4/15/18—Pg. 13

4-H Fair—4-H Fair Participants- Pg. 14

4-H Livestock Achievement –UPDATE!! — Pg. 14


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 3/16/18
February 2018 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Plant a Seed And Watch It Grow!

4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings— Pg. 2

4-H Hi-C Meeting - Pg. 2

Enrollment—Volunteers Incomplete— Pg. 2

Enrollment Notes: — Pg. 2

Community Service Online Reporting - Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to know—Pg. 2

Handbook for New Families— Pg. 3

Hi Citizenship (or Hi-C) is the Fresno County version of Hi 4-H- Pg. 3

California 2018—Western Region Leaders’ Forum  - Pg. 3

2018 Fresno County Fashion Revue—Pg. 3

4-H Emerald Star—Pg. 4

4-H All Star / Ambassador Program—Pg. 4

Mark Your Calendars 2018… Important Deadlines —Pg. 4

2018 4-H Food Faire Winners— Pg. 5 & 6

4-H Presentation Day - Pg. 7

Save the Date! Color Me Green! - Pg. 7 & 8

National Ag Week at Fresno Chaffee Zoo - Pg. 9

4-H Night at Chukchansi Park - Pg. 9

Egg Show Competition-Big Fresno Fair Grounds - Pg. 9

JOANN 4-H Rewards Save 15% - Pg. 19

ORB-4-H Online Record Book- Pg. 10

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola! — Pg. 10

2018 California 4-H Camping  Conference - Pg. 10

4-H Shooting Sports NEWS- Pg. 11

2018 San Joaquin Livestock Symposium“Back to Basics — Pg. 12

State Classic Qualifier & Open 4-H Horse Show - Pg. 12

4-H Livestock Judging Contest- Pg. 13

4-H Livestock Achievement –UPDATE!! — Pg. 13


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 2/9/18
December 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

To Our 4-H Leaders, Members and Families

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings— Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meeting - Pg. 2

Color Me Green Event Planning Meeting— Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know — Pg. 2

Community Service Online Reporting - Pg. 2

Fresno County Record Book Workshop —Pg. 3

2018 Western Region Leaders’ Forum!—Pg. 3

Community Service Opportunity— Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Festive Food Faire 2018- Pg. 4

Enrollment Notes: - Pg. 5

#GivingTuesday 2017—Pg. 5

Handbook for New Families—Pg. 5

Guideline for Authorized Use of the 4-H Name and Emblem—Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star—Pg. 7

2018 Youth Summit “Formally Known as L-CORT— Pg. 7

Mark Your Calendars 2017-2018… Important Deadlines - Pg. 8

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola! - Pg. 8

Junior Camp Counselor Interviews– Tuesday December 12 - Pg. 8

Add the Breyers to you Christmas List-Coming Soon–Annual 4-H Horse Show- Pg. 9

Take Notes of Upcoming Events - Pg. 9

Shooting Sports: New Rifle Project Open to All - Pg. 10

Shooting Sports News- Pg. 10

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program — Pg. 10

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 12/8/17
November 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Wishing you all a special time of family, friends, food

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings— Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council - Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know — Pg. 2

Adult Volunteer Enrollment Process Survey Closed December 1st—Page 2

Handbook for New Families - Pg. 2

Enrollments Notes: Youth enrollment is a 3 step process —Pg. 3

#GivingTuesday 2017—Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star — Pg. 4

2018 Youth Summit “Formally Known as L-CORT- Pg. 4

Mark Your Calendars 2017-2018… Important Deadlines - Pg. 5

Festive Food Faire Coming January 20, 2018 —Pg. 5

Santa’s Village Community Service Opportunity—Pg. 6

Why Science Matters to Me photo contest—Pg. 6

Fresno Fair Participants—Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program — Pg. 7

Save The Date! 4-H Camp at CAMP Keola! - Pg. 8

Cultural Arts Rotary Club of Fresno- Pg. 8

4-H Shooting Sports: New Rifle Project Open to All— Pg. 9

4-H Shooting Sport News - Pg. 9

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 11/9/17
October 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

#GivingTuesday 2017 —Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Program thanks FCFB— Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings- Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council — Pg. 2

CCL’S (Community Club Leaders) - Need to Know—Page 2

Mark Your Calendars 2017… Important Deadlines - Pg. 2

Enrollments Notes: Youth enrollment is a 3 step process —Pg. 3

Please Do Not Sign Contract Or Agreements- Pg. 3

Mark you Calendars—2018 Youth Summit “Formally Known as L-CORT—Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star —  Pg. 4

Ways to Help our 4-H Neighbors - Pg. 4

Volunteer Opportunity-Holiday Meal Box Making- Pg. 5

Free Small Flock Egg Producers Workshop —Pg. 5

2017 Fresno Fair Feats—Pg. 6

Congratulations Window Display Contest Winners—Pg. 7

Tractor Supply Company-Fall Paper Clover Drive —Pg. 7

Save The Date! 4-H Camp at CAMP Keola! — Pg. 8

Cultural Arts Rotary Club of Fresno- Pg. 8

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop—Rifle Discipline — Pg. 9

Thank you NRA - Pg. 9

Whites Housed at 4-H Office- Pg. 9

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 10/18/17
September 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Get Connected! —Pg. 1

Gearing up for 4-H 2017-2018!   Enrollment and Re-Enrollment — Pg. 1

Enrollment 2017- Pg. 2

Enrollment Notes: — Pg. 2

Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements! - Pg. 2

Congratulations to our Fresno County Participants at State Presentation Day 2017 —Pg. 3

4-H Livestock Achievement Update - Pg. 3

Congratulations 4-H State Classic Horse Show Competitors 2017—Pg. 3

Congratulations Officer Book Gold Medalist 2017 —  Pg. 4

Congratulations 2017-2018 Fresno County 4-H Scholarship Receipts - Pg. 4

Fresno County State Fashion Revue Success- Pg. 4

Congratulations Fresno County Record Book Winners! —Pg. 5

Congratulations State Field Day 2017 Interview Contests Winners—Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs.—Pg. 6  

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council Executive Board Officers 2017-2018 Congratulations & Thank you for your dedication to our program—Pg. 6

Mark Your Calendars 2017…. — Pg. 6

Are You A Leader? Fresno County 4-H Leadership Training Day - Pg. 7

You’re Invited! Fresno County 4-H Achievement Night — Pg. 8

4-H Observance Week is upon us! Window Display Contest - Pg. 9

Tractor Supply Company-Fall Paper Clover Drive-Oct 4-15, 2017- Pg. 9

Congratulations to the Newest 4-H Club in Fresno County! - Pg. 10

Fresno State AG Fest Football Game - Pg. 10

Fresno Fair October 4th 15/2017 - Fresno Fair Presentation Opportunities - Member Code of Conduct- Pg. 11

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop –Pistol— Pg. 12

4-H Program Updates (STEM) -Pg. 12

4-H National Youth Science Day-October 4 - Pg. 12

PDF 9/7/17
May 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Congratulations 2017-2018 Fresno County 4-H All Star Team—Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Fair — Pg. 1

Congratulations Fresno County 4-H Winners- Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs.  — Pg. 3

County Council Executive Board Officers for 2017-2018 Program Year - Pg. 3

Mark You Calendars 2017 ......IMPORTANT DEADLINES —Pg. 4

California 4-H State Field Day - Pg. 4

California 4-H State Leadership Conference 2017—Pg. 4

California Focus 2017 —  Pg. 5

2017 Sate 4-H Scholarship Applications are due August 6th –11:59 p.m. - Pg. 5

For all 4-H Members and Parents—Record Book Workshop- Pg. 6

Record Books 2017 —Pg. 6

Tractor Supply Company-Spring Paper Clover Drive—Pg. 6

Poultry Achievement Test –Emerald Star Project-Korbyn Moore, Fairmont 4-H Club- Pg. 7

Attention All Rabbit Lovers!!! Rabbit Study Guide & Achievement Test —Pg. 7

For Shooting Sports Leaders — Pg. 8

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at CAMP Keola!— Pg. 8

Fresno Fair Market Chicken Project— Pg. 9

Classic Qualifier—Fresno County 4-H Horse Show- Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Horse Achievement Day- Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement

Beef Cattle * Dairy Goats * Meat Goats * Sheep * Swine Pg. 10

Please Join Pleasant Valley—Pet Food Drive– Pawsaila Pantry— Pg. 10


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 5/5/17
April 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Fair — Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings - Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships — Pg. 2

Fresno Fiber Art Grants Clubs & Scholarships for Youth - Pg. 2

Mark You Calendars 2017….. —Pg. 2

Congratulations Presentation Day Medalist 2017 - Pg. 3

Congratulations to the Fairmont Dog Show High Point Winners !! —  Pg. 3

Tractor Supply Company-Spring Paper Clover Drive - Pg. 3

Poultry Achievement Test –Emerald Star Project-Korbyn Moore, Fairmont 4-H Club- Pg. 4

Attention All Rabbit Lovers!!!  Rabbit Study Guide & Achievement Test —Pg. 4

For Shooting Sports Leaders — Pg. 5

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at CAMP Keola!— Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Market Chicken Project— Pg. 6

