Advances in Citrus Water Management Virtual Workshop
September 9-10, 2021
Virtual Workshop via Zoom. Zoom information will be sent to registrants closer to the event.
Objective: Join UC Irrigation Specialists Daniele Zaccaria and Khaled Bali, and other University of California experts in this 2-day on-line Workshop to learn about the latest research and advances in Citrus irrigation. Topics include: Citrus water relations, evapotranspiration and crop coefficients, soil-water budgeting, soil characterization and mapping, tree water status, remote sensing, micro-irrigation systems' evaluation, interpreting results of water analysis, and strategies for Citrus irrigation management under limited water supplies. A set of irrigation-related methods, technologies, and products to help schedule irrigation will also be presented during the Workshop. Registration includes participation to the two sessions and access to the recorded workshop presentations. You can view a current event agenda here.
Intended audience: citrus growers and farm managers, representatives from the citrus production industry, irrigation consultants and practitioners, CCAs, CPAs, water resource managers, water conservation districts' personnel, irrigation districts' managers, extension specialists and advisors, professional researchers, university students, and representatives from state agencies.
Contacts for More Information
Logistics/Registration: ANR Program Support, 530-750-1361.
Program: Daniele Zaccaria and Khaled Bali