CitrusSprayEx Application Workshop
On Thursday & Friday, April 23-24, 2020, several participants joined us for a 2-half-day virtual workshop on Zoom meetings to learn about CitrusSprayEx Expert System. CitrusSprayEx is a decision support tool for planning and evaluating spray application in citrus. The workshop focused on developing participants’ knowledge and skills to effectively use this tool in their operations to improve their productivity while potentially reducing the frequency of their spray applications.
The meeting was intended for anyone directly involved with spray application operations, those who supervise applications, spray decision makers, orchard managers, grower/owners, and PCA's. Although targeted to citrus, most of the learning generally applied to other tree crops. This training focused on axial airblast sprayers but was applicable to air shear sprayers as well. It covered only air-assisted spray applications directed to tree canopies but not herbicide boom sprayer applications.
Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Peter Ako Larbi, UCCE Agricultural Application Engineering Specialist at the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Parlier, CA, delivered the workshop.
Participants engaged by polls and chats, and those receiving continuing education units (CEU) credits took a final exam. A total of 5.5 CEU credits was provided by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
View the full agenda here.