ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Message from VP Allen-Diaz

2011 has been an amazing year

We hired 3 new advisors
We have 10 new advisor positions getting ready for recruitment
We have 5 new specialist positions getting ready for recruitment

We formed our first multi-county partnership (MCP) — the Central Sierra Multi-county Partnership, which includes El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne counties
Data and analyses are in progress to inform decisions on next MCPs
Based on analyses, Ventura County and Hansen REC will form a multi-unit partnership

The Program Support Unit staffed 45 conferences and meetings in 2011, serving over 4000 people
The Business Operations Center ensured everyone got paid on time, travel was processed, bills were paid
The Academic and Staff personnel units made sure people got hired, retired, emeriti-status’d
Administrative units throughout the Division found new ways to work together to ensure the highest quality service to our academics, staff and programs

Federal reporting was timely and complete
Strategic Initiative plans were created and conferences held
Opportunities for connections happened in workgroups, Program Teams and meetings
$4.46 million dollars over 5 years were released in competitive grants
Endowment payouts continued to support the donors’ goals and support Division work
Program Council (PC) came together providing their best advice on allocation of scarce resources

We thanked Dan for his leadership over the last 3 years
I accepted the role of Vice President of ANR

The Executive Working Group (EWG) welcomed a new member – the Chief of Staff to VP Allen-Diaz
The EWG and PC continued to address budget challenges
The EWG led the first-ever Divisionwide leadership meetings
The Academic Senate initiated an effort to learn about our programs
Regular conference calls began with County Directors

Every individual academic, program rep, director and staff member continued to do his or her work with utmost professionalism and commitment. Together we are developing and delivering the best science-based information and education programs to benefit people throughout the state.

I want you to know that it is the dedication of every single one of you in this great Division of the University of California, and the work that you do to benefit the people of California, that makes me proud to come to work every day. You are incredible – and I thank you.

I wish you all a wonderful, restful and healthful holiday season full of family and friends, and I look forward to working with you in the coming year.


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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Monday, December 19, 2011 at 3:28 PM

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