ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Workgroup Directory/Information

To join an existing Workgroup, please email the group's chair or co-chair. Contact information is available on the below Workgroup pages or on individual faculty pages.

Workgroup Directory

Workgroup Information


Summary Addresses topics related to cotton production Systems and cotton fiber quality, including production economics and efficiencies, approaches to improve fiber and seed quality, impacts of practices such as nutrient management and defoliation practices on environmental quality and regulatory concerns, impacts of biotechnology and development of resistance management approaches in both insect and weed management, collaborative efforts in plant disease management and host plant resistance issues in cotton in collaboration with UCD, UCR and USDA colleagures, and collaborative efforts related to reduced tillage options research and extension activities in cooperation with the Conservation Tillage Workgroup.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Robert Hutmacher (Chair)
Phone 5592608957
Unit: Department of Plant Sciences
Location: Department of Plant Sciences
One Shields Avenue
1210 Plant and Environmental Sciences Bldg
Davis, 95616-8780
Membership List
AES Scientist
(info only) Hsieh, You-Lo Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor & Chair fiber and polymer chemistry, biopolymers, nanofibers, hybrid materials
Plant, Richard Department of Plant Sciences
  AES   Professor Emeritus  Quantitative Analyst Application of systems analysis to crop and resource management; including statistics, geographic information systems, and mathematical modeling.
Roberts, Philip Nematology Department
  Chair, Nematologist & Professor of Nematology Nematode host-parasite relations, genetics and pest management in field and vegetable crops
Rosenheim, Jay Entomology (UCD)
  Professor, Insect ecology, integrated pest management, and biological control. Use of farmer-generated data to enhance pest and crop management (Ecoinformatics) Insect ecology, integrated pest management, and biological control. Use of farmer-generated data to enhance pest and crop management ('Ecoinformatics')
Ustin, Susan Hydrology Program
  AES Professor of Resource Science Remote sensing of environmental properties and landscape analysis utilizing optical, microwave, and/or thermal scanners, radiation interactions in plant canopies and application to ecological problems
CE Advisor
Canevari, William San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control
Goodell, Peter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level
Haviland, David Kern County
  Farm Advisor Entomologist and Pest Management. Advise in identification and control of Pest.
Macedo, Tulio Madera County
  Farm Advisor Agronomic Crops and Weed Control
Marsh, Brian Kern County
  County Director/Farm Advisor Agronomy, cotton, small grains, corn and silage, weed control
Munier, Douglas
  Retired Farm Advisor Agronomy-cotton, corn, wheat, clover seed, safflower, sunflower, and dry beans
Munk, Daniel Fresno County
  Farm Advisor Irrigation, crop nutrient management and cotton production systems
Wright, Steven Kings County
  Farm Advisor- Tulare and Kings Counties - Emeritus Cotton, small grains, weed control
CE Specialist
Davis, R Plant Pathology - CAES
  CE Plant Pathologist Diseases of vegetable & field crops
Godfrey, Larry Entomology (UCD)
  CE Specialist Extension Entomology Specialist
Hutmacher, Robert Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist / AES Agronomist (retired) cotton production issues, irrigation mgmt, drip irrigation, sorghum, industrial hemp, water stress, nutrient mgmt
Klonsky, Karen Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Emerita Farm Management and Production, Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Agriculture
Mitchell, Jeffrey Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Cropping Systems Specialist Vegetable cropping systems, irrigation management, soil quality, organic soil amendments, extension models, postharvest physiology
Pettygrove, G. Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Soils Specialist Emeritus Soil fertility; land application of wastes and wastewater; dairy manure; winegrape nutrition; precision agriculture.
Other ANR
(info only) DeMoura, Richard Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Staff Research Associate Cost Production Studies
Keeley, Mark Department of Plant Sciences
  Staff Research Associate III Cotton, Sorghum, & Hemp
Non-UC, anderson.david2, abarag599
(info only) Bezark, Larry California Dept Food and Agric, Pink Bollworm Program
  Program Supervisor entomology, pest mgmt, mborba, mbrueggemann
(info only), camercon177
(info only), rcantrell, scantu, mcolvin
Cozzi, Bob Cantua Coop Gin / Crop Insurance
  Manager ginning, quality, crop insurance, vcrawford
(info only), casey
(info only), jesse, pdugger
(info only), stephen.gamble
(info only) Groenenberg, Nick Tulare and Kings County
  Private Consultant - PCA agronomy consultant / pest mgmt advisor, mark, erik
(info only), louis.hearn, phernandez
Hull, Bob Grower / CCGGA / Cotton Inc
  Grower / CA Cotton Growers Associ / Cotton Inc Board grower / Palo Verde Valley / irrigation district board
Isom, Roger
  Executive Vice President, djones
(info only), mark, klong
(info only) Martin, Steve CA Cotton Growers Association (CCGGA)
  CCGGA Board Member / grower grower / water district mgr
Michael, Cannon, hmoser
(info only), allen.murray
(info only), nbros
(info only), bnichols, poleary
(info only), mpaggi
Pickett, Charles Sacramento CA Dept Food and Agric
  researcher CA dept food and Agric
(info only), glenn.a.powell
(info only) rackerby, matt
Roberts, Bruce
  J.G. Boswell Chair of Agronomy
(info only) Rodrigues, John J.G. Boswell Co.
  Manager - Harvest/Equipment
Rudig, James CA Dept Food and Agric.- Pink Bollworm Prog
  CA Dept of Food andAgric regional pest mgmt
Sheely, Ted Kings and Fresno County
  CI State SUpport President precision agriculture applications / grower / irrigation district board member, dspurgeon, rstadden
Starrh, Larry Cotton Growers Association / Cotton Incorporated State Support Committee
  Grower / Vice Chair Cotton Inc. State Support Committee grower / cotton marketing
Stolz, Richard CA Air Applicators
  Representative spray drift evaluations, stonelandco
(info only), tom
(info only), gtownsend, bill
Ulloa, Mauricio
  Research Geneticist Breeding and Genomics
(info only), wulrich
User, Unverified
Villareal, Randy Fresno
  CA Dept Food and Agric cotton regulatory mgmt, mwadsworth
Watte, Mark Tulare County, Cotton Incorporated State Support Committee
  Grower / Nat'l cotton board & CI Grower / Past Chair Tulare Farm Show
(info only) Wilbur, Steve Fresno County
  Grower / CI Board Member grower / Board Member of Cotton Incorporated State Support Committee, earl
(info only) Wong, Jeffrey Calif. Polytechnic Univ. San Luis Obispo
  Professor - Agronomy and Biotechnology Center Biotechnology / Agronomy/ Seed
(info only), gwurzel
Yribarren, Janette Cotton in the Classroom program
  Educator classroom ag education
Other UC
Banuelos, Gerardo "Lalo" Tulare County
  Staff Research Associate Cotton, Small Grains, Weed Control
Pierce, Treanna
  Staff Research Associate
Membership Totals
Number of Members82
ANR Members23
Info Only25
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