Teamwork to benefit California rice growers
Cooperative Extension rice and wild rice advisor Whitney Brim-DeForest, UC Davis plant scientist Kassim Al-Khatib and CE rice farming systems advisor Luis Espino work together to serve the California rice industry. They are in constant communication with one another and have collaborated on numerous weed and pest management solutions for rice growers.
Watch a short video about the collaboration
The UC rice team after seeding a variety trial. Left to right: Luis Espino, UCCE Butte County, Whitney Brim DeForest, UCCE Sutter-Yuba County; Ray Stogsdill, UC Davis Staff Research Associate; Cass Mutters, UCCE Butte County retired; and Bruce Linquist, UC Davis Rice Specialist
In recent years, weedy rice has increased its distribution across California rice fields. The UC rice team is conducting research and outreach to find ways to manage and reduce the infestations