Tracy Newton
4-H Community Education Specialist
(559) 241-7525
Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste. #210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA 93710
Donations by mail:
Fresno County 4-H
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste 210-B
Fresno, CA 93710
Elizabeth Ramirez
4-H Admin Support
(559) 241-7519
Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste.#210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA 93710
Sheep & Goat Show
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Fresno Fair GroundsWeigh-in and Preparation begins at 8:00 AM
Sheep Show begins at 9:00 AM
Dairy Goat Show begins at 9:00 AMMarket Goat Show begins at 9:30 AM
(Sheep Show and Goat Show starting times are staggered to help accommodate members showing more than one species. If a participant finds that 2 classes overlap, for courtesy to the exhibitors already in the ring, the class will only be delayed 5 minutes.)
Showmanship (Seniors will go first followed by Intermediate and Juniors) then Market Classes will follow (broken down by weight.)
Sheep & Goats will show at the same time in different rings, but will begin at different times to try to accommodate those exhibitors showing animals in both species.
To participate: Pre-registration due Monday, August 19th, 2024
(Any entries past August 19th will be charged a $5 late
fee per animal)
Entry Link:
$4.00 fee/animal- includes Showmanship & Market Classes
(This is a market show, breeding classes are not offered.)
All entry fees to be paid at check-in the day of the show.
A valuable learning experience is being offered to all sheep and meat goat project members raising market projects for the Fresno or Caruthers Fairs. Plan to take advantage of the opportunity to gain new skills and hear a judge’s critique of animals. There are many benefits to participating in this show including special prizes.
Animal Eligibility- Please take note! All animals shown at the 4-H Sheep & Goat Show must also be entered and shown in either Caruthers and/or Fresno Fairs in the appropriate market class. Each exhibitor may enter and show up to 2 animals per species.
Goat Show Participants:
Dairy Goat Showmanship (non-market) is being offered. No dairy breed classes. Market goat classes offered in two divisions, market Boer and market dairy. (Market Dairy- one division will be offered. This division will not be broken into weights.) May combine showmanship based on number of entries. Non-market dairy will have their own showmanship classes.
Sheep Show Participants:
Market Sheep classes will include white face and black face divisions. Showmanship will be offered. Black face sheep will begin the Market Show followed by White face sheep. No breed classes are offered.
This will be a “Dry Show” meaning all animals must be washed and groomed before they arrive.
Bring: shovels, rakes, and pitchforks. All areas must be cleaned prior to leaving.
Exhibitors attire: 4-H Uniform is preferred
Questions? Please contact-
Sheep: Georgene Diener 559-269-1177
Goats: Savanna Duncan 559-909-4744
Sheep Show Results
Sheep Show Results 2024:
Showmanship: Junior 1st place: Zachary Coolidge, Kingsburg
Intermediate 1st place: Gia Gonzales, Kerman
Senior 1st place: Jillyan Hopkins, Kerman
White Face: Champion: Zachary Coolidge, Kingsburg
Reserve Champion: Bristol Anderson, Kerman
Black Face: Champion: Audrey Luke, Sierra
Reserve Champion: Gia Gonzales, Kerman
Market Meat Goat Show Results 2024:
Showmanship: Junior 1st Place: Isabela Alvarez, Fairmont
Intermediate 1st Place: Diva Herrera, Rural Route
Senior 1st Place: Ronan Ryan, Fairmont
Market Meat Goat: Champion: Tyler Bettencourt, Kerman
Reserve Champion: Paige Blasingame, Sierra
Market Dairy Goat Show Results 2024:
Showmanship: Junior 1st place: Payton Goulart, Kerman
Intermediate 1st Place: Tyler Bettencourt, Kerman
Market Dairy Goat: Champion: Tyler Bettencourt, Kerman
Reserve Champion: Richard Goulart, Kerman
General Event Information
4-H Market Sheep & Goat Show
A valuable learning experience is being offered to all
sheep and meat goat project members raising market
projects for the Fresno and/or Caruthers Fairs. Plan to
take advantage of the opportunity to gain new skills
and hear a judge’s critique of animals. There are many
benefits to participating in this show including special
New members and visitors are invited to watch the
sheep and goat 4-H project members in action. Maybe
you have considered becoming a member of the sheep
or goat groups? Get an up close and personal look at
what it takes to raise and show these animals.