Classic Qualifier—Fresno County 4-H Horse Show- Pg. 6

4-H Horse Fair Showmanship-Halter Show & Trail Trials Premium- Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Beef Cattle * Dairy Goats * Meat Goats * Sheep * Swine Pg. 7

Please Join Pleasant Valley—Pet Food Drive– Pawsaila Pantry— Pg. 7

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 8


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu


PDF 4/7/17
March 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

All Star Information — Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings - Pg. 2

Hi-Citizenship — Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2017….. - Pg. 2

Hey 4-Hers and Project Leaders —Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships - Pg. 3

“Check This Out” Aubrey Plaza — Pg. 3

Fresno Couty Farm & Nutrition Day - Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star - Pg. 4

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola —Pg. 4

Color Me Green — Pg. 4

(Continued) Color Me Green—March 18, 2017— Pg. 5

Save the Date: Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day — Pg. 6

Classic Qualifier—Fresno County 4-H Horse Show- Pg. 7

California 4-H Equine Field Day - Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Dog Show- Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement— Pg. 8

Please Join Pleasant Valley—Pet Food Drive– Pawsaila Pantry— Pg. 8

Congratulations to Livestock Judging Day Medalist— Pg. 9

Thank you for the help at Livestock Judging Day—Pg. 9

Junior Livestock Day—Mariposa County- Pg. 10

2017 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue Results— Pg. 11

For Shooting Sports Leaders—Pg. 12

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop– Pg. 12

Fresno County 4-H Fair—Pg12

Fresno County 4-H Fair Participants—Pg 12

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 13


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 3/3/17
February 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Congratulations to our Fresno Co. 4-H State Record Book Winners — Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meeting. - Pg. 2

Hi-Citizenship — Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2017…- Pg. 2

Congratulations and Well Done to our Medalist from Judging Day —Pg. 3

Presenters are still being requested for Farm and Nutrition Day - Pg. 3

Proud of our Primaries 4-H Festive Food Faire Participants 2017 — Pg. 3

(Continued) Congratulations to all Medalist at the 2017 Fresno County 4-H Festive Food Faire - Pg. 4

(Continued) -Congratulations to all Medalist at the 2017 Fresno County 4-H Festive Food Faire - Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Emerald Star—Pg. 6

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola — Pg. 6

2017 Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue— Pg. 6

Color Me Green—March 18, 2017— Pg. 7

2017 Citizenship Washington Focus- Pg. 8

2017 Leadership Washington Focus— Pg. 8

For Shooting Sport Leaders… Shooting Sports Updates- Pg. 9

4-H Shooting Sports Leaders—Save the Date!— Pg. 9

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop—Rifle Discipline— Pg. 9

Save the Date: Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day — Pg. 10

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest—Pg. 11

Please Join Pleasant Valley—Pet Food Drive– Pawsaila Pantry - Pg. 11

Tis’ The Season for the Annual 4-H Model Horse Show— Pg. 12

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program—Pg. 12

2017 UC Davis, CA & ES Field Day– Pg. 13

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 14

Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 2/3/17
December 2016 and January 2017 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Thank you to 4-H Leaders, Members and Families — Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings. - Pg. 2

Save the date! Farm & Nutrition Day — Pg. 2

Mark Your Calendars 2017….. - Pg. 2

Kids Corner: 2017 4-H Honey Bee Essay Contest —Pg. 3

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola- Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Festive Food Faire Competition — Pg. 4-5

Unique Cooking Opportunity for 4-Hers - Pg. 5

2017 Citizenship Washington Focus- Pg. 6

2017 Leadership Washington Focus—Pg. 6

Leadership Conference of Regional Teens (LCORT) — Pg. 7

Thank You letters to Fresno Fair -Buyers and Supporters Pg. 8

For Shooting Sport Leaders… Shooting Sports Updates- Pg. 8

4-H Shooting Sports Leaders—Save the Date!— Pg. 8

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop—Rifle Discipline— Pg. 8

Tis The Season for the Annual 4-H Model Horse Show— Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program-Pg. 9

2017 UC Davis, CA & ES Field Day– Pg. 10

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 11


Please send articles by the 20th to tlnewton@ucanr.edu

PDF 12/16/16
November 2016 4-H Guidelines

In This Edition:

4-H Youth Development Program Fully Staffed Again! — Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs. - Pg. 2

Fresno Count 4-H Hi-C Meetings — Pg. 2

Online Food Safety Training - Pg. 2

Facility Use and Other Contracts—Pg.2

Regional and County have transitioned from grade division to age groups- Pg. 2

Kids Corner: 2017 4-H Honey Bee Essay Contest — Pg. 3

Save the Date! 4-H Camp at Camp Keola- Pg. 3

Congratulations and Well Done!! Our 2015-2016 Award Winners- Pg. 4

2017 Citizenship Washington Focus—Pg. 5

2017 Citizenship Leadership Washington Focus — Pg. 5

Leadership Conference of Regional Teens (LCORT)— Pg. 6

Thank You’ s to All Around Ag Program for awards - Pg. 7

For Shooting Sport Leaders… Shooting Sports Updates— Pg. 6

American Ninja Equine Rally— Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program-Pg. 8

2017 UC Davis, CA & ES Field Day– Pg. 9

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 10



PDF 11/4/16
May 2016 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Congratulations 2016-2017 All Stars — Pg. 1

Online Food Safety Training - Pg. 1

Facility Use and Other Contracts — Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Hi-C Meetings - Pg. 2

State Leaders Conference—Pg.2

Leadership Opportunities at the State Level: - Pg. 3

State Leader’ Forum — Pg. 3

2016 California State 4-H Field Day- Pg. 3

Fresno Fair is looking for presenters:- Pg. 3

Regional and County have transitioned from grade division to age groups—Pg. 3

Rifle Discipline—San Luis Obispo — Pg. 4

4-H Shooting Sports Workshop—Rifle Discipline-Visalia— Pg. 4

For Shooting Sports Leaders… Shooting Sports Updates - Pg. 4

Change to Fresno County 4-H Record Book Submission & Due Date: — Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Camp Keola — Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects-Pg. 6

Mark Your Calendars 2016– Pg. 6

The annual Fresno County 4-H Fair will be held Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Reedley College -Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement
Beef Cattle * Dairy Goats * Meat Goats * Sheep * Swine –Pg. 7

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 8

Please send articles by the 20th to evillalobos@ucanr.edu

PDF 4/29/16
April 2016 Guidelines

In This Edition:


4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs.

Online Food Safety Training


Facility Use & Other Contracts

4-H Scholarships

4-H Hi-C Meeting April 12

Leadership Opportunities at the State Level:


Fresno FiberArt Grants Clubs & Scholarships for Youth


CA Focus

State Leader’ Forum

2016 CA State 4-H Field Day


4-H Sectional Presentation Day

Tractor Supply-Spring Paper Clover

Fresno Grizzlies Ag Night


Regional and County have transitioned form grade divisions to age groups

4-H Archery Field Day—Tollhouse - Cost: $10 per person or $25 per family  

2016 State 4-H Archery Match-Mendocino


Rifle Discipline - Watsonville

Rifle Discipline—San Luis Obispo


4-H Shooting Sports Workshop - Shotgun Discipline-Bakersfield

Change to Fresno County 4-H Record Book Submission & Due Date:


4-H Camp Registration is Now Open

Mark Your Calendars


Have you Considered an Emerald Start Project?

Emerald Star Meat’s Judging Contest

Verde View Farms Fresno County 4-H Open Horse Show


Sierra 4-H Trail Trails Premium


Fresno Fair Market Chicken & Turkey Projects

Fairmont 4-H Dog Show

Plan on joining us for Fresno County 4-H Fair


4-H Livestock Judging Day- Thanks for a great event…

4-H Livestock Achievement Program

PDF 4/1/16
March 2016 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Meetings - Pg. 1

Online Food Safety Training - Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Scholarships — Pg. 2

The Fresno-Kings Counties Cattlewomen Scholarships — Pg. 2

4-H Throwdown at the State Fair: - Pg. 2

4-H SET has new become 4-H STEM! - Pg. 2

State Leaders Conference (SLC) - Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Presentation Day — Pg. 3 & 4

Job Interview Competition at Presentation Day — Pg. 4

Regional and County have transitioned from grade divisions to age groups — Pg. 5

4-H Resources! - Pg. 6

Fresno County Farm & Nutrition Day - Pg. 6

4-H Archery Field Day—Page 6

Color Me Green - Pg. 6

Have You Considered an Emerald Star Project? - Pg. 7

Emerald Project: Fresno County 4-H — Pg. 7

Fresno County Camp Registration Opens March 1st -
Emerald Star Project: Camp Keola Recruitment Survey — Pg. 7

Change to Fresno County 4-H Record Book Submission & Due Date — Pg. 8

Renegades 4-H Schooling Horse Show - Pg. 8

Sierra 4-H Trail Trials — Pg. 9

Plan on joining us for Fresno County 4-H Fair! — pg. 9

Mark Your Calendars 2016 — Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement—Beef Cattle * Dairy Goats * Meat Goats * Sheep * Swine- Pg. 10

Fairmont 4-H Dog Show - Pg. 10

*Calendar of Events — Pg. 11

Please send articles by the 20th
to evillalobos@ucanr.edu

PDF 2/29/16
February 2016 Guidelines

Revised 2/1/16

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council & Committee Mtgs. - Pg. 1

