Hero Image



Tracy Newton
4-H Community Education Specialist
(559) 241-7525

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste. #210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: tlnewton@ucanr.edu

Donations by mail:
Fresno County 4-H
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste 210-B
Fresno, CA 93710


Elizabeth Ramirez Photo

Elizabeth Ramirez
4-H Admin Support
(559) 241-7519

On Site Visits:
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite #100

Mailing Address:
550 E. Shaw Ave. Ste.#210-B
UC Center
Fresno, CA  93710

Email: elramirez@ucanr.edu


Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

The goal of the 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) Initiative is to address America's critical need for more scientists and engineers.

4-H SET activities and projects combine non-formal education with hands-on, inquiry-based learning in a positive youth development context to engage youth in improving their SET knowledge, skills and abilities. 4-H SET activities and projects combine the strengths of 4-H Youth Development non-formal experiential-based delivery modes and strong youth-adult partnerships to address SET content as defined by the National Science Education Standards.

Find out more by clicking on the following links to the state 4-H website:

Why 4-H SET?
What is 4-H SET?
4-H SET Curriculum available online