Hero Image



Tracy Newton
4-H Community Education Specialist
(559) 241-7525

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste. #210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: tlnewton@ucanr.edu

Donations by mail:
Fresno County 4-H
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste 210-B
Fresno, CA 93710


Elizabeth Ramirez Photo

Elizabeth Ramirez
4-H Admin Support
(559) 241-7519

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste.#210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: elramirez@ucanr.edu


Project Resources

Without volunteers like yourselves, the 4-H program would not be complete. This page has tools which may prove helpful in your role in the 4-H Youth Development Program.
The curriculum listed below represents some of the materials available locally, contact the 4-H Office for additional project resources.

Looking for video resources to use in your project group? Click on the following list: *file25523* to see what we have available. To use any of our DVDs listed, contact Tracy Newton.

A number of project resource guides and handbooks are available at the County 4-H Office. For a list of project resources available, click here: Project Guides Resource List

Six Sure Ways To Project Success
These are available for leaders to check-out at the Fresno Co. 4-H Office. To use any of the resources listed, please contact Elizabeth Villalobos.
State 4-H Project Sheets

For full listing, click here: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Projects/Project_Sheets/

Aerospace and Rocketry
4-H Aerospace Program : Introduces the objectives and role of the 4-H aerospace leader, gives an outline for where to get started, and provides project activities perfect for each of your monthly meetings.
*file66866*:Resource guide that gives information about the basics of rocketry including:safety, parts of the rocket, construction, launching, and more
4H Rocketry Members Guide :For use with 4H Rocketry Leaders Guide

*file66869*:Provides useful information on everything you want to know about camping

Clothing and Textiles
*file57629*: Information on working with a project group, quilting techniques, patterns and templates.
*file57630*: Project manual for beginning clothing and textiles groups.
*file66844*:Project manual for advanced clothing and textile groups
*file66845*:Teaches about the care and cost of clothing as well as provides templates and instructions for making and altering garments
*file66850*:Teaches members how to construct garments using fabric and patterns best suited to them
*file66858*:Leader's guide to intermediate clothing and textile groups
Fashion and Color Packet :Teaches members how to choose colors and patterns best suited for them

Creative Arts and Crafts
*file25507*: Enter the world of ceramics - lists standards, how-to, and fun activities included.
*file25512*: Cute, fun arts and craft project.
*file114968* : Every kid's dream - learn to make play dough!

Foods and Nutrition

Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to prevent foodborne illness. Following four basic steps - clean, separate, cook, and chill will keep your food safe.

USDA has some great resources to help the public learn about food safety. Click here for more information. You will find educational materials for young children, teens and adults. Check out their entertaining and educational Food Safety Game for Youth.


*file25504*: A beginner's guide to cake decorating including supplies needed, types of icings, baking and icing the cake, icing bags, basic tips, themes for cakes, writing and borders. Includes special patterns to use on your own cakes!
*file25511*: Step-by-step guide to canning beginning with washing jars, preparing fruit, and measuring ingredients, all the way to making the jelly and sealing the jars.
*file25519*: Fun activity for first-year Foods and Nutrition members! Make Honey Whole Wheat in a bag in a few, simple steps.
Quick Meals :Packet filled with recipes as well as nutritional information

Home Economics
*file25508*: The complete guide to clothing, foods, food preservation, home furnishing, and place settings. Special section for beginning girls!
*file66872*:Filled with a variety of fun activities and projects

Horse and Pony Project
So You Want to be a Horse Judge

Statewide 4-H Horse Website
*file25506*: Parts of the horse, feeding your horse, health and care, caring for tack and equipment, body colors, patterns, and marking, and knot-tying.
So You Want to be a Horse Judge :Informative packet that explains how to judge a horse based on conformation and soundness

*file25509*: Gain knowledge on preparing soil, fertilizing, planting, irrigation, pest management, harvesting, and milling and baking.
*file25510*: Capture information on how sugar beets grow and how to market and process them.

Judging Projects
Judging Made Easy Packet :Tips on Reasons Presentations and Judging Procedures
*file25522*: Teaches the basic priniciples of judging

Leadership and Public Speaking
*file25514*: Guide to preparing for a speech, organizing your thoughts, delivering, and rehearsing.
Leadership Project Members Guide :Guide filled with useful suggestions for members in a leadership development project. Also useful for adult leaders
*file66871*:Guide to planning and organizing 4-H activities and events

Livestock Projects
*file25515*: Learn to fit and show your beef cattle - grooming, clipping, and show day preparation all included.
*file25516*: A "how-to" guide to making a simple rope halter for your lamb.
*file66863*:Provides a variety of information about pygmy goats, including: anatomy, basic care, grooming, showing, and judging
*file66865*:Leads members through the process of training, grooming, and showing swine

Poultry and Avian Sciences
*file25505*: Informative organizational guide to the avian science project.
*file25520*: Leads members through selecting, training, and maintaining a bird. Gives scenarios and step-by-step procedures for poultry showmanship.

Shooting Sports

Effective April 1, 2001 all 4-H Shooting Sports leaders must have certification approved by the State 4-H Office. Certification can come from National or State 4-H certification courses and certain outside agencies approved by the State. There are three types of certification for California shooting sports leaders:

1) State 4-H Instructor: This level of instructor teaches classes for the State and can only be acquired by attending a National 4-H Shooting Sports Conference.

2) State 4-H Leader Trainer: This level of instructor teaches classes for the County and can only be acquired by attending a State 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop. This is the type of training session, which this course will cover.

3) Certified 4-H Project Leader: This level of certification allows a 4-H leader to be a shooting sports project leader.

If you hold any of the three titles listed above, you may be a project leader in the discipline for which you are certified.

There are six disciplines in the California 4-H Shooting Sports program: archery, black powder firearms, hunting, pistol, rifle, and shotgun.

*file25517*: Gain an understanding of the characteristics of wood to better your woodworking projects.
Junk Drawer Robotics!http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Projects/SET/Tech/JDR/

Shooting Sports
