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40th Range Camp

Thank you for your interest in the California Range and Natural Resources Camp (Range Camp).  We are currently full for the 2024 Range Camp.  Please contact rangecamp@ucanr.edu if you would like to be on a wait list.

This program is organized by University of California Cooperative Extension Livestock and Natural Resource Advisors and Cal Poly Range professor. Our goal has been to introduce high school students to the professional world of plant, animal, and landscape management. To do this we invite experts in scientific disciplines related to wildlife, forestry, rangeland, and plants, as well as professionals who are involved in managing resources of these kinds on a daily basis. We aim to make the camp a fun experience for the campers, and interesting as well. One of our goals is to send campers home with a useful understanding of the great diversity of career opportunities that are available, and the different paths through colleges and universities that can take you there. 

The camp is run by a group of volunteers who take our personal time to organize each year’s event and serve as primary staff for all or part of the camp week. We do our best to limit costs to the greatest extent we can without undermining the educational and social experience of the program. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Range Camp staff at rangecamp@ucanr.edu 

What is Range Camp?

Range Camp is a week long program that consists of lectures, hands on activities, a ranch tour, BBQ at the beach, group projects, a plant identification test, and a final exam. At the end of camp the three Top Campers are invited to represent CalPac SRM at the annual Society for Range Management’s High School Youth Forum. 

During camp campers should expect to participate in hands on projects each day associated with lectures that often include digging a soils pit to examine and compare soils, hiking local trails to learn plant families and names, completing an inventory of a local stream to determine creek health, learning wildlife survey techniques, etc. We keep you busy and going all day long in the field as much as possible.  There is a lot to learn about rangelands.  We have tried to pick the things that we like the most to give every camper a small taste of what it might mean to be a Rangeland Manager.