Become a State Ambassador - Pg. 1

4-H Festive Food Faire—Judging Contest Placings — Pg. 2

4-H Festive Food Faire—Primary Members—Pg. 2

4-H Throwdown at the State Fair: - Pg. 2

4-H SET has new become 4-H Stem! - Pg. 3

4-H State Leaders Conference (SLC) - Pg. 3

Now is the Time! - Revised— Pg. 3

4-H Presentation Workshop  — Pg. 4

4-H Presentation Day — Pg. 5

Regional and County have transitioned from grade divisions to age groups - Pg. 6

4-H Resources! - Pg. 6

Fresno County Farm & Nutrition Day - Pg. 6

4-H Online Record Book Help Site Updated: - Pg. 6

Hoedown, Sew Down—Fresno County 4-H Fashion Revue — Pg. 7

Community Service Project! County-Wide.. — Pg. 7

Have You Considered an Emerald Star Project? — Pg. 8

Emerald Project: Camp Keola Recruitment Survey- Pg. 8

2016 Color Me Green 5K! — Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H All Stars –Central Valley Blue Star Moms— Pg. 9

UC Davis, College of Ag and Environmental Sciences-Field Day Registration - Pg. 10

The Equine Field Day- Pg. 10

Sun Maid Kennel of Fresno Dog Show - Pg. 11

Sierra 4-H Trail Trials- Pg. 11

Mark Your Calendars 2016 - Pg. 11

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Day- Pg. 12

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 12

*Calendar of Events —Pg. 13

Please send articles by the 15th to evillalobos@ucanr.edu


PDF 2/1/16
January 2016 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Congratulations to the 2014-2015 State Record Book Medalists - Pg. 1

Become a State Ambassador - Pg. 1

Position open for a 4-H Intern — Pg. 2

Fresno County Presentation Day — 4-H Presentation Manual Pg. 2

Regional and County have transitioned from grade division to age groups - Pg. 3

4-H Resources! - Pg. 3

Fresno County Farm & Nutrition Day — Pg. 3

4-H Online Record Book Help Site Updated — Pg. 3

“HoeDown, Sew Down” Fresno County 4-H Fashion Review— Pg. 4

Community Service Project! County-wide.. - Pg. 4

Have You Considered and Emerald Star Project? - Pg. 5

Emerald Project: Camp Keola Recruitment Survey - Pg. 5

2016 Color Me Green 5K! - Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Program —
Festive Faire & Iron Chef Competition — Pg. 6

Iron Chef Competition — Pg. 7

Mark your Calendars 2016 — Pg. 7

UC Davis, College of Ag and Environmental Sciences— Field Day Registration March 4 & 5 2016 - Pg. 8

The Equine Field Day — Pg. 8

Tis’ The Season for Fairmont 4-H Model Horse Show — Pg. 9

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 9

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 10

Please send articles by the 15th
to evillalobos@ucanr.edu

Happy Holidays!

PDF 12/22/15
December 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Get Connected! State 4-H Newsletter - Pg. 1

Position open for a 4-H Intern - Pg. 1

Review the new 4-H Presentation Manual! —Pg. 2

Have You Considered and Emerald Star Project?- Pg. 2

Youth-Adult Partnerships- Pg. 3

4-H Online Record Book Help Site Updated - Pg. 3

State Leaders’ Forum —Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Program—
Festive Faire & Iron Chef Competition— - Pg. 4

Iron Chef Competition— - Pg. 5

Mark your Calendars 2016— Pg. 5

Tis’ The Season for Fairmont 4-H Model Horse Show— - Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 6

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 7

Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Elizondo at

PDF 12/1/15
November 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Get Connected! State 4-H Newsletter - Pg. 1

Position open for a 4-H Intern - Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council and Committee Meetings —Pg. 2

Youth –Adult Partnerships- Pg. 2

Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines- Pg. 3

Message from California 4-H State Ambassadors —Pg. 3

4-H Online Record Book Help Site - Pg. 3

State Leaders’ Forum —Pg. 3

Special Thanks from All Stars — Pg. 4

Have you Considered an Emerald Star Project— Pg. 4

LCORT 2016 in Wonderland— - Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Program—Festive Faire & Iron Chef Competition— - Pg. 5

Iron Chef Competition— - Pg. 6

Citizenship Washington Focus— Leadership Washington Focus—California Focus - Pg. 6

National 4-H Conference Program- Pg. 7

Junior Camp Counselors—Applications Now Available - Pg. 7

4-H Window Display Competition—Results - Pg. 8

Horse Bowl - Pg. 8

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 8

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9

Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Elizondo at

PDF 11/3/15
October 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Get Connected! State 4-H Newsletter - Pg. 1

Fall 2015 Paper Clover Fundraiser - Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Leader’s Council and Committee Meetings —Pg. 2

Congratulations Fresno County 4-H Club Officer Book Medalists- Pg. 2

Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines- Pg. 3

Project Leader Resources —Pg. 3

Color Me Green 5K Run! Committee Meeting- Pg. 3

State Leaders’ Forum —Pg. 3

Citizenship Washington Focus Leadership - Pg. 4

Washington Focus - Pg 4

California Focus — Pg. 4

National 4-H Conference Program— Pg. 4

The Future of 4-H Starts Today: Implementation of the 4-H Futures Task Force Recommendations— - Pg. 5

LCORT 2016 in Wonderland— - Pg. 5

Junior Camp Counselors! Applications Now Available - Pg. 5

National 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop- Pg. 6

Halloween Fair and Classic Qualifying Horse Show - Pg. 6

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 6

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 7

Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Villalobos at

PDF 9/29/15
September 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Get Connected! State 4-H Newsletter - Pg. 1

Gearing up for 4-H 2015-2016— Enrollment and Re-Enrollment - Pg. 1

2015-2016 Program Fees Increase —Pg. 2

Congratulations County Record Book Winners- Pg. 2

Congratulations to 2015-2016 Leader’s Council Officers- Pg. 3

2015-2016 Program Fees Increase —Pg. 3

Sign up to take part in a Fresno County Event 4-H Committee- Pg. 3

Interested in becoming a Project Leader? - Pg. 3

Fresno County 4-H Scheduled Mtg.— Pg. 4

September 21, 2015 Fresno County Achievement Night! - Pg. 4

4-H Week Display Contest— Pg. 4

LCORT 2016 in Wonderland— - Pg. 5

Mark Your Calendars—Junior Camp Counselors! - Pg. 5

4-H Introduces New Uniform Guidelines —Pg. 6

Youth Nutrition Program Seeks Teen Volunteers - Pg. 6

4-H Camp T-Shirts available $10 - Pg. 7

State Leaders” Forum —Pg. 7

National 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop- Pg. 7

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 7

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 8

Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Villalobos at

PDF 9/2/15
August 2015 4-H Guidelines

In This Edition:

California State 4-H Council, get involved! - Pg. 1

Congratulations to 2015-2016 Leader’s Council Officers- Pg. 2

2015-2016 Program Fees Increase —Pg. 2

Sign up to take part in a Fresno County Event 4-H Committee- Pg. 2

Interested in becoming a Project Leader? - Pg. 2

4-H Week Display Contest— Pg. 3

It’s that time of the year! County Record Book Judging—  Pg. 3

Plan to attend Achievement Night! - Pg. 3

Youth Nutrition Program Seeks Teen Volunteers - Pg. 3

Leadership Training 2015 - Pg. 4

4-H Camp T-Shirts available $10  - Pg. 4

State Leaders Forum —Pg. 4

National 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop- Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Market Chicken Project - Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 5

Horse Leader’s Meeting - Pg. 5

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 6

Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Villalobos at

PDF 8/3/15
July 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

2015-2016 Fresno County 4-H All-Star Results Canned Food Drive Contest - Pg. 1

Fresno County 4-H Meetings Scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, 2015- Pg. 2

2015-2016 Program Fees Increase —Pg. 2

Sign up to take part in a Fresno County Event 4-H Committee- Pg. 2

Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements—Pg. 3

Interested in becoming a Project Leader? - Pg. 3

It’s that time of the year! County Record Book Judging— Pg. 3

All-Star Project Event –Learn about Food Insecurity in Fresno County - Pg. 4

4-H Camp T-Shirts available $10 - Pg. 4

State Leaders” Forum —Pg. 5

National 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop- Pg. 5

4-H Fair Market Animal Show —Pg. 5

Fresno Fair Market Chicken Project - Pg. 5

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 6


Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Villalobos at

PDF 7/2/15
June 2015 Guidelines

In this issue...

Opportunities for Community Service see Page 4!

