UC CalFresh Fresno/Madera Counties Program Manual
University of California
UC CalFresh Fresno/Madera Counties Program Manual

Work Plan & Guidance


Integrated Work Plan

UC CalFresh has a 3 year Integrated Work Plan (IWP), for each county we work in (Fresno and Madera). Each IWP is written in partnership with the counties Local Health Department (LHD) and submitted to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) for review and approval. These IWP’s are coordinated with LHD’s, because we both receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP Ed) funding. Due to this we are not allowed to provide nutrition education to the same sites (that’s called duplicating efforts). The work plan communicates each SNAP Ed agencies activities for its respective county. We encourage all staff to read the work plans.

Each plan lays out our SMART goals and activities for each fiscal year. It is why we do what we do! Each IWP has a site list, which lays out the sites that we can teach nutrition education at. 

Fresno FY17 Integrated Work Plan

Madera FY17 Integrated Work Plan

SNAP-Ed Guidance

UC CalFresh and the LHD’s are known as Local Implementing Agencies (LIAs). We have the same funding from SNAP-Ed, which comes with allowable/unallowable activities. To know if an activity for our program is allowable or unallowable you can research it here:

SNAP-Ed Plan Guidance FY19


Webmaster Email: karmacias@ucanr.edu