ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

New online ergonomic self-assessment tool available

A new online ergonomic assessment tool is now available to ANR staff from Risk & Safety Solutions. 

The online self-assessment tool evaluates each employee's workstation ergonomics and provides virtual guidelines on improvements that could be made. Using the information from the online assessment, ANR Environmental Health & Safety specialists can provide an ergonomic evaluation as well, both in-person and remotely. 

To access the module, go to Please use your UC ANR email/login credentials for access.

After you log in, you'll see the tool on the upper right corner of the main page. Once you complete the Ergonomic Assessment Training, it will lead you to the questionnaires about your workstation situation.

After you log into Risk & Safety Solutions, you’ll see the tool on the upper right corner of the main page.

As you answer the questions, you will notice that it will provide feedback with some answer choices. Do not correct your answers. To conduct ergonomic adjustments and evaluations as well as apply for the Be Smart About Safety funding for ergonomic support purchases, EH&S will need the full details of your assessment report.

When employees complete the self-assessment, Duwon Choi, UC ANR Environmental Health and Safety specialist, will contact them to discuss their concerns and provide ergonomic adjustment and evaluation if needed.

For further instruction on navigating the self-assessment tool, please go to


Posted on Friday, August 25, 2023 at 12:42 PM

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