  • 2015-2016 Fresno County 4-H All-Star Team - Pg. 1
  • 2015 Fresno County 4-H Scholarship Awardees - Pg. 1
  • Fresno County 4-H Meetings Scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, 2015- Pg. 2
  • 2015-2016 Program Fees Increase —Pg. 2
  • Sign up to take part in a Fresno County Event 4-H Committee- Pg. 2
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair Results for Horse Project—Pg. 3
  • Great Fresno County 4-H Fair Turnout!- Pg. 3
  • Health Fair for Healthy Kids! Emerald Star Project— Pg. 4
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Project 2015- Pg. 4
  • 4-H Camp -Camp Keola - Pg. 4
  • Adult and Junior Counselors — Camp Meeting, Monday, June 8, 2015—Pg. 4
  • Interested in becoming a Project Leader?—Pg. 5
  • State Leaders” Forum —Pg. 5
  • 2015 National 4-H Shooting Sports Youth Leadership Institute - Pg. 5
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken & Turkey Projects - Pg. 5

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 6


Please send articles by the 15th to Elizabeth Villalobos at evillalobos@ucanr.edu


PDF 6/3/15
May 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno Co. 4-H Fair Reedley College - Pg. 1

Sign up to take part in a Fresno County 4-H Committee! - Pg. 2

Congratulations to Katie Taylor—Pg. 2

State 4-H Advisory Committees- Pg. 2

2015 State Leadershi0p Conference Registration is now live- Pg. 3

Scholarships—Pg. 3

Health Fair for Health Kids! - Pg. 3

Attend Fun with a Purpose? - Pg. 3

Camp Keola - Pg. 4

Fresno County 4-H All Star Project 2015 Help Fight Hunger!— Pg. 4

The Kingsburg Miniature Garden & Flower Show Competition—Pg .4

Book Drive –May 9th—Pg. 4

County Record Book Evaluators: - Pg. 5

State Fashion Revue 2015—Pg. 5

State Leaders” Forum —Pg. 5

2015 National 4-H Shooting Sports Youth Leadership Institute - Pg. 5

Thank you to all the Horse Project Parents -Pg. 6

4-H Livestock Achievement Testing –Pg. 6

Animal Science Symposium Adult Volunteers Project Leaders—Pg .6

Animal Science Symposium Attention You Members —Pg. 6

Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects —Pg. 7

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 8

Please send articles by the 15th to Elizabeth Villalobos at evillalobos@ucanr.edu

PDF 5/1/15
April 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno County 4-H Fair Reedley College - Pg. 1

2015 State Leadership Conference Registration is now live! - Pg. 2

South Central Sectional Presentation Day—Pg. 2

State Fashion Revue 2015 - Pg. 2
(559) 241-7525  evillalobos@ucanr.edu

Camp Keola Registration Open - Pg .3

Fresno County 4-H All Star Project 2015, Help Fight Hunger!
Donate Non-perishable Food Items - Pg. 3

Project Leader’s Resource Page - Pg. 3

Nominations for 2015 Agriculture Science Student of the Year Awards - Pg. 3

Scholarships—Pg. 4

2015 National 4-H Shooting Sport Youth Leadership Institute— Pg. 5

4-H Discussion Meet—Pg. 5

Fairmont 4-H Dog Show—Pg 5

Attended Fun with a Purpose—Pg 6

Thank you—Donors Fresno County 4-H Livestock Judging Day - Pg. 6

Thank you—Color Me Green Event- Pg. 6

Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects - Pg. 7

Sierra 4-H Trail Trails Premium-Pg. 8

Animal Science Symposium Adult Volunteers, Project Leaders –Pg 8

Animal Science Symposium Attention You Members —Pg 8

Save the dates! - Pg. 8

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9


Please send articles by the 15th to Elizabeth Villalobos at evillalobos@ucanr.edu

PDF 3/30/15
March 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

What’s An All Star - Pg. 1

2015 State Leadership Conference Registration is now live! - Pg. 2

California and Washington Focus—Pg. 2

State Fashion Revue 2015 - Pg. 2

Volunteers needed: Color Me Green - Pg .3

Color Me Green: March 14, 2015 - Pg. 3

Donate Non-perishable Food Items - Pg. 3

Project Leader’s Resource Page - Pg. 3

County Presentation Day—Pg. 4

Scholarships— Pg. 5

Fresno County 4-H Fair—Pg. 6

Participate in 4-H Discussion Meet—Pg 6

Fairmont 4-H Dog Show—Pg 6

Attended Fun with a Purpose? - Pg. 7

Fresno County Farm Bureau Farm and Nutrition Day - Pg. 7

Fresno Co. 4-H Livestock Achievement Program- Pg. 7

Fresno Co. 4-H Livestock Judging Day-Pg. 7

Sierra 4-H Trial Trials Premium –Pg 8

4-H Equine field day—Pg 8

Animal Science Symposium—Pg. 8

Save the dates! - Pg. 8

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9


Please send articles by the 15th
to Elizabeth Villalobos at

PDF 2/27/15
February 2015 Guidelines

To remove yourself from this automated list, SCROLL DOWN and click Unsubscribe from this list.


In This Edition:

What’s An All Star  - Pg. 1  (Revised)

Apply to be a 2015-2016 State Ambassador  - Pg. 2

Fresno County 4-H Scheduled Mtg.— Pg. 2

Leadership Washington Focus—Pg. 2

California Focus—Pg. 2

State Fashion Revue 2015 - Pg. 2

Color Me Green Planning Meeting - Pg. 3

Color Me Green: March 14, 2015 - Pg. 3

Fashion Revue 2015—Pg. 4

Scholarships— Pg. 5  (Revised)

4-H Record Book Competitions: - Page 6

Excited to delve into the Online Record Book, but having problems? - Page 6

Attended Fun with a Purpose? - Pg. 6

Fresno County Farm Bureau - Pg. 6
Farm and Nutrition Day

4-H Shooting Sports—Rifle Discipline—Pg. 7

Livestock Achievement Program- Pg. 7

Livestock Judging Day—Pg. 7

Project Leader’s Resource Page - Pg. 7

Fairmont 4-H Model Horse Show—Pg.8

4-H Equine field day—Pg 8

Animal Science Symposium—Pg. 8

Save the dates! - Pg. 8

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9

PDF 2/2/15
January 2015 Guidelines

In This Edition:

Food Faire  - Pg. 1

Color Me Green  Committee Meeting- Pg. 1

Junior Camp Counselor & Camp Directory Applications Deadline extended  Pg. 2

Gift Certificate Program - Pg. 2

Leadership Washington Focus—Pg. 2

California Focus—Pg. 2

State Fashion Revue 2015 - Pg. 2
(559) 241-7525    evillalobos@ucanr.edu

Chemo Care Packages Needed - Pg. 3
Kendall Cardoza (559) 967-3452

Online Record Book—Pg. 3

Fun with the Purpose Pg. 3

Fresno County Farm Bureau - Farm and Nutrition Day     - Pg. 3

Shooting Sports—Rifle Discipline—Pg. 4

Livestock Achievement  Program- Pg. 4
Live Stock Judging Day—Pg. 4
Susanne Carroll (559) 269-9959

Project Leader’s Resource Page - Pg. 4

Fairmont 4-H Model Horse Show Pg. 5

4-H Equine field day  Pg. 5

Animal Science Symposium—Pg. 5

Save the dates!  Pg. 5

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 6

Please send all articles by the
to Elizabeth Villalobos
at  evillalobos@ucanr.edu

PDF 1/8/15
December 2014 Guidelines

In This Edition:

  • Food Faire - Pg. 1
  • Practice Dog Show - Pg. 2
  • Livestock Achievement - Pg. 2
  • Gift Certificate Program - Pg. 3
  • Shooting Sports—Rifle—Pg. 3
  • 4-H Supplies List - Pg. 4
  • State Fashion Review - Pg. 4
  • Chemo Care Packages - Pg. 4
  • Help With Online Record Books - Pg. 5
  • Animal Science Symposium - Pg. 5
  • California Focus Washington - Pg. 5
  • Project Leader Resources - Pg. 5
  • Color Me Green Committee Meet - Pg. 5
  • *Calendar of Events - Pg. 6
PDF 12/4/14
November 2014 4-H Guidelines

In This Edition:

Fresno Fair Success - Pg. 1

County Meetings - Pg. 2

State Leaders Forum - Pg. 2

Time to plan for 4-H Camp Pg.3

Livestock Achievement Program - Pg. 4

Gift Certificate Program - Pg. 4

4-H Supplies List - Pg. 5

4-H Week Display Winners - Pg. 5

State Fashion Revue - Pg. 5

Chemo Care Packages - Pg. 5

Help With Online Record Books - Pg. 6

Animal Science Symposium - Pg. 6

Monsanto Farmers Grant - Pg. 6

California Focus Washington - Pg. 6

Color Me Green Committee Meet - Pg. 6

Winter Camp - Pg. 7

Upcoming Events - Pg. 7

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9

PDF 11/6/14
October Guidelines 2014

In This Edition…

Internet Café Workshop — Pg. 1

Fun with a Purpose! - Pg.2

Shooting Sports Leader Mtg. - Pg. 2

Achievement Night Winners – Pg. 2

LCORT – Pg. 3

Message From Fair, Junior Bldg.— Pg. 3

Livestock Achievement Program – Pg.4

4-H Supplies Price List – Pg. 4

Sustainable You! Training — Pg. 4

State Record Book Entries - Pg. 5

Donations for Haunted House - Pg.5

State Leaders’ Forum - Pg. 5

November Upcoming Events - Pg. 5

Color Me Green 5K Run - Pg. 6

Animal Science Symposium - Pg. 6

California Focus Washington - Pg. 6

County Meetings - Pg. 7

Project Leader Resources - Pg. 7

Paper Clover Fundraiser - Pg. 8

State Fair & CA Classic Qualifying Horse Show – Pg.8

Officer Book Medalists - Pg. 8

*Calendar of Events - Pg. 9


PDF 10/3/14
September 2014 Guidelines

In This Edition

Achievement Night 2014
Shirts Available For Chaffee Zoo Docent Program - Pg. 2
4-H Youth Development Program Fees - Pg. 2
Become a Junior/Teen Leader - Pg. 2
Fun with a Purpose! - Pg. 3
4-H Week - Pg. 3
4-H Week Display Contest - Pg. 3
Donate to California Women for Agriculture - Pg. 4
Internet Cafe Workshop - Pg. 4
Fresno Fair Reminder - Pg. 4
Shooting Sports Workshop and Leaders - Pg. 5
October Upcoming Events - Pg. 5
Lost and Found - Pg.6
Project Leader Resources -Pg.6
Livestock Achievement Program -Pg.6
4-H Online Enrollment -Pg. 6
Calendar of Events *Section has moved to page 7*

