Hero Image



Tracy Newton
4-H Community Education Specialist
(559) 241-7525

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste. #210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: tlnewton@ucanr.edu

Donations by mail:
Fresno County 4-H
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste 210-B
Fresno, CA 93710


Elizabeth Ramirez Photo

Elizabeth Ramirez
4-H Admin Support
(559) 241-7519

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste.#210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: elramirez@ucanr.edu


Goat Project - Pygmy

Upcoming Pygmy Goat Events

 Small Animal Achievement Day

                (Includes Pygmy Goats, Rabbits, & Poultry)
Saturday, April 13, 2024
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Fee to participate: $2 per class.
Collins Country -5201 North Dockery Avenue, Clovis

Plan to bring your own animal for the skills portion of the
Achievement Test and the special activities. Arrive anytime
between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM if you are testing in one
species. If you are testing in multiple species, plan to arrive by
12:00 PM.

Special activities are planned from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
Bring a costume for your animal and enter the costume class!
There will also be an obstacle course for goats and another for

For more information, contact
- Anne Cehrs- 618-0250 for Pygmy Goats
- Janet Moore- 246-2987 for Poultry
- Marcie West- 575-3274 for Rabbits

Pygmy Goat Study Guide:

Rabbit and Poultry Study Guide:



Pygmy Goat Achievement Test


The Pygmy Goat Achievement Test is given once a year at the Small Animal Achievement Day.  There are three levels to the test which includes both a written and skills portion.  Once a members has medaled at level 1, they move up to the next level.  There are two Study Guides for each level.  The Bronze Study Guide accompanies Level 1, the Silver Study Guide accompanies Level 2, and the Gold Study Guide accompanies Level 3.  You can find the link to them here- 

Part #1:

Pygmy Goat Study Guide for 2022

Part #2:

Pygmy Goat Bronze Study Guide

Pygmy Goat Silver Study Guide

Pygmy Goat Gold Study Guide


Pygmy Goat Resources

Click on the following to download:

Vaccination and Maintenance Schedule

 PURCHASE PYGMY PUBLICATIONS HERE: http://www.npga-merch.com/publications.html