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Gardening Tips - Fire Safe Planting

How can we best control our property for fire safety?

While wild fires might be good for nature, allowing seeds to burst and bloom, fire is devastating to home sites. So how can we best control our property?

The truth is: most plants can burn, especially now that we are reducing our watering. So how can we protect our valued landscapes and homes? Here are some essentials.

  • Defensible space: Eliminate dry vegetation close to your house – a 30 ft zone is advised, and prune your trees up 15 ft from the ground. Allow open space around oily plants such as juniper and eucalyptus. Encourage your neighbors to do these things also.
  • Irrigate landscape plantings adequately to prevent drying out.
  • Prune deadwood out of “fire-safe” trees

For more information consult: Fire Safe Planting
