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ANR Catalog Online
Peer-reviewed products produced by the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources on the topics of crop production, pest management, study materials for DPR exams, nutrition, or gardening. Visit the ANR catalog.
Cal Ag
California Agriculture (Cal Ag) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the University of California to highlight on-going research by Cooperative Ex
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2. If you know it, you can use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – which is a specific number assigned to a paper in Cal Ag. Below you will see an example of a DOI number for a Cal Ag paper.
UC Rangelands http://rangelands.ucdavis.edu
UC Rangeland Watershed Laboratory http://rangelandwatersheds.ucdavis.edu/main/about_the_lab.htm
UCCE Livestock and Natural Resources http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCCE_LR/
UC Rangeland Research and Education Archive http://rangelandarchive.ucdavis.edu/
UCCE Weed Research and Information Center http://wric.ucdavis.edu
UCCE Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center http://sfrec.ucanr.edu/
UCCE Hopland Research and Extension Center http://hrec.ucanr.edu
UCCE County offices http://ucanr.edu/County_Offices/
UCCE Oak Woodland Management http://ucanr.edu/sites/oak_range/Oak_Articles_On_Line/Oak_Woodland_Products_Range_Management_Livestock/Californias_Hardwood_Rangelands__Production_and_Conservation_Values/
UCCE Rangeland Ecosystem Services http://ucanr.edu/sites/RangelandES/
UC Davis Animal Science Department http://animalscience.ucdavis.edu/index.html
UC Davis California Soil Resources Lab https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu
Beef Genetics and Genomics http://www.ebeef.org
eXtension https://www.extension.org
California Cattlemen’s Association: http://www.calcattlemen.org/
California Wool Growers Association: http://cawoolgrowers.org/
California Pork Producers Association: http://calpork.com/
California Meat Goat Association: http://www.camga.org/
Society of Range Management: http://rangelands.org/
California-Pacific Section Society for Range Management: http://casrm.rangelands.org
Global Rangelands: https://globalrangelands.org
Rangelands West: https://globalrangelands.org/rangelandswest
Wrangle: https://wrangle.org
California Rangeland Conservation Coalition: http://carangeland.org
Central Coast Rangeland Coalition: http://www.elkhornsloughctp.org/reference/subissue_detail.php?SUBISSUE_ID=27