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Answers to your suggestions
  • Statewide Conference Head Shots (October 2018)
    Statewide Conference Head Shots (October 2018)

    Suggestion:  So back in April at the ANR State Wide Conference Evette Kilmartin took head shots of people who went to the event. Could an announcement be sent out about when the photos will be available to the people who had their picture taken? I have sent two emails.

  • Parking Etiquette (March 2018)
    Parking Etiquette (March 2018)

    Suggestion:  Please remind employees that the 30 minute parking space is meant for 30 minute parking only.  I’ve seen cars parked there regularly all day.  I had an advisor come to pick stuff up and have to double-park/block cards because this loading zone was being used.

  • Building/Parking Lot Safety (May 2018)
    Building/Parking Lot Safety (May 2018)

    Suggestion:  I heard that there was a burglary in our parking lot today. Why has there been no announcement to the building occupants? This is a safety issue and you need to let people know at least so that they can be more aware in the parking lot. Thank you.

  • Gated Bike Storage (May 2018)
    Gated Bike Storage (May 2018)

    Suggestion:  Is it possible to create a gated bike storage area in the covered outdoor space next to the Coast Room? This could utilize overhead and ground level bicycle storage along with a combination lock gate that would protect bicycles not in lockers

  • Parking Etiquette (March 2018)
    Parking Etiquette (March 2018)

    Suggestion:  Please remind large cars to NOT park in compact spots-this is how cars get damaged. And small cars to park in compact spaces; when small cars take up the large spots, large cars take the compact spots.

  • Soap Dispensers (July 2018)
    Soap Dispensers (July 2018)

    Suggestion: Would it be possible to get wall-mounted soap dispensers in the building showers?  Bringing your own soap isn’t ideal…. 



  • Building Noise Level (May 2018)
    Building Noise Level (May 2018)

    Suggestion:  A general reminder is needed to staff re: building noise levels and how voices carry from open spaces on the 1st floor up to the 2nd floor in the building.

  • All Staff Meeting Presentations (September, 2016)
    All Staff Meeting Presentations (September, 2016)


    It would be helpful if when there are presenters (Safety or other guests), at the all staff meetings, who share their information on ppts, etc., if those could be uploaded to a central CT site or for reference later. Helps for reference or absent staff.

  • Pen Recycling (September, 2016)
    Pen Recycling (September, 2016)


    Could we designate an area in the bldg for recycling writing instruments (i.e. pens, markers, highlighters, etc.)? See link below: https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/pens-are-new-addition-list-things-we-recycle/ We can send to "Pen Recycling" via campus mail - Kim Lamar

  • Comment:

    Thanks for the great celebration of staff and academic awards and recognition of retirees. It is great to celebrate. We should do it more often.

  • BloodSource at 2nd Street Update! (January, 2016)
    BloodSource at 2nd Street Update! (January, 2016)


    I would love to get the Second Street UC ANR building involved with BloodSource by hosting mobile blood drives. Is this a possibility? have coordinated such drive previously and would love for us to get involved.—Lauren Snowden

    Response from SSOC:

    Thank you for submitting this request! The idea of hosting a blood donation drive here at the ANR building has been approved by the UnitDirectors. EH&S has been consulted re: any need for a waiver sign-off specific to liability and risk, and we have a green light on that front. HR has also been consulted and has approved of the drive.

  • Personal Messages on Collaborative Tools (October, 2015)
    Personal Messages on Collaborative Tools (October, 2015)


    Will the updated 'At Second Street' website someday be used for announcements that are not work related? Collaborative Tools is being used for personal messages. Employees at UCOP, who are not employed here in the Davis building, receive these messages as well.

  • Building Noise Level (October, 2015)
    Building Noise Level (October, 2015)

    From the SSOC:

    Comments are submitted regularly to the SSOC regarding the noise level in the building. The committee wishes to remind everyone of the difficulties of working in a large, open environment, and the need for everyone to be flexible and make allowances for the wide variety of work-styles and needs of all employees. Please keep the following in mind...

  • Lactation Room (October, 2015)
    Lactation Room (October, 2015)

    From the SSOC:

    Leadership has asked the committee to remind all employees that the Lactation Room is for nursing mothers only. Please be respectful of new mothers' needs. The lactation room is legally dedicated to this specific use, and is not to be utilized for any other purpose whatsoever.

  • Staff Recognition Luncheon (October, 2015)
    Staff Recognition Luncheon (October, 2015)


    Why did you include ANR leadership in the Staff Recognition Luncheon raffle? The prizes should have been for staff, not Academics/Leadership.

  • Break room microwave (October, 2015)
    Break room microwave (October, 2015)


    The top microwave on the west side of the break room is not working properly.

  • Exercise Lockers Request (October, 2015)
    Exercise Lockers Request (October, 2015)


    Could the building consider getting a few lockers for people to put their work clothes in while they exercise?

  • Thanks for Your Suggestions (September, 2015)
    Thanks for Your Suggestions (September, 2015)

    From the SSOC:

    The Second Street Operations Committee appreciates ALL employee suggestions. You can submit anonymously via this Suggestion Box on this site or the physical box by the break room bathrooms. If you do want to be contacted with a follow-up, don't forget to leave us your information! Thank you :)

  • Unit Teambuilding and Celebrations (August, 2015)
    Unit Teambuilding and Celebrations (August, 2015)

    From the SSOC:

    A question has been raised regarding individual units holding minor teambuilding events and celebrations in the common break room and meeting rooms. One of the goals of combining ANR's various units into a single administration building is to foster a greater sense of unity. However, it is also understood that there is a need for individual units to foster their own sense of cohesiveness. In general, no event should make "outsiders" feel unwelcome, and any extended use of the kitchen/break room needs to ensure that the activity does not impede that of other staff.

    The SSOC is currently in conversation with Management about establishing guidelines of conduct for these situations.

  • Building Brightness (July, 2015)
    Building Brightness (July, 2015)

    Please cover up some of the skylights. It is too bright on the 2nd floor.

    Response from SSOC:
    Thank you for your comments. The Facilities department is currently exploring ways to ensure the levels of lighting in the building are comfortable and appropriate for all employees. Further information will be posted here as updates become available.

  • Yoga Practice (July, 2015)
    Yoga Practice (July, 2015)

    A few employees want to get together and practice yoga during our lunch hour. Is this something we can do?
    --Lauren Snowden x1203 / llsnowden@ucanr.edu

    Response from SSOC:
    Thank you for the suggestion. We have discussed this idea with the appropriate parties and it has been approved! Please contact Lauren if you are interested in participating.

  • Freezer cleaning schedule
    Freezer cleaning schedule

    Can we delay the cleaning out of the freezer to quarterly instead of monthly?

    Response from SSOC and others consulted:
    Thank you for sending the message regarding concerns about the frequency of the freezer cleanings here at Second Street.
    The monthly freezer cleaning was set up to assure cleanliness of the freezer and (probably more importantly) having the freezer emptied monthly, helps to assure there is sufficient freezer space for all the occupants of the building.  
    With over 140 people working here, the space per person is very limited and is not conducive to “bulk” purchases or storage of several weeks of lunches for one person. This issue has been a problem in the past and the monthly cycle of cleaning is an important step to avoid it from being so again.