Agricultural Economics
University of California
Agricultural Economics

Archived Agricultural News

Archived Agricultural News

Our May 8 Day of Science and Service

2014 Farm Bill: Dairy Margin & Livestock Disaster Programs 

Dec 20 Application Deadline Set for Water Conservation Program - USDA NRCS AWEP 
Biotechnology Seed Case is Heard by the U.S. Supreme Court 
U.S. Government: Closed 'til Further Notice 
Agriculture Lacks Workers as Immigration Bill is Debated 
Will Government Shutdown Ultimately Help Passage of Farm Bill? 
FDA Focuses on Imported Food ( Fruits and Vegetables) During a Stakeholders Hearing 
The Mystery of Colony-Collapse Disorder 
$52 Million Awarded through Specialty Crop Block Grants 
Unenforced Standards Allow Fraudulent Olive Oil in U.S. Market 
Uncertainty Remains as the Farm Bill Deadline Approaches
USDA Protocol in the Event of Government Shutdown 
Choice Magazine Articles: Theme Overview: Innovations in Nonpoint Source Pollution Policy
Addressing Death by a Thousand Cuts: Legal and Policy Innovations to Address Nonpoint Source Runoff 
State Level Efforts to Regulate Agricultural Sources of Water Quality Impairment 
Local Innovations in Water Protection: Experiments with Economic Incentives 
Integrated Modeling for Conservation Policy Support 
A Tale of Many Cities: Using Low-Impact Development to Reduce Urban Water Pollution 
U.S. Coastal and Estuarine storm water Management Approaches 
Innovations in Nonpoint Source Pollution Policy-European Perspectives 
24th Annual Fall Desert Crops Workshop - Sponsored by Western Farm Press and Commercial Suppliers PDF
New Resource ACP 
Livestock Program Available in the Pacific Northwest 
FLC Farm Employee Training - Early Registration extended
Coachella Valley Farmers Educational Meeting 
Keepseagle Tax Webniar
Coachella Valley Farmers Educational Meeting
Whole Farm and Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Program Data Early 2013
California Avocado News Archive: 
Sample Establishment & Production - Conventional Avocados Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo 
Sample Establishment & Production - Conventional Avocado San Diego and Riverside 
Sample Establishment & Production - Organic Avocados Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo 
Sample Establishment & Production - Organic Avocado San Diego and Riverside 
California Avocado Commission-2008 Request for Research Proposals  
USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) News Release: RMA Develops A New California Avocado Crop Insurance Program  
California Avocado 2007/08 Mid-Season Crop Estimate Summary  
Avo Greensheet, Volume 24, Issue 15, 5/27/08  
Issue Bulletin: Advisory for IAWP Water Users  
California Avocado 2007/08 Mid-Season Crop Estimate Summary  
California Avocado 2007/08 Pre-Season Crop Estimate  
Escondido Quarantine-Mexican Fruit Fly Infestation 
Avo Green Sheet (Vol. 23, No. 20, August 14, 2007)  
PEA-Armored Scale on Commercial Produce for Consumption  
Armored Scale Insects: Bulletin 7-6-07  
Avo Green Sheet (Vol. 23, No. 13, May 8, 2007)  
Armored Scale Insects: Bulletin 6-7-07  
Armored Scale Insects: Bulletin 4-5-07 
Armored Scale Insects: Key Questions  
Armored Scale Insects: Issue Summary  
2006/07 California Avocado Post freeze Weekly Shipment projection 
Avocado Post Freeze Shipment Projection Graph 
2006/07 Avocado Post Freeze Yield 
Armored Scale Insects: Bulletin 3/23/07  
Special Report on the Armored Scale Pest Issue 3-19-2007 1 of 4 
Special Report on the Armored Scale Pest Issue 3-19-2007 2 of 4 
Special Report on the Armored Scale Pest Issue 3-19-2007 3 of 4 
Special Report on the Armored Scale Pest Issue 3-19-2007 4 of 4  
Update on Mexican Avocado Situation 3-12-2007  
Update on Mexican Avocado Situation 3-2-2007 
Update on Mexican Avocado Situation 2-23-2007 
California Avocado Industry Hit Hard by Arctic Cold Blast  
Treatment of Cold-Injured Avocado Trees (Also True for Citrus)  
California Avocado Commission-Affleck Press Release  
California Avocado Commission Press Release-Project Pre-Proposals for Avocado Production Research 
California Citrus News Archive: 
ACP and HLB Disease 
Frost Protection for Citrus and other Subtropicals 
Advice from the Citrus Varieties Collection/UCR  
California Citrus Mutual Memo on Freeze 

Other Agricultural News Archive: 

Newcastle disease in S. Cal: Spring Poultry Ponderings-Spring 2018

USDA Invests in Crop Insurance Education throughout the Pacific Northwest and AlaskaPDF 
RMA W. Murphy presentation to FCA-08-30-12_FINAL 
USDA Crop Insurance Sales Closing Dates 
USDA Billing Date Change Flyer 
Topics in Subtropics Newsletter Vol. 10 No. 1 Jan - March 2012 Click on link: Newsletter 
USDA e-Newsletter, California Edition 
U.S. Apple Association-Memorandum 
U.S. Apple Association-2008 Farm Bill Conference Report 
Ag Water Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, November 2007 
ANR Report-Daniel Dooley Appointed Vice President for ANR 
Our University Newsletter-Michael Brown Q&A, Food Safety and More 
ANR Communications Protocol:Unpaid Leave for Military Spouses 
Training for Rehabilitating Farmers and Farmworkers Offered in July 
Symposium on Agricultural Research and Extension, Sacramento, 6/18-19, 08 
ANR Communications Protocol:Unpaid Leave for Military Spouses 
FEMA and Fire Disaster Assistance Info 
Deadline for Emergency Conservation Funding for Ag Producers-November 30th 
Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims State of Emergency 
Freeze Watch 
Sustainable Ag Expo Announces Earlybird Attendee Registration Deadline 
 FAAST-Cleanup and Abatement Account - 3rd and 4th Qtr 2013 Deadline  
March 2014 - Farm Bill Schedule of Listening Sessions 


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