PDF 9/2/14
August 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

Emerald Star Project Social Media Survey

Shirts Available for Chaffee Zoo Docent Program

2014/2015 4-H Youth Development  Program Fees

Great Community Service Opportunity: Chaffee Zoo Docent Training

2014/2015 Jr & Teen Leadership

Central California Blood Center

Fun With  a Purpose! Provided by 4-H State Office


4-H Week—September 14-20, 2014

4-H Week Display Contest

California Women for Agriculture

Leadership Training Day

Internet Café Workshop

The Big Fresno Fair Upcoming Registration Deadline

June 30, 2014 ends the 2013-2014 year

Mandatory Livestock Leader’s Meeting

Horse Leader’s Meeting

Congratulations to the Winners for 4-H Fair Market Animal Show

Shooting Sports—Mark Your Calendar!

2014 Fresno County Record Book Medalist

PDF 8/7/14
July 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

Check it Out!  4-H in the news…..

Shirts Available for Chaffee Zoo Docent Program

Fresno County 4-H Meetings:Expansion & Review Committee Meeting Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council & Hi-C Meeting

Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements!

2014/2015 4-H Youth Development  Program Fees

Diamond Clover Award Requirements

Fun with a Purpose!  Provided by 4-H State Office

2014 4-H State Leadership Conference

County Record Book Judging—  Saturday July 19th

Record Book Resources

June 30th ends the 2013-2014-deadlines

Distribution Date for Fresno Fair Market Chicken Projects

Mandatory Livestock Leader Meeting

4-H Fair Market Animal Show

Shooting Sports—Mark Your Calendar!

PDF 7/3/14
June 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 2014-2015 All-Star Team!
  • Check it Out!  4-H in the news…..
  • Record Book Resources
  • 2014-2015 4-H Youth Development  Program fees
  • Interested in becoming a Project Leader?
  • Diamond Clover Award Requirements
  • Shirts Available for Chaffee Zoo Docent Program
  • Message from South Central Section
  • Social Networking Questionnaire
  • 2014 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 2014 Keola 4-H Camp—4-Her’s Assemble!
  • Camp Meeting– Adult & JR Counselors
  • 2014 Big Fresno Fair
  • June 30th ends the 2013-2014-deadlines
  • Distribution Dates for Fresno Fair Market Chicken & Turkey Projects
  • The Horse Committee would like to acknowledge the following 4-H Fair award recipients
  • 4-H Fair Market Animal Show
  • Shooting Sports—Mark Your Calendar!
PDF 6/6/14
May 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • UC Cooperative Extension Celebrates 100 years!
  • University of California Cooperative  Extension Centennial Celebration
  • 4-H Emerald Star BB! Bash Contest
  • Hello Fellow 4-Hers!
  • 2014 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 2014 4-H State Fashion Revue
  • State Fashion Revue
  • 2014 Keola 4-H Camp—4-H’ers Assemble
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair—Fresno County 4-H “Making the Best, Better”
  • Blossom Trail 4-H Books Drive
  • Community Service Project: Kingsburg 4-H
  • Update 4-H MyPlate Challenge at 2014 Field Day
  • 4-H Youth Development Program State Field Day
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken & Turkey Projects

PDF 5/6/14
April 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • UC Cooperative Extension Celebrates 100 years!

  • Fresno County Council/Hi-C Meeting

  • State Leadership Conference

  • Purple Up! For Military Kids

  • 4-H Keola 4-H Camp-4-H’ers Assemble!

  • 4-H Scholarship Opportunities

  • 4-H Scholarship

  • 4-H Emerald Star BBQ Bash Contest

  • State Fashion Revue (SFR) Registration Opens April 1st

  • County Presentation Day: Preparing for Impromptu Speeches

  • Feedback Requested   Thank you!

  • 4-H Youth Sports Leader Training Rifle Discipline

  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop-Pistol Discipline

  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken & Turkey Projects

  • Fresno County 4-H Fair

  • Fresno County 4-H Club Leaders, a message from Pleasant Valley 4-H Development

  • Sierra 4-H Club Trail Trials

  • Agricultural Sciences Awards
PDF 4/1/14
March 5, 2014

In this edition…
• UC Cooperative Extension Celebrates 100 years!
• Fresno County Council/Hi-C Meeting
• California 4-H $1,000 for 1,000 Service Learning Projects: Get Connected with 4-H
• Scholarships Available-San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
• Fresno County 4-H Development All Star Program
• 4-H Scholarship Opportunities
• 4-H Scholarship
• County Presentation Day
• County Presentation Day: Preparing for Impromptu Speeches
• California 4-H Uniform Contest!
• Camp—Save the Date!
• 4-H 2014 Classic Qualifier Horse Show
• 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Training Rifle Discipline
• 30th Annual State 4-H Shooting Sports Match
• How Much Do You Know About Horses?
• Fresno County 4-H Club Leaders, a message from Pleasant Valley 4-H Development
• 4-H Youth Development Program State Field Day

PDF 3/5/14
February 2014 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 2013 Record Book Winners Congratulations
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • 4-H Youth Development Western Region Leader Forum
  • Scholarships Available-San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • Fresno County 4-H Development All Star Program
  • Fashion Revue 2014—”Fashion Fiesta”
  • 2014 Festive Faire & Iron Chef Competition Results
  • 2014 Festive Food Fair Plant Science Judging Contest Results
  • County Presentation Day
  • County Presentation Day: Preparing for Impromptu Speeches
  • California 4-H $1,000 for 1,000 Service Learning Projects: Get Connected With 4-H
  • Healthy Living Officers
  • South Central Section Leaders Council Mtg
  • 4-H Youth Development Program State Field Day
  • 2014 4-H Camp Keola—Save the Date!
  • Revolution of Responsibility! Chaffee Zoo Partnership
  • 30th Annual State 4-H Shooting Sport Match
  • 4-H Livestock Judging Contest and Field Day
  • How Much do you Know about Horses?
  • Fresno Co4-H Club Leaders, a message from Pleasant Valley 4-H Youth Development
  • 4-H Youth Development Prog. State Field Day
PDF 2/3/14
January Guidelines 2014

In this edition…

  • Scholarships Available San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • 4-H Youth Development Western Region  Leader Forum
  • Leadership/Citizenship Opportunities
  • Fashion Revue 2014—”Fashion Fiesta”
  • CA 4-H $1,000 for 1,000 Service Learning Projects:  Get Connected with 4-H
  • Healthy Living Officers
  • ORB Internet Café /4-H Online Recordbook
  • State Fashion Revue Cover Contest
  • Seeking applications for LCORT 2015 Youth Chair positions
  • 2014 4-H Festive Faire & Iron Chef Competition
  • 4-H Club Leaders, a message from Pleasant Valley 4-H Youth Development
  • 2014 California Camping Conference
  • 4-H Youth Development Program State Field Day
  • 2014  4-H Camp Keola
  •  State 4-H Horse Classic Planning Team
  • Docent Program for the Valley Zoo Farm Project
  • ‘TIS The Season for Model Horse Show
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop - Rifle Discipline
PDF 1/6/14
December 2013 Guidelines

In this edition…

• Tristan Chester Receives Diamond Clover Award
• LCORT 2014
• Seeking applications for LCORT 2015 Youth Chair positions
• Emerald Star Program
• Fresno County 4-H Club Leaders, a message from Pleasant Valley 4-H Youth  Development
• Save the Date! 4-H Camp Tulequoia...
• 2014 Festive Faire
• 2014 Iron Chef Competition
• Seeking applications for LCORT 2015 Youth Chair positions
• ORB Internet Café - 4-H Online Recordbook
• Service Project: Collecting eyeglasses
• Healthy Living O?cers
• ‘TIS The Season for Model Horse Show
• 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop- Pistol Discipline
• 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop -Rifle Discipline

PDF 12/3/13
November 2013 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Fresno Fair Recommendations Mtg
  • LCORT 2014
  • Emerald Star Program
  • Congratulations to the National 4-H Week Display Contest Winners
  • Seeking applications for LCORT 2015 Youth Chair positions
  • 2014 National 4-H Conference
  • Community Service Project-Chemo Care Packages
  • How to Create a 4-H Record Book
  • Congratulations Fresno County 2012 State Record Book Awardees
  • Leadership Washington Focus 2014
  • CA 4-H $1,000 for 1,000 Service Learning Projects: Get Connected with 4-H
  • State Fashion Revue Cover Contest
  • Healthy Living Officer
  • Opportunities for High School 4-H’ers
  • Upcoming Shooting Sports Workshops
PDF 11/5/13
October 2013 Guidelines

