
Sponsor an award for the 2024 CA 4-H Horse Classic!

What do we need sponsored?

We need sponsors for high point awards (buckles), reserve high point awards, class and contest ribbons, overall high point and reserve high point awards, educational contest awards, and more! 

Sponsor Recognition

All sponsor names (and logos) will be included on printed materials for the event. Sponsors will also be recognized on the CA 4-H Horse Classic website and during announcements at the event. Sponsors who give $500 or more will have signs with their name (and logo) displayed during the show. Please notify us if sponsors would prefer to remain anonymous and not have their name included in any publications.


Donate by credit card

Or donate by check - Horse Classic 2024_DONATION FORM

If you want more information about sponsoring specific awards, please contact Erica Pettey at eapettey@ucanr.edu