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Distinguished Service Awards

DSA Nomination Announcements

 Purpose of the Awards: To recognize and reward outstanding accomplishments by UCCE academics in five areas. These are:

  • Outstanding Research
  • Outstanding Extension
  • Outstanding New Academic
  • Outstanding Team
  • Outstanding Leader
  • Outstanding DEI

 The Distinguished Service Awards recognize service and academic excellence in UC Cooperative Extension over a significant period of time. Awards highlight the use of innovative methods and the integration of research, extension and leadership by UCCE academic appointees.  Only individuals in academic title series are eligible to be considered for the Outstanding Research, Outstanding Extension, Outstanding New Academic, Outstanding Team, Outstanding Leader and Outstanding Diversity awards.

 The Award: The award is presented to the top applicant in each of the five categories. The winner(s) will receive a certificate and personal monetary award.

Please Note: Self-nomination is allowed.


Evaluation Criteria

In general, adherence to the Mission of ANR and Strategic Vision shall be of utmost importance in evaluating nominations. Nominees must cite specific impacts of their work. Additionally, we are looking for outstanding work that’s being done within the scope of the ANR Strategic Initiatives, and applicants should highlight, where possible, how their work ties into one or more Initiatives. 

Selection will be based on the following:

  • Criteria established for each award category (see below).
  • Programmatic quality and balance.
  • Evidence of accomplishment in the ANR Strategic Initiative areas.
  • Demonstrated recognition by fellow academics, clientele & professional groups.
  • Demonstrated activities that embrace the spirit and goals of Affirmative Action.
  • Nomination letter.
  • Recommendation/support letters.

Evaluation Process and Award Announcement

A committee will review all eligible applications and make a recommendation to the ANR Vice President, who makes the final decisions. The review committee is comprised of the members of the Program Committee of Academic Assembly Council. The Vice President’s office will notify awardees.

The Distinguished Service Awards will be announced in ANR Report, and when possible, presentations will take place at Statewide ANR Strategic Initiative Meetings.  

Award Criteria

  1. Outstanding Research

The committee will evaluate the nominee’s research record for:

  • Academic excellence.
  • Innovative methods of obtaining new knowledge.
  • Impact of research on clientele and level of adoption.
  • Incorporation of research into extension programs.
  1. Outstanding Extension

The committee will evaluate the nominee’s extension and outreach accomplishments for:

  • Academic excellence.
  • Impact and level of adoption by targeted clientele.
  • Usefulness as an extension model of how to plan/conduct/evaluate and share information.
  • Level of innovation & creativity.
  • Outreach to under-served audiences/clientele.
  1. Outstanding New Academic

This award recognizes outstanding beginnings in UC Cooperative Extension.

Candidates for the Outstanding New Academic Award are restricted to academic appointees who have worked in UC Cooperative Extension less than 10 years at the time of their nomination. Selection criteria for this award are the same criteria for the Outstanding Research or Extension awards. An individual may not receive this award more than once.

  1. Outstanding Team

Activities shall include interdisciplinary and multi-institutional teams working on applied research or extension activities. The committee will evaluate the record for:

  • Academic excellence.
  • Impact of activities on target audience/clientele.
  • Evidence that the combined effort resulted in contributions greater than an individual member.
  • Cross-disciplinary integration among UCCE and appropriate faculty, work-group members, and others as appropriate.

   5. Outstanding Leader

This award is to recognize academics in ANR that have provided leadership in their program area or discipline. The committee will evaluate the record for:

  • Effectiveness: Breadth and depth of significant leadership contributions made to ANR. 
  • Inspiration: How the nominee has inspired a shared vision, developed long-term objectives and enabled other academics.
  • Innovation: How the nominee has advanced a creative strategy that represents a departure from usual practice.
  • Coaching: How the nominee has fostered leadership development in others and helped them excel.
  • Personal Accomplishments: How the nominee’s personal accomplishments contributed to their development as a leader.


  1. Outstanding Contribution to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This award is to recognize academics in ANR addressing diversity, equity and inclusion in their Extension programs, projects and/or audiences. The committee will evaluate the record for:

  • Issue addressed: What diversity, equity or inclusion issue was addressed by the nominee? How did the nominee determine that this issue was important to address?
  • Activities: How did the nominee address this issue? How did the nominee determine that this issue was important to address?
  • Innovation: How the nominee has advanced a creative strategy or has created new models that create positive organizational change in achieving DEI in Extension programs, projects and/or audiences.
  • Scope: Describe the breadth of the nominee’s activities and the impacts they have had within UC ANR and Cooperative Extension.
  • Impact: How the nominee’s activities has led to positive, sustainable programmatic and / or organizational change.


For further information or questions contact: 


Daniela Bruno, dfbruno@ucanr.edu

Safeeq Khan, msafeeq@ucmerced.edu

Keith Nathaniel, kcnathaniel@ucanr.edu

Susie Kocher, sdkocher@ucanr.edu

Nicole K Marshall-Wheeler, nmarshall@ucanr.edu

Giuliano Carneiro Galdi, gcgaldi@ucanr.edu


Please refer to the survey 2024 ANR Distinguished Service Awards for complete instructions for submission. 

Academic Assembly Website: http://ucanr.edu/sites/UCAAC


How to Submit your DSA nomination

The Distinguished Service Awards recognize service and academic excellence in UC Cooperative Extension over a significant period of time. Awards highlight the use of innovative methods and the integration of research, extension and leadership by UCCE academic appointees.  Only individuals in academic title series are eligible to be considered for the Outstanding Research, Outstanding Extension, Outstanding New Academic, Outstanding Team, Outstanding Leader and Outstanding Diversity awards.

What to Submit: Each nomination packet is to include items 1-5 as noted below.

  1. Cover page: Name of person(s) being nominated, along with their unit address, telephone number, fax number, email address, the award category desired for consideration, and length of service the individual(s) has/have with UC.
  2. Letter of nomination: One page.
  3. Summary of achievements: Tailored to the criteria of the award category, the Mission of ANR and the ANR Strategic Vision. Maximum of 3 pages.
  4. Selected bibliography of work authored by nominee(s) (when applicable): Follow format guidelines for the Program Review Dossier in the 2023-2024 E-book. Include works most relevant to the award category. For publications with multiple authors, the role played by the nominee should be noted.
  5. Letters (3) of recommendation/support: Can include letters from UCCE academics, faculty, staff, and clientele. One letter should be from the candidate’s supervisor, unless they are already serving as the nominator.


Former Distinguished Service Award Recipients


  • Outstanding Research: Brent Holtz
  • Outstanding Extension: Roger Duncan
  • Outstanding New Academic: Zheng Wang and Leslie Roche
  • Outstanding Team: “Growing the Valley” Team (Team includes: Phoebe Gordon and Luke Milliron)
  • Outstanding Leader: David Lile
  • Outstanding Contribution to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Small Acreage Landowner Website team (Team includes: Julie Finzel, Flavie Audoin, Theresa Becchetti, Brooke Latack, Dan Macon, Rebecca Ozeran, and Devii Rao)

See ANR Update UC ANR announces Distinguished Service Award recipients