FAQs for COVID-19
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy FAQs
1. UC ANR-specific FAQs regarding new COVID-19 vaccination requirement for UC ANR employees.
To support the health and well-being of UC students, faculty and staff and our communities, the University of California, in consultation with UC Health leadership, issued a system-wide executive order requiring all members of the UC community to be fully vaccinated from the COVID-19 virus.
2. Who at UC ANR will be affected? The UC President’s order applies to UC academic, staff and student employees and volunteers who regularly work in UC ANR indoor workplaces
3. Does the UC Presidential Order apply to UC ANR Emeriti?
Yes, academic emeriti will be required to get the flu vaccine by November 1 in order to access UC ANR facilities and workplaces.
4. Does the UC Presidential Order apply to County-paid employees,Volunteers, Contractors or Visitors to UC ANR facilities and offices?
The UC President’s order applies to UC academic, staff and student employees, and volunteers who regularly work in UC ANR indoor workplaces.
5. When will the Policy become effective? effective?
The effective date for policy compliance will be two weeks before faculty, staff, students and others are expected to be on campus or at a location for the fall term. The same timeframe will apply for those already on campus participating in essential functions.
6. How will UC ANR monitor and confirm that an employee or volunteer has been fully vaccinated?
UC ANR employees and volunteers will take the COVID Vaccination Disclosure survey and provide proof of being fully vaccinated.
7. What kind of document will I need to submit to show that I am fully vaccinated? You will need to submit a copy of the vaccination card (proof of vaccination) given to you by your healthcare provider showing that you have completed the vaccination process. When you are fully vaccinated, the proof of vaccination card given to you will show your name, date of birth, date of the first shot and second shot (in two-dose vaccine,) or the date the one-shot dose was given and the identifying information about the vaccine you took.
8. Will UC pay for the COVID-19 vaccination for UC ANR employees?
All UC-sponsored health plans cover the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to employees. The vaccine is also available at pharmacies and other healthcare agencies and providers at no cost.
9. How will UC ANR monitor employees from other UC campuses who are working regularly on UC ANR worksites?
These employees will also use UC ANR’s Vaccination Disclosure survey along with submitting proof of being fully vaccine. They also need to comply with their local campus monitoring protocol. For example, a UC Riverside employee who works regularly at a UC ANR Research and Extension Center will use UC ANR’s symptom screening survey in addition to any verification process required by the UC Riverside campus.
10. Is there a penalty or consequence for UC ANR academics and staff if they are not fully vaccinated?
Employees who choose not to be vaccinated, and have no approved exemption, may face disciplinary actions.
11. How can employees request an exemption or an accommodation to the COVID-19 vaccination requirement?
David Ritz, UC ANR’s Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator, is the primary contact for UC ANR employees to request a medical exemption or an accommodation. Dave is available for confidential consultations with employees. Email daritz@ucanr.edu.
Employees may request a Medical Exemption, or a Religious or Disability accommodation by contacting Dave.