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Growing In Your Garden Now - Cyclamen

Did you purchase a lovely pink cyclamen and now the leaves are wilting or turning yellow?

Well, it could depend on whether you bought the standard grocery store species, Cyclamen persicum, which is best suited for a cool indoor indirect sun location. Leaves will turn yellow if plant gets too warm or is over watered. However, if you bought some of the many outdoor varieties, have hope. Cyclamen are Mediterranean plants in the Primrose Family, Primulaceae, which flourish in fall and winter, and start going dormant by April. But they will return to glory so let them rest. Flower colors are pink, red or white. Cyclamen hederifolium is one of the hardiest outdoor species that can handle light sun or shade, seeds freely, and does well in leaf mold or low temperatures, so makes an ideal under-story plant choice. The tubers prefer well drained, moist soils. If soil is too wet the tubers will rot. To deter pests or disease avoid overhead irrigation or crowding. See Diseases for more information.