Advice for 4-H Clubs
Advisor Update January 2018 - Asking Questions
A critical component of the 4-H project leader role is drawing out young people’s ideas. Asking effective questions (or prompts) will help build their understanding and promote reasoning and critical thinking.
December 2017 - Service Learning Projects
We hope your 4-H Club will support their membership and the community by conducting service learning projects. Service learning combines community service and education with the intent that the activity changes both the recipient(s) and the youth providing a service.
October 2017 - Results from the 2017 4-H Youth Outcome Survey
Last program year, 2016-2017, we set out to assess 4-H members positive youth development (competence, character, connection, caring, confidence, and contribution), teamwork skills (leadership, communication, interpersonal skills, and appreciation for diversity). The results showed that 4-H members report high levels (above 80% overall) on indicators of positive youth development and teamwork.
September 2017 - Results from the 2017 4-H Environment Survey
We set out to assess 4-H volunteers, members, and parent’s perceptions of the 4-H organizational climate and program quality during the 2016-17 program year in the North Bay (Marin, Sonoma, and Napa).
4-H Environment Survey 2017 (Full Report)
August 2017 - Integrating STEM into all 4-H Projects
4-H STEM is designed to help youth see science as a powerful tool to make sense of and construct knowledge about the world. 4-H Project Leaders can integrating STEM into any 4-H project, including animals, foods and nutrition, fibers and textiles, or communications and leadership.
July 2017 - Exhibitions and Competitions
Fair season is here! And while the UC 4-H program is a distinct entity from the fair, 4-H youth are preparing to showcase a variety of “things made, raised, grown, or improved.” Fairs provide a ready venue to exhibit things made or raised and receive feedback from experts.
June 2017 - Get Outdoors
Summer is almost here so it’s time to take advantage of our local beautiful natural environment by getting outdoors! The natural environment holds remarkable potential for improving physical, psychological, and spiritual health, as well as strengthening bonds between people.
April 2017 - Learning Principles
The Learning in Afterschool (LIAS) project suggests five learning principles to increase young people’s opportunities for deep and rich learning.
March 2017 - Promoting Youth Development through Technology
Promoting positive youth development through technology. Youth spend substantial amounts of time in front of a screen – including computers, cell phones, and game consoles. Can technology help promote youth development?
January 2017 - Integrate STEM in every Project
A mission of 4-H is to prepare young people to have a positive impact on communities related to significant environmental, economic, and social issues. Youth need to understand STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts and practices and know how to use scientific and engineering thinking to address these issues.
December 2016 - Winter is Coming - And so too are Winter Holidays
A tradition of 4-H Clubs is hosting a winter holiday celebration during their December meeting. 4-H Clubs are expected to be inclusive and sensitive to the cultural and religious practices of its membership. This article contains examples to aid in planning inclusive celebrations.
Novembe 2016 - Promote Bio-Security in Your 4-H Animal Science Projects
Animal science projects are a hallmark of the 4-H program and help prepare the next generation of farmers, ranchers, foresters, veterinarians, and agricultural scientists. The raising and showing of animals poses bio-security risks. Youth need to cultivate an appreciation for and develop the skills necessary to help reduce the risk of disease spread to animals and humans. 4-H supports proper management practices for bio-security and we are asking animal science 4-H project leaders to help! New curricula is available.
October 2016 - The 4-H Formula for High Quality Experiences
What is the formula to ensure youth have a high quality learning experience in 4-H? Based on research from Richard Lerner at Tufts University, National 4-H promotes the “Big 3” program elements that need to be present together in every 4-H meeting and activity.
September 2016 - Seven Things Every 4-H Project Leader Should Do
Thank you for serving as a 4-H project leader! Your time and efforts have helped our youth grow into successful adults. I was asked for advice at a recent meeting on helping new project leaders. I offer a list of seven things I think every project leader should do to ensure a high quality experience for 4-H members.
August 2016 - What is the Job of a 4-H Advisor
In my conversations with 4-H leaders, I have been getting the question: “What is your job?” According to the University of California, the role of a Cooperative Extension Advisor is to “make available to the public the latest in knowledge and practices” respective to the specific Advisor, like Viticulture Advisors, Weed Science Advisors, Environmental Horticulture Advisors, and Youth Development Advisors. Advisors are evaluated on research efforts, building programs, professional competence, University and public service, and affirmative action efforts.