Selected Examples of Good Business Practices

In order to establish and maintain an effective accountability structure, the following business practices are recommended.

  1. Assigning responsibility to appropriately handle the organization’s operating functions and regulatory requirements, while meeting goals and objectives.
  2. Developing academic and business plans that address UC objectives and changing economic, industry, and regulatory environments.
  3. Ensuring that activity-level objectives flow from the division-wide objectives and strategies.
  4. Assessing the associate benefits and risks of a venture before proceeding.
  5. Establishing and communicating throughout the organization about what is right and wrong.
  6. Communicating clearly to all personnel the responsibilities and expectations for the unit’s activities.
  7. Structuring the organization to facilitate the flow of information upstream, downstream, and across all activities.
  8. Consulting with individuals having the expertise needed to make informed decisions.
  9. Documenting key controls that provide evidence that reviews are completed.
  10. Specifying the level of competence needed for particular jobs, and translating the desired levels of competence into requisite knowledge and skills.
  11. Ensuring that personnel have required knowledge, experience, and training to perform their duties, and cross-training personnel for critical functions.
  12. Regularly appraising the performance of all employees of the unit, using established performance management guidelines.
  13. Properly protecting and disposing of private and/or sensitive information.
  14. Reconciling and validating monthly transactions using the respective campus financial system.

For more information contact the Policies, Compliance, and Programmatic Agreements Director for referral to the appropriate business unit director.