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Community Composting Demonstration Site

When You Make The Time...

...there is plenty to do out at the Composting Education Program Demonstration site at Martial Cottle Park

How to find it:

Once you enter the park at 5283 Snell Avenue, San Jose, 95136, stop at the Kiosk and let the attendant know that you are there as a UC volunteer for Composting. They should wave you through. If there is no one there, proceed through the gate.  Please drive no faster than the posted speed limit [currently 20 miles per hour] and follow the road straight past the entrance to Lot A and the Visitors Center, to the left turn at the end of the road. Continue past Lot B and enter the round-about. Enter the round-about from the left and make a left turn onto the gravel road that is for 'authorized vehicles only'.   

For now, there is a limited amount of volunteer parking in the parcel. Please drive slowly down the gravel road to our gate that is on the right at the end of the road.  The gate code is "PILE". Once in the parcel, stay on the gravel road as far out of the way as possible when you park. Do not drive on the wood chipped area's of the parcel.

We have a few pair of gloves and some hand tools but if you have favorites, feel free to bring them, a water bottle and a hat.  Be sure to wear close-toed shoes, and remember safety at all times. Be sure to wear protective eye wear if it is needed.  All of our tools and protective gear is in the small shed labeled UCCE CEP.  The code for that lock is 1447.  If you bring a visitor onto the parcel, they must sign a Liability Waiver form found in the large shed on the computer cart.  Leave it in the binder.

When you are done, be sure to log what you did on the white board and where you left off if you didn't finish.  Be sure to put your tools and protective gear back where you found it; we don't have a clean-up fairy. And please, please record your hours. Many of the project that you are working on are grant funded so your volunteer time must be recorded so it can be reported to the grantor so they will grant us again. 

Make sure that all sheds are locked and that both gate panels are linked with the chain before you lock the gate and leave. We don't want anything to 'walk-away' because we won't be able to replace it any time soon.

If you have an emergency, please dial 911.