In this edition…

Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines

Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council and Hi-C Meeting

Monthly Articles for Guidelines

4-H  and Ethics

2014 National 4-H Conference

California 4-H Hosts Teens Take on Health—Town Hall Form-Oct 12

4-H State Record Book entries

Message from State office

Community Service Project-Chemo Care Packages

Fresno Co. 4-H Livestock Achievement Program Roll-out Event & Judging Clinic

Leadership Washington Focus

Once a 4-H’er Always a 4-H’er

Fundraising Opportunity

Outreach/Educational Demonstration Opportunity

State Fair and California Classic Qualifying Horse Show

Club Officers who earned medals

PDF 10/3/13
September 2013 Guidelines

In this edition…

• Achievement Night Under The Big Top!
• Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council and Hi-C Meeting
• 4-H Enrollment
• Enrollment Fees for 2013-2013
• Emerald Star Program
• Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines
• 4-H Observance Week is upon us!
• 2013 Big Fresno Fair  Exhibits
• Fundraising Opportunity
• Outreach/Educational Demonstration Opportunity
• State Fair and California Classic Qualifying Horse Show
• New—”Livestock Achievement Program”
• 2013-2014 Fresno County 4-H Master Calendar
• 2013-2014 Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Horse Calendar
• 2013 Fresno County Record Book Medalists

PDF 9/6/13
August 2013 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Achievement Night Under The Big Top!
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • Enrollment Fees for 2013-2014
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • Central Valley Kid’s Cook-Off
  • Tristan would like to extend his appreciation to Fresno County 4-H
  • 4-H Week—September 8-14, 2013
  • 2013 Big Fresno Fair Information
  • Emerald Star Program
  • Leadership Extravaganza Training
  • Leadership Extravaganza!
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken Projects—Distribution Date
  • 2013-2014 Fresno County 4-H Master Calendar


PDF 8/2/13
June 2013 Guidelines

In this edition.......

  • Thank you to all 4-H Fair Volunteers
  • Fresno County Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • Enrollment Fees for 2013-2014
  • 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 2013 Big Fresno Fair Information
  • 4-H Partnership with Chaffee Zoo
  • 2013 Keola 4-H Camp
  • Games Needed for 4-H Camp
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects-
    Distribution Dates
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Show
  • Tulare County Trap Club
  • Tulare Offers 4-H Archery Certification Training June 22 and  23
  • 4-H Year Ends and County Record Book Judging
PDF 6/3/13
May 2013 Guidelines

In this edition...

  • Good-Bye and Thank You!
  • Farewell Luncheon for Melanie and Family
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • Congratulations to our new Fresno County 4-H All Stars!
  • Congratulations to the 2013 Fresno County Scholarship Recipients!
  • 4-H Partnership with Chaffee Zoo
  • 2013 Keola 4-H Camp
  • Games Needed for 4-H Camp
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects
  • Sierra 4-H Clubs Annual Trail Trails
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Show
  • Tulare County Trap Club
  • 4-H Archery Certification Training 
PDF 5/1/13
April 2013 Guidelines

 In this edition…

  • Good-Bye & Good Luck Party for Melanie Curtis
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • Mini Maker Faire at the Grizzles Stadium
  • Fresno County 4-H Scholarships Available
  • Silent Auction at Presentation Day
  • Thank you for Holiday Help
  • 2013 Keola 4-H Camp
  • Free Camp Show
  • Poultry Field Trip
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects
  • Sierra 4-H Clubs Annual Trail Trails
  • Fresno County Horse Bowl



PDF 4/2/13
March 2013 Guidelines

 In this edition…

  • Youth Input Needed!
  • Mini Maker Faire at the Grizzles Stadium
  • Scholarships Available
  • South Central Section 4-H Council Scholarship
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Silent Auction at Presentation Day
  • County Presentation Day Preparing for Impromptu Speeches
  • Fresno County Horse Bowl
  • Sierra 4-H Clubs Annual Trail Trails
  • Fairmont 4-H Horse Gymkhana State Qualifier
  • Horse Classic Qualifier
  • Fresno County Horse Bowl
  • County Presentation Day State Qualifier


PDF 2/28/13
February 2013 4-H Guidelines

In this edition…


  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • Tech Team Meeting
  • Emerald and Ruby Star Projects
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Scholarships Available
  • Shooting Sports Project Leader Course Rifle Discipline
  • Shooting Sports Workshop Muzzle Loading Discipline
  • 2013 4-H Presentation Themes
  • Special Recognition at 2013 State Presentation Day
  • County Presentation Day Preparing for Impromptu Speeches
  • Fresno County Horse Bowl
  • Fairmont 4-H Horse Gymkhana State Qualifier
  • Dairy Project Field Day
  • Attention All Dog Leaders
  • Fashion Revue 2013


PDF 2/1/13
January 2013 Guidelines


In this edition…

  • 2013 Festive Faire Activities
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • Education and  Achievement Committee
  • Emerald and Ruby Star Projects
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Tech Team Meeting
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Team
  • ‘Tis the Season for Model Horse Show
  • County Presentation Day
PDF 12/21/12
December 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Week Display Contest
  • Tech Team Meeting
  • UCP Holiday Party
  • Western Region Leader Forum
  • State 4-H Field Day
  • 4-H Film Making Statewide Project
  • Community Service Project
  • Project Sheets
  • Scholarships Available
  • Junior Counselor Camp Applications 
  • ’TIS the Season for Model Horse Show
  • CA Shooting Sports Leader Meeting
  • Shooting Sports Workshop-Rifle Discipline
  • Festive Faire and 4-H Iron Chef Competition
  • Festive Faire


PDF 11/30/12
November 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council/HI-C
  • Fresno Fair Recommendations Meeting
  • LCORT 2013
  • Leadership Conference of Regional Teens (LCORT) Youth Chair
  • Project Sheets—Projects Available
  • Tech Team Meeting
  • Western Region Leader Forum
  • 4-H Film Making Statewide Project
  • Community Service Project
  • America’s Farmers Grow Communities
  • CA State 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Mtg
  • Shooting Sports Workshop-Rifle Discipline
  • State 4-H Field Day
  • Ca 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Team Places 7th
  • McKinley 4-H Horse Playday
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Rally
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition
  • Festive Faire
PDF 10/31/12
October 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Thank you from the Cal Focus Delegation
  • Junior & Teen Leadership Policy Update
  • 4-H and Ethics
  • Carolee Boele Memorial Scholarship
  • Fashion Revue Categories for 2012
  • 2013 National 4-HConference
  • Citizenship Focus 2013
  • LCORT 2013
  • Fresno County 4-H Technology Team
  • Fresno Fair is Looking  for Demonstrations
  • Archery Leader Certification Training
  • Shooting Sports Leader Training Course
  • CA State 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Mtg.
  • America’s Farmers Grow Communities
  • McKinley 4-H is Sponsoring a State Fair & State Classic Gymkhana Show
  • English/Western Qualifying Horse Show
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Rally
  • Dry Creek Horse Group Community Service Project
  • Fresno County 4-H Policy Page


PDF 10/1/12
September 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Achievement Night
  • County Council/Hi-C
  • Carolee Boele Memorial Scholarship
  • Fashion Revue Categories for 2012
  • 2013 National 4-H Conference
  • Fresno County 4-H Maker Project
  • Fresno Fair is Looking for Demonstrations
  • State 4-H Leaders Forum
  • Announcing the New Highest California 4-H Youth Award!
  • Salute to Excellence 4-H Volunteer Awards
  • Archery Leader Certification Training
  • Shooting Sports Leader Training Course
  • Congratulations to Club Officers who earned medals for officer books


PDF 8/31/12
August 2012 Guidelines

 In this edition…

  • Achievement Night
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • Resource Leaders Needed
  • Leadership Training Day
  • Thank you from Marissa Neely
  • 4-H Week—September 9-15, 2012
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • Fresno Fair Market Turkey Project—Distribution Date
  • Horse Leaders Meeting
  • Congratulations 2012 Fresno County Record Book Medalists!
PDF 7/31/12
July 2012 Guidelines

 In this edition…

  • 2012 Keola 4-H Camp
  • SLC Orientation
  • Fresno County  Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • Resource Leaders Needed
  • Leadership Training Day
  • 4-H Week—September 9-15, 2012
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • Fresno Fair Market Turkey Project—Distribution Date
  • Fresno County 4-H Sheep & Goat Day
  • 2012 Fresno County 4-H Sponsoring Committee Contributions
PDF 6/29/12
June 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Thank you from the Fresno County 4-H All Star Team
  • Fresno County Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects - Distribution Dates
  • 4-H Fair Market Animal Show
  • Regional Sheep Field Day is Back!!!
  • Fresno County 4-H Master Calendar (draft)
PDF 5/30/12
May 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 2012 Keola 4-H Camp
  • 2012-2013 All Star Team  and Scholarship Recipients!
  • Please  Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • All Star UCP Project-Yard Sale
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects
  • Sierra 4-H Trail Trials
  • Dry Creek 4-H Horse Show
  • 4-H Fair Market Animal Show
  • Regional Sheep Field Day is Back!!!
PDF 5/2/12
April 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 2012 Keola 4-H Camp
  • Sectional Presentation Day Snack Bar
  • State Fair quality Assurance and Ethics Awareness Training Program for State Fair
  • All Star UCP Project
  • Fresno Chaffee Zoo Sea Lion Cove    Fundraiser
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken  and Turkey Projects
  • Equine Extravaganza
  • 4-H Fair Market Animal Show
  • Regional Sheep Field Day is Back!!!


