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Emerald Star Review Meeting
via Zoom ,
Contact: Zach Niles 559-972-9095
Sponsor: Fresno County 4-H

Another Opportunity to Learn about the New Emerald Star Program

You are invited (Youth & Adults!) for a countywide “Emerald Star Review” workshop-

Tuesday, April 30th at 6:00 pm. 

This meeting will enable you to better understand this new program, prepare members, parents and mentors to implement the program and provide you with forms and materials. Plan to attend!

https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/91886040025? pwd=dkZPR0lvUEt3Q1BPVEs1NURNZk91Zz09 ID 918 8604 0025 PW 252585

Questions? Please contact Zach Niles at 559-972-9095.