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Forestry Workshops

Here you will find a list of natural resource workshops hosted in collaboration with UCCE Mendocino. Please click on a specific workshop link to learn more about that workshop and get access to the resources from the workshop.

Forest and Post-fire Stewardship Workshops

Join these workshop to understand and protect your forests by learning about forest stewardship and how to develop a Forest Management Plan or stewarding forests after disturbances. Topics include:

  • Forest management objectives and planning
  • Forest health, insects, and disease
  • Forest and fire ecology, wildlife, and watersheds
  • Fuels reduction and forest resource marketing
  • Managing competing and resprouting vegetation
  • Mapping, inventory, and silviculture
  • Project development and permitting
  • Forest management objectives and planning
  • Getting professional and cost-share opportunities

To learn more about current workshops, go to: https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/Stewardship/ForestStewardshipWorkshops/

Lake County region Post-fire Workshop

Encroachment of Douglas-fir into a Ca black oak stand (Y. Valachovic).
Encroachment of Douglas-fir into a Ca black oak stand (Y. Valachovic).

California Oak Health Virtual Workshop

Oak enthusiasts, landowners, natural resource managers, and foresters are invited to join us for a series of virtual talks and a live Q&A session discussing the challenges faced by California’s native oak trees and oak woodlands.

Prescribed fire in a forest (L. Quinn-Davidson).
Prescribed fire in a forest (L. Quinn-Davidson).

Prescribed Fire for Foresters

This UCCE Humboldt-Del Norte workshop provided attendees with the information to develop smoke management plans, increase understanding of liability and permit development, and highlight management examples along with upcoming opportunities and policy changes. The workshop was intended for foresters, resource managers, and others with an interest in prescribed fire on private lands.