PDF 3/29/12
March 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Scholarships Available
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council/HI-C
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Sharing 4-H Horticulture With UCP
  • Fresno Chaffee Zoo Sea Lion Cove Fundraiser
  • Snack Bar at Presentation Day
  • 2012 Keola 4-H Camp
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Archery Discipline
  • Meeting Dog Leaders
  • Blossom Trail Horse Show/Silent Auction


PDF 2/29/12
February 2012 Guidelines

In this edition… 

  • All Star Club Mentorship Program
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council/HI-C
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Scholarships Available
  • Special Recognition at 2012 State Presentation Day
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Project Funding
  • Fresno Chaffee Zoo Sea Lion Cove Fundraiser
  • Thank You Message for UCP party volunteers
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • Fashion Revue 2012
  • County Presentation Day 
PDF 1/31/12
January 2012 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Education and Achievement Committee
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Field Day
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Project Funding
  • County Presentation Day
  • Junior Counselor Camp Applications Now Available
  • Stanislaus County 4-H Rabbit, Poultry, and Cavy Filed Day
  • ‘Tis  the Season for Model Horses
PDF 12/23/11
December 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Week Display Contest
  • 4-H Sponsoring Committee
  • Scholarships Available–San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • County Council 4-Hers Help Spread  Holiday Cheer!!
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition
  • Citizenship Focus 2012
  • Festive Faire
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition
  • Toys for Tots
PDF 12/1/11
November 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Sponsoring Committee
  • 4-H Camp Date Change
  • County Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Fresno Fair Recommendations Meeting
  • Citizenship Focus 2012
  • LCORT 2012
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition
  • Festive Faire


PDF 10/31/11
October 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Items For Sale
  • 4-H and Ethics
  • Citizenship Focus 2012
  • 2012 National 4-H Conference
  • LCORT 2012
  • Million Pillowcase Project
  • CA State 4-H Fashion Revue 2012 Challenges-The $19.99 Challenge
  • Fresno Fair Rabbit “Peewee” Showmanship
  • Horse Leaders Meeting
  • Fresno County Fair Gymkhana Event
  • McKinley 4-H State Qualifying Horse Show
  • Fresno County 4-H Policy Page
PDF 9/30/11
September 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • Resource Leaders Needed
  • Achievement Night-Riverdale H. S.
  • Achievement Night Dinner
  • 4-H Week September 11-17, 2011
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • 2012 National 4-H Conference
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Show
  • Emerald Star Dog Show
  • Club Officers Who Earned Medals
PDF 9/1/11
August 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Welcome to Clover Country Achievement Night
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • Resource Leaders Needed
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • 4-H Week September 19-25, 2010
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • 2010 National 4-H Conference
  • Fair Etiquette
  • Leadership Training Day
  • Achievement Night Dinner
  • 2011 Fresno Co Record Book Medalists
PDF 7/29/11
July 2011 Guidelines

In this edition… 

  • Subscription s available for printed Guideliines
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • County Record Book Judging
  • Leadership Training Day
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • Thanks from Fowler 4-H Club
  • Fresno County 4-H Sheep Show
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken/Distribution Dates
  • 2011 –2012 Fresno County4-H Master Calendar
PDF 6/30/11
May 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken/Turkey  Project Orders
  • 2011-2012 All Star Team
  • 2011 Scholarship Recipients
  • 4-H Statewide Committees
  • 2011 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader
  • Certification for Archery
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop
  • Rifle Discipline
  • 2011 Elbow Creek 4-H Trap Shooting Match
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • 2011 Tulequoia 4-H Camp Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • Goat Achievement Test
  • Costume Contest at the 4-H Fair &
  • Dog Field Day


PDF 4/29/11
June 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Blood Drive
  • County Council/Hi-C Meeting
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • County Record Book Judging
  • Please Do Not Sign Contracts or Agreements
  • 2011 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken/Turkey  Project Distribution Dates
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification for Archery
  • 2011 –2012 Fresno County4-H Master Calendar
PDF 6/1/11
April 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken/Turkey  Project Orders
  • Meetings: Expansion & Review Committee/County Council/Hi-C
  • 4-H Statewide Committees
  • Record Book Workshop in Fowler
  • Ag Night with the Grizzlies (Friday, May 6th)
  • 2011 Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification for Archery
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • Goat Achievement Test
  • Costume Contest at the 4-H Fair & Dog Field Day
  • Saddle Up for the Wild West With the Sierra 4-H Trail Trails!
  • Blossom Trail 4-H Horse Show
PDF 3/30/11
March 2011 Guidelines PDF 3/14/11
February 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council
  • Fresno County 4-H is on Facebook
  • Scholarships Available
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Scholarships Available–San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • Community Service Opportunity
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Dry Creek 4-H Horse Show
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • 4-H Community Service Project–Silverwings Horse Rescue
  • New Presentation Day Category-Interviews !
  • County Presentation Day
PDF 1/31/11
January 2011 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Scholarships Available-San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • Young Naturalist Award
  • Ca 4-H Photography Contest & Film Festival @ 2011 State 4-H Field Day
  • Special Recognition at  the 2011 State 4-H Presentation Day
  • Ti’s the Season for Model Horses
  • Volunteers Needed Emerald Star Project
  • Rock N Roll to Fashion Revue 2011
  • Junior Counselor Camp Applications
  • Fashion Revue 2011 Entry Form
PDF 1/14/11
December 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Week Display Contest
  • Scholarships Available-San Joaquin Valley Quilters’ Guild
  • County Event Participation Guidelines New County Policy
  • Model Horse Show
  • New State Fashion Revue Manual
  • Rock N Roll to Fashion Revue 2011
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition-Festive Fair Event
  • Festive Faire
  • 2010 Fresno County 4-H Sponsoring Committee Contributors
PDF 11/30/10
November 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • To Infinity and Beyond...LCORT 2011
  • County Council and Hi-C Meeting
  • Thank you Ara Bedrosian
  • 4-H Iron Chef Competition New Festive Fair Event
  • Festive Faire
  • 2011 Camp Tulequoia 4-H Camp Positions
  • Shooting Sports Training Workshop Rifle Discipline—Volunteer


PDF 10/29/10
October 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno County 4-Hers Serving as 2010-2011 State Ambassadors
  • Citizenship Focus 2011
  • To Infinity and Beyond...LCORT 2011
  • 4-H Promotion at the Fresno Fair
  • 4-H and Ethics
  • CA State 4-H Fashion Revue 2011
  • Shooting Sports Training Workshop Rifle Discipline –Volunteer
  • McKinley 4-H English/Western State Fair Qualifying Horse Show
  • Fairmont 4-H Presents Gymkhana Show State Fair Qualifying Show
  • Fair Demonstration
PDF 10/1/10
September 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Congratulations to our Officer Book Medalists
  • County Council/HI-C Meeting
  • In Related Hi-C News
  • Fresno Co 4-H Achievement Night
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • CA State 4-H Fashion Revue 2011
  • Make It With Wool Contest
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • 4-H Week-September 19-25, 2010
  • The Big Fresno Fair—October 6-17, 2010
  • Fair Demonstration
  • McKinley 4-H English/Western State Fair Qualifying Horse Show
  • Gymkhana Show-State Fair Qualifier
PDF 9/3/10
August 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines
  • County Council/HI-C Meeting - September 14 (Printed copy had wrong meeting date)
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • A Message to New Club Officers: Officers are Important!!!
  • Resource Leaders Needed
  • Fresno Co 4-H Achievement Night - September 11
  • Fair Etiquette
  • Fair Demonstration
  • Attention all Live Stock Exhibitors–Big Fresno Fair
  • Officer Training –Senior 4-H Members
  • 4-H Week-September 19-25, 2010
  • 4-H Week Window Display Contest
  • Madera District Fair Entry Information
  • Horse Leadership Meeting
  • Shooting Sports Volunteer Trainer Course Shotgun Discipline
  • 2010 4-H Record Book Results
PDF 8/31/10
July 2010 Guidelines

In this edition....

  • Subscriptions available for printed Guidelines
  • County Council/HI-C Meeting
  • Contracts and Agreements-Do Not Sign
  • A Message to New Club Officers: Officers are Important!!!
  • 4-H Enrollment
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • County Record Book Judging
  • 4-H Stories from 4-H Record Books
  • Attention all Live Stock Exhibitors–Big Fresno Fair
  • Shooting Sports Volunteer Trainer Course Shotgun Discipline
  • Distribution Dates Market—Chicken Projects
  • Fresno County 4-H Sponsoring Committee Contributors
PDF 7/15/10
June 2010 Guidelines

In this edition...

