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Rancher Economics


Improve participant understanding of the economics of ranching in California


This gathering provided an opportunity for local ranchers to describe their commitment and investment as well as the economic realities of managing cattle operations in California. The gathering included technical experts who clarified how costs, profits, and revenue need to balance out for an operation to be viable. Also, public land managers spoke to the costs, opportunities, and challenges of supporting ranching operations on public lands. This was a unique opportunity to have local experts help increase understanding about the complexities of rancher economics.


  • Provide background on the types of ranching operations in California
  • Provide information to elucidate rancher operations costs, revenue and profit
  • Provide a detailed description of the costs of implementing cattle infrastructure on leased lands (a major cost in a livestock operation)
  • Describe the economic impact an Agency management decision can have on an ranching operation on leased lands (time permitting)

Instructor Information

Mr. Paul Banke
Mr. Larry Forero
UC Cooperative Extension Specialist
UC Cooperative Extension
Mr. Neal Fujita
Tuolumne and Alameda Watershed Resources Manager
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Mr. Tim Koopman
SFPUC Area Land Manager and local rancher
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Mr. Clayton Koopmann
Rangeland Ecologist
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and local rancher
Mr. Ryan Nielson
Ms. Dina Robertson
Consulting Ecologist


Grey Hayes


Coastal Training Program, Elkhorn Slough Natl. Estuarine Research Reserve

Many thanks to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for co-sponsoring the event. Also thanks to Tim Koopmann and the Koopmann Ranch for sponsoring and providing lunch for the event.

Documents & Publications

Workshop Materials

Document Author/Source
2016 Sample Costs for Beef Cattle: Cow-Calf Production, 300 Head, Sacramento Valley Larry Forero; Glenn A. Nader; Karen Klonsky; Daniel A. Sumner; Nina Anderson; Donald Stewart
UC Cooperative Extension
April 2016
Agenda: Rancher Economics Dina Robertson
Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
February 2016
Artificial insemination for beef cattle — Costs and Benefits Daniel J. Drake, PhD. PAS
UC Cooperative Extension
Economics Associated with Beef Cattle Ranching Larry Forero
UC Cooperative Extension
April 21, 2016
Ranching in Conservation: TN Cattle Company Bay Area and state wide operations Ryan Nielsen
TN Cattle Company
April 2016
Ranching Operations in California: A Year in the Life of a Cow Clayton Koopman
Elkhorn Slough Coastal Training Program
April 2016
2016.04 Contact List