North State Garden News
Holiday Cactus
In our office, this Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera buckleyi) is one cheerful plant! It gets cool temperatures at night (55°F) thanks to our programmable thermostat and received 12-14 hours of darkness per night during the last...
Winter Composting: Plan B
My compost pile and I have been lulled into lethargy with this warm fall weather. But the first hard frost reminds me that I need another plan for kitchen scraps and organic waste over the winter. I can keep putting material in the...
Dormant Spraying for Peach Leaf Curl
Did your peach tree have distorted, reddened leaves this spring that maybe fell off and grew back this summer? If so, your tree may suffer from a fungal disease called Peach Leaf Curl. You can get more information about the disease symptoms...
Storing Your Harvest
I'll be speaking at the Shasta County Master Gardener meeting on Thursday evening, September 11th, about "Storing Your Harvest". You'll learn about storing fruits and vegetables from your own garden, bulk produce from the Farmer's...
Hanging Squash
For vegetable gardeners, this is the time of year that we seem to find that HUMUNGOUS zucchini that I swear wasn't there yesterday. Vertical trellises are one way to make your squash easier to see. Maybe. Our gazebo is covered in...