12200B Airport Road
Jackson, CA 95642
In this informative and hands-on class you’ll learn all about composting with worms, including what worms to use, their care and feeding, how to set up your own worm bin, troubleshooting and how to harvest and use your castings.
Additionally, we will show you how to build your own low-cost worm bin. If you would like to build your bin in class, you have two options:
• Purchase a bin at the class for $15.00 (to reimburse us for the bin).
• Use the link https://ucanr.edu/sites/MG_of_CS/files/400209.pdf for a list of materials needed (bring to class).
• Either way, bring a cordless drill with a 1/4” bit for making drainage holes.
Registration is requested. To register, follow the link https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=44189
Walk-ins are welcome too!