ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Hrdy funding request for proposals

Hrdy funding request for proposals

Thanks to the generosity of the Hrdy family, we are pleased to solicit a call for proposals to receive funding, beginning this current year. Funds will be awarded to support research and extension programs in the following topic areas:

  • Sustainable Agriculture, with special regard to climate change
  • Interaction of Natural Ecosystems and Agriculture
  • Habitat Restoration and Conservation
  • Wildfire and Forest Restoration

Priority will be given for early to mid-career level (assistant to associate level) UC ANR academics for establishing/expanding applied research and outreach programs or projects.

Eligible proposals can be submitted by individuals or teams: A total of $100k/year is available in amounts of $25k per allocation (be it team or individual; 4 total awards made in 2022). Note that year 1 spending must be completed by December 31, 2022 (less than 12 months to spend).

  • Small groups of CE advisors, CE specialists and associated academic faculty could receive multi-year commitments of up to $25K per year for three to five years ($75K-$125K total) based on their research focus.
  • Individual UCCE Advisor or UCCE Specialist can receive up to $25K for one to two years ($25K­-$50K).

To apply, please submit your 2 to 3 page proposal (maximum of 3 pages) to URS, no later than February 18, 2022. To submit your proposal, log in to your ANR Portal, then click the link Hrdy Funding Request for Proposals 2022, located in the right column of your portal, under the header “Open Systems (Click name to submit proposal).”

Proposal review and criteria

Proposals will be reviewed by three strategic initiative leaders (Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable Natural Ecosystems, and Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases). Strategic Initiative Leaders may choose to solicit input from SI Panels and will recuse themselves from review of any proposals with which they are associated. Target for review completion is March 1, 2022. Funds will be made available immediately thereafter. The first year end date is December 31, 2022, regardless of initiation of spending.



Topic of proposed effort falls within the priority areas, for applied research, outreach, and/or training 



Priority will be given for early to mid-career level (assistant to associate level) UC ANR academics.


Clarity about importance of the work and the potential for impact. The extent of the problem is clearly articulated and the potential impact has some quantification.




Can the activity be completed or significantly grown in the timeframe

?      1 to 2 years for an individual, or

?      3 to 5 years for a team?


Work plan 

Is there a logic model or log frame and a clear outline of activities?



Is it clear how success will be measured (what and how)?



The activity is time-sensitive - i.e., there is a limited window of opportunity to implement and see the benefits of the activity.



How well is the work linked with others in UC ANR?



Does the budget reflect annual spending of $25K per year, with strong likelihood of spending the funds, including spending during the truncated 2022 year?

Posted on Friday, January 7, 2022 at 1:55 PM

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