  • Thanks to all who helped with CrayCroft Parties
  • County Council/HI-C Meeting
  • Contracts and Agreements-Do Not Sign
  • CA 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • County Record Book Judging
  • Renegades Horse Show
  • Attention all Live Stock Exhibitors-Big Fresno Fair
  • Community Service Project
  • 4-H & FFA Night with the Fresno Grizzlies
  • Distribution Dates Market-Chicken/Turkey Projects
  • Fresno County 4-H Master Calendar
PDF 7/15/10
May 2010 Guidelines

In this edition...

  • All Star Team and Scholarship Recipients 2010
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • Goat Achievement Test
  • Costume Contest at the 4-h Fair and Dog Field Day
  • 4-H Fair Resource Leader Meeting
  • Walk to Fight Hunger
  • CA 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • Orders Market Chicken/Turkey Projects
  • Contracts and Agreements-Do Not Sign
  • Agricultural Scholarships
  • 4-H Parade Entries
  • 4-H Farm Project-Seeding to Harvest
  • 4-H & FFA Night with the Fresno Grizzlies
  • 2010 Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • Attention all Live Stock Exhibitors- Big Fresno Fair
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader-Certification for Archery
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader-Certification for Pistol
PDF 7/15/10
April 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • 4-H Farm Project-Seeding to Harvest
  • CA 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H & FFA Night with the Fresno Grizzlies
  • Donations needed for the SPCA
  • Volunteers needed for San Joaquin Sectional Presentation Day
  • 2010 Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • 4-H Mechanical Skills Day
  • Blossom Trail 4-H Horse Show
  • Sierra 4-H Trail Course
  • Orders Market Chicken/Turkey Projects
  • Dry Creek 4-H Horse Show-High Point Results
  • Agricultural  Scholarships
  • Meetings: 4-H Fair Committee/County Council/April Hi-C
PDF 7/15/10
March 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Scholarships Available
  • Hats Off for Kindness
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • All Star Project
  • Postage Stamp Show
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • Judging Day Preparation
  • 2010 Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification for Archery
  • Woodlake 4-H Archery Match
  • 2010 State 4-H Horse Classic Ed. Contest
  • Sierra 4-H Trail Trials
  • E-Waste at the Dry Creek Horse Show
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop
  • CA 4-H Technology Leadership Team
  • 4-H & FFA Night with the Grizzlies
  • Donations needed for the SPCA
  • Volunteers needed for San Joaquin Valley Sectional Presentation Day
PDF 7/15/10
February 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Golden Tri-C 4-H Group Wins Iron Chef Crown
  • 3rd Annual Valentine Party at Craycroft Ctr
  • 4-H Committee Meetings
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Scholarships Available
  • CA State Fair Scholarships
  • 2010 CA 4-H State Leadership Conference
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • Fresno Co 4-H All Star Program
  • All Star Project
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • Judging Day Lunches Available
  • 2010 Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • Horse Show Dry Creek 4-H
  • 2010 State 4-H Horse Classic Ed. Contest
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop
  • Volunteers needed for San Joaquin Valley Sectional Presentation Day
  • County Presentation Day
PDF 7/15/10
January 2010 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • New Countywide Science Fair Project
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Hi-C News
  • Junior Counselor Camp Applications
  • TIS the Season for Model Horses
  • Fashion Revue — February 20th
  • Fashion Revue Commentaries
  • Fashion Revue 2009 Entry Form
PDF 7/15/10
December 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • New Countywide Science Fair Project
  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • Scholarships Available
  • Take the Leading Role....LCORT 2010
  • Fashion Revue 2010
  • Junior Counselor Camp Applications
  • TIS’ the Season for Model Horses
  • Fresno County Horse Bowl
  • Preparing for 2010
  • Fashion Revue — February 20th
  • Festive Faire/4-H Iron Chef Competition
PDF 7/15/10
November 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • 4-H Committee Meetings
  • Take the Leading Role....LCORT 2010
  • Applications for Junior Camp Director
  • Citizenship Focus 2010
  • Fashion Revue — February 20th
  • Festive Faire - January 9th
PDF 7/15/10
October 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Thanks Achievement Night Dinner Attendees
  • Thanks Emerald Star Project Helpers
  • 4-H Promotion at the Fresno Fair
  • 4-H and Ethics
  • Applications for Junior Camp Director
  • Take the Leading Role....LCORT 2010
  • Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Rally
  • Citizenship Focus 2010
  • Fashion Revue
PDF 7/15/10
September 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Officer Book Medalists
  • County Council/Hi-C
  • Officer & Jr/Teen Ldr Training
  • Fresno County Achievement Night
  • 2010 National 4-H Conference
  • 4-H Window Display Contest
  • 4-H Week September 20-26
  • Fresno Co.4-H Record Book Medalist
  • Financial Resources
  • Big Fresno Fair –Jr Exhibits & New Divisions
  • Computer Corps
  • Horse Leadership Meeting
  • Fashion Revue
  • Results 4-H Fair Sheep Show
  • Fair Etiquette
  • Fair Demonstration
  • Fresno Fair Needs Help
PDF 7/15/10
August 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Electronic 4-H Guidelines
  • County Council/Hi-C
  • Great Times at Tulequoia 4-H Camp
  • Officer & Jr/Teen Ldr Training
  • 4-H Window Display Contest
  • 4-H Week September 20-26
  • 2009-2010 Fresno County 4-H Master Calendar
  • 4-H Ag Women Soliciting   Donations for Scholarship Fund
  • Distribution Fresno Fair Market Chicken Projects
  • Horse Leadership Meeting
  • Big Fresno Fair –Jr Exhibits & New Divisions
PDF 7/15/10
July 2009 Guidelines

In this edition… 

  • Electronic 4-H Guidelines
  • 2009 Fresno County 4-H Sponsoring Committee Contributors
  • County Council/HI-C
  • 4-H Year Ends
  • Craycroft Christmas in July Planning Underway!
  • Fresno County 4-H Sheep Show
  • 4-H Stories from 4-H Record Books
  • County Record Book Judging
  • New Banking Policies
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June 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • 4-H Year Ends
  • 2009 Fresno County Scholarship Results
  • 2009-2010 All Star Team
  • County Council/HI-C
  • State Leadership Conference
  • Turkey Order Distribution
  • Regional Sheep Field Day
  • Big Times are Back at the Big Fresno Fair
  • Renegades 4-H Horse Show
  • 4-H Emerald Shoot
  • 4-H Fair Evaluations
  • “Craycroft Christmas in July” Planning Underway!
  • County Record Book Judging
  • New Banking Policies
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May 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Ag Night with Fresno Grizzlies
  • Contracts and Agreements
  • 4-H Parade Entries
  • 4-H Fair Resource Leader Mtg.
  • State Leadership Conference
  • Food Drive – Fresno Co 4-H Fair
  • 4-H Rocketry Field Day
  • Blossom Trail Western Show
  • Horse Achievement Day
  • 6th Annual Sierra 4-H Trail Trials
  • Regional Sheep Field Day
  • 2009 Tulare Co. 4-H Trap Shooting Match
  • 4-H Emerald Star Shoot
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects
  • 4–H Camp Survivor Tulequoia Camp 2009
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April 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Ag Night with Fresno Grizzlies
  • Meetings April 14th
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • 4-H Rocketry Field Day
  • 6th Annual Sierra 4-H Trail Trials
  • Regional Sheep Field Day
  • Goat Achievement Test
  • 2009 Tulare County 4-H Trap Shooting Match
  • 4-H Emerald Star Shoot
  • Fresno Fair Market Chicken and Turkey Projects
  • 4–H Tulequoia Camp 2009
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March 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Leader Education Meeting
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Program
  • Scholarships
  • Cattlewomen’s Association Scholarship
  • Fresno County 4-H Fair
  • Shasta County 17th Annual Poultry Show
  • Regional Sheep Field Day
  • Judging Day Preparation
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • Blossom Trail 4-H Horse Show
  • Horse Classic Educational Contest
  • 4-H Rocketry Field Day
  • Donation Deadline for Community Service Project
  • Ag Night with the Grizzlies
  • 4–H Tulequoia Camp 2009
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February 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Presentation Day & Fashion Revue
  • Fresno County 4-H Leaders Council Meeting
  • Education and Achievement Committee
  • 4-H State Ambassador Program
  • County Presentation Day
  • Fresno County 4-H Judging Day
  • Fresno County 4-H All Star Prog
  • Scholarships
  • PowerPoint Workshop
  • Shooting Sports Leader Training for Rifle
  • Regional Sheep Field Day
  • Dry Creek 4-H Horse Show
  • Horse Classic Ed. Contest
  • 4–H Tulequoia Camp
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January 2009 Guidelines

In this edition…

  • Festive Faire Rules-Important information!
  • National 4-H Week Display Contest Results
  • County Presentation Day
  • Fresno County Fashion Revue
  • Education and Achievement Committee
  • Community Service Hours
  • County Welding Project
  • 4-H Shooting Sport Workshop Rifle Discipline
  • TIS’ the Season for Model Horses
  • Equine Educational Contests
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