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Workgroup Information

Diversity in Youth Development

Summary ANR academics are developing and/or implementing youth development programs designed to reach underrepresented youth, families and communities. As such, a workgroup is being formed to provide a formal structure to nurture and reflect on approaches to reaching underrepresented populations, consider and develop effective models to pilot or scale up, and identify professional development opportunities needed to support staff and volunteers in addressing issues of social and geographic inequality.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Diego Mariscal (Co-Chair)
Phone 707-565-3027
Unit: Sonoma County
Name Liliana Vega (Co-Chair)
Phone 805-242-2454
Unit: San Diego County
Membership List
CE Advisor
de la Fuente, Maria Monterey County
  Farm Advisor & Master Gardener Advisor Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties Mushrooms, compost, specialty vegetables, nursery crops, plant pathology and soil microbiology. Urban Horticulture and Master Composter Program UCCE Santa Clara.
Diaz Carrasco, Claudia Riverside County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor
Espinoza, Dorina Humboldt County Office
  Youth, Families and Communities Advisor Positive Youth Development, Nutrition Education, Food Preservation, Food Systems with a focus on emergency response
Hill, Russell Merced County
  Associate 4-H Youth Development Advisor IV Ethnic and Racial Identity Development. Science literacy, after-school programming, outdoor/environmental education, program development, and organizational change.
Kok, Car Mun Mendocino County
  4-H Youth Development Program Advisor
Moncloa, Fe
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus Latinx youth development, intercultural communication, culturally relevant pedagogy
Nathaniel, Keith Los Angeles County
  County Director & 4-H Youth Development Advisor Adolescent Development; Educational Planning; Social Capital and Community Networks
Schmitt-McQuitty, Lynn Associate Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources
  Director for County Cooperative Extension Positive Youth Development, Youth Science Literacy, Leadership
Soule, Katherine San Luis Obispo County
  Health Equity Advisor
Vega, Liliana San Diego County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Positive Youth Development
Worker, Steven Marin County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Educational research; design and research of out-of-school (informal) learning environments; positive youth development; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
CE Specialist
Sowerwine, Jennifer Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Associate Specialist Metropolitan agriculture, sustainable food systems, agroecology, food security, food sovereignty.
Trzesniewski, Kali Human & Community Development
  Dr. Trzesniewski Adolescent Development
Other ANR
Ambrose, Andrea Development Services
  Director of Advancement Development and advancement practices including fundraising policy, endowments, support groups and donor cultivation and stewardship
Erbstein, Nancy
  Assistant Research Professor
Mariscal, Diego Sonoma County
  4-H Regional Program Coordinator (Region 4)
Villalobos,, Elizabeth Fresno County
  4-H Youth Development Program Coordinator
Membership Totals
Number of Members17
ANR Members17
Info Only0
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