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Robert A York

Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension / Co-Director, Berkeley Forests / Adjunct Associate Professor of Forestry
Blodgett Forest Research Station
4501 Blodgett Forest Road
Georgetown, CA 95634
(530) 333-4475
ryork@berkeley.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Center for Forestry (UCB)


Forest Management


Silviculture, prescribed fire, forest ecology

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • York, R.A. (2019). Long-term taper and growth reductions following pruning intensity treatments in giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 49, 1189-1197.
  • Annighofer, P.; Seidel, D., et al. (2019). Silvicultural implications from analyzing light induced height growth development of eight North American juvenile tree speces in mixed-conifer forests. Forestry. 00, 1-11.
  • North, Malcolm; Stevens, Jen, et al. (2019). Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests. Forest Ecology and Management. Elsevier. 432:2019, 209-224.
  • Jen, C.N., Liang, Y., Hatch, L.E., Kreisberg, N.M., Stamatis, C., Kristensen, K., Battles, J., Stephens, S., York, R., Barsanti, K., and Goldstein, A. 2018. High hydroquinone emissions from burning manzanita. Environmental Letters Science and Technology 5: 309-314

  • Battles, J., Bell, D., Kennedy, R., Saah, D., Collins, B., York, R., Sanders, J.,and Lopez-Ornelas, F. 2018. Innovations in measuring and managing forest carbon stocks in California. A report for California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment. California Natural Resources Agency CCCA4-CNRA-2018-014

  • Stephens, S. (2018). Historical and modern landscape forest structure in fir (Abies)-dominated mixed conifer forests in the northern Sierra Nevada, USA. Fire Ecology. Fire Ecology. 14:7, 1-14.
  • Stephens, Connor; York, Robert (2017). An evaluation of stand age as a factor of mastication efficiency and effectiveness in the Central Sierra Nevada, California. Northwest Science. 91:4.
  • Bellows, Robin; Thomson, Ariel, et al. (2016). Damage and mortality patterns in young mixed conifer plantations following prescribed fires in the Sierra Nevada, California. Forest Ecology and Management. 376, 193-204.
  • Stewart, William; Sharma, Benktesh, et al. (2016). Forestry In: Ecosystems of California.H. Mooney and E. Zavaleta.
  • Dore, Sabina; Fry, Danny, et al. (2016). Management Impacts on Carbon Dynamics in a Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer Forest. PLOS One. 11:2, 1-22.
  • Falster, Daniel; Duursma, Remko, et al. (2015). BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants. Ecology. 96:5, 1445.
  • Cousins, Stella; Battles, John, et al. (2015). Decay patterns and carbon density of standing dead trees in California mixed conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 353:1, 136-147.
  • Springsteen, Bruce; Christofk, Thomas, et al. (2015). Forest boimass diversion in the Sierra Nevada: Energy, economics and emissions. California Agriculture. 69:3.
  • York, Robert; Louen, Justin, et al. (2015). Growth Response of Massive Sequoiadendron giganteum Trees to Mechanical Treatments. Forest Science. 61:5, 959-965.
  • York, Robert (2015). Large-tree removal in a mixed-conifer forest halves productivity and increases white fir. California Agriculture. 69:1. Online: http://californiaagriculture.ucanr.edu/ landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v069n01p27&fulltext=yes
  • York, Robert; Keller, Richard, et al. (2015). Thinning treatments had minimal effect on soil compaction in mixed-conifer plantations. California Agriculture. 69:3, 157-163.
  • O'Hara, K.; York, R. (2014). Leaf Area Development and Crown Architecture in a Giant Sequoia Spacing Study. Forest Science. 60:4, 776-783.
  • York, R.; O'Hara, K, et al. (2013). Density Effects on Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) Growth Through 22 Years: Implications for Restoration and Plantation Management. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 28:1, 30-37.
  • Eitzel, Melissa; Battles, John, et al. (2013). Estimating tree growth from complex forest monitoring data. Ecological Applications. 23:6, 1288-1296.
  • York, Robert; Devries, Rose (2013). Snow Damage Patterns in Maturing Mixed-Species Plantations of the Sierra Nevada. Western Journal of Applied forestry. 28:4, 174-177.
  • Fahey, Cathy; York, Robert, et al. (2012). Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in response to restoration practices. Mycologia. 104:5, 988-997.

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