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Proposal Resources

Budget Guidelines

The proposal budget captures all of the expected project expenditures and should be aligned with both internal policy and the sponsor's budget requirements. A proposal budget is accompanied by a supporting budget justification outlining the details for each budgeted item. See the Budget Preparation and Cost Share page for more information.

Budget Templates

Internal Guidelines

Federal Cost Principles


Application Guidelines

Sponsor application guidelines specify required proposal components, forms, and templates to be submitted for a funding opportunity. The guidelines also may specify formatting requirements such as page limits, character limits, spacing, margins, font type, and font size. Most importantly, guidelines often outline general grant review and evaluation criteria. Details regarding submission deadlines, eligibility criteria, program goals, project expectations, duration, and award size are given within the a separate document, the 'call for proposals/applications'.

Sponsor Guidelines

State agencies: 

Federal agencies:

UC ANR research, extension, and education is supported by several federal sponsor. Review the guidelines for common sponsors given below.

Internal Guidelines


UC ANR Institutional Capacity

Proposal development will often involve the crafting of specific language to describe UC ANR's institutional research and/or administrative capacity to successfully conduct the proposed research project. The following resources provide an overview of UC ANR's mission, structure, and programming.

For standard language templates, please contact your assigned OCG analyst for assistance with a standard grant proposal, or the proposal development coordinator for eligible large grant proposals.


Current and Pending / Other Support

Information on Current and Pending and Other Support forms assist awarding agency staff in the identification of potential overlap of support. The goal is to ensure there is no duplication of funding for scientific aims, budgetary, or commitment overlap. An individual’s effort commitment may not exceed 100%. The PI is responsible for reviewing and ensuring accuracy of the information provided